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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. Oh goodness gracious Javi! How the heck did ya make all of that?? Actually, I prolly shoulda tagged along with ya for some SF. I could not sleep when I got home and was stillin rollin like a steam roller! When ya'll hittin' world?? If Saturday, prolly not....I wanna get drunk fast, pop a half a moon, and make love to the music that Danny lets emulate through the needle on his tables as it works it's way to Vinyl's speakers~ *O* My girl pack is going to Florida for the weekend to hit up good old pVd! I can't make the trip b/c they are flying home Monday and it was impossible for me to get the day off damn it! I'm sooo angry. I haven't heard good ole Pauly since November @ Twilo. The phazon!!!!!!!! *sigh* Anywho, lemme know what you're gonna do. I'm waiting to hear from JJ to see what he's going to do but he won't know till tomorrow sometime. If he is going, then I have a travel buddy but I wanna make sure. Gimme a call if anything or email me at kathleen@netops.idt.net tomorrow in the day~ MUCH LOVE kAt
  2. hmm?????? Im lookin for ppl to travel the Path with so I dont need to go alone. Anyone?? ~kAt~
  3. americas rsvp list Well, here we have it. This is the list of those of you who have EMAILED me to confirm you will be attending the America meetup on October 19, 2001, starting at 6pm. If you are listed and no longer plan on attending, please let me know so I may remove your name. If you are still interested in attending and have not yet told me, then I suggest emailing me as soon as possible..lol. These are ONLY the people who responded. EMAIL: k.rac@verizon.net Adam – Spragga25 on CP, VIP Afrodite – Dakota / Afrodite on JP, NCC Alexandra – xxlea on CP, VIP Ali – abstract on CP, VIP + friend Andrew – Andrew on NCC / CaptiveSoul other boards Andy – Az-tec / Andy Zee on CP, EZ, VIP, NB Ana - givemebaci on NCC, VIP Anna – Nikki on NCC Anthony – CP Aramis - ErM on VIP, flippin_e on CP Brenna – SK13 on CP, VIP, EZ Charlie - EZ Chris – ichi_gami on VIP,CP,NCC,EZ,NB Chris P - Scramble on JPE, NCC Christian – crobra on CP, VIP, EZ Christian – rfkfreak on VIP Christine – paristexas on CP Claire – cmb1975 on CP, VIP Claudio - myrlin on EZ Dan – wallflower / dw / danwang on CP noname on NB Danielle – littled on CP, VIP, EZ Deanne – Buttacup Dmitry – Dmitry NCC, VIP, CP Doris / Dee – Clubkat on CP, VIP Dyanna - on CP= TastyT on VIP and NCC= Ms Tasty 13 Eric – petrol on CP, VIP Fahad – SonicInfusion on CP Frankie – shadowchaser – CP, EZ Gaafar – Raven on EZ Gautham – CTWarrior on CP James – Notforkids on CP James - Vapor on EZ Jamie – Jwags on NCC Jennifer – jerseyprincess on NCC Joe - J303J on EZ, VIP, CP + friend John - JohnyRevs – VIP, CP Julie – Jewekzee/NB Jewel/EZ Jewel144317/CP Kat - (me) on CP - miss kittie / kAt on VIP, EZ, NCC, NB Keith – kkeot on EZ, CP Kevin F – NCC Kfir - KingInk Kim - Synderella420 on CP Kristy M. – Snoozi8 on CP, NB,VIP, SF Kurt –elektronik on NB, EZ, CP Lexi – Lextacy on VIP, CP Lizz – LizzSpano on NCC Mark M. – blowflyii on CP BlissProd, Brklyn Undergrnd Maudy – Mugz on VIP, CP, EZ, NB Max – MJR/MJR203 on CP, VIP, NB, EZ Melissa - Meli ChaCha on VIP, CP, EZ, NB Michelle – OneHotBlondeNYC on NCC Mike – mikeyg3k on JPE, NCC Mike – noiseboy on CP, VIP, EZ, NB Mike –lubahead on VIP, NB, EZ Mitch – redblur on VIP, EZ, ST Morgan – Morganp657 + friend, Brooke NightGroover – CP + Wind on CP Nikki – uknj on CP, VIP, EZ Nicole - nikkitsticks on EZ Nitro449 on CP Pauly – phoenixdj + 2 friends Pete – Gabo on CP, VIP Rachel – Koofya on CP Robert – Berto on NCC Ronald – hoojtoons on VIP, EZ Ronit – msmercury on NCC, EZ, NB, VIP Rosie – CP Ruben - translucent + Olga (dont know her psoting name) EZ San – San on EZ Scotty - ScottyscribZ on CP, VIP Shannon – LavenderMenace on CP, NB, EZ Shannon – shugabooga on EZ, CP, VIP, NB Sheldon - Sheldon Romero on NCC Simon - Malaka Joe on NCC Stacey – Srtawberry angel + friend Steve - chandlerbing-vip Steve – CrystalMethodNYC – CP, VIP Steve – GoatCrappon NCC T - Tbass on EZ Tal - itstoolate on NCC Trancend on CP, EZ, NB Ursula - Missincognito - EZ Vip Donny Vip Tina WaiKin – Xi Yanna - Neptune on NCC Yarin – teklord on VIP, CP Yvette – jammy on CP, VIP, EZ, NB Yvonne – beautious1 on CP Zehra – FieryDesire on VIP, CP Also, if I made a mistake with ur name or boards, please let me know. I appreciate everyones enthusiasm in regards to this meetup but please, if you have emailed me already, dont do so again. The list is getting messed up now b/c Im getting double emails and dont know. Also, if you email me to come and havent done so already, PLEASE tell me your real name, board name and posting boards. I cant even tell you how many people aren't including this information and I wont be adding the names unless I have that info. Thanks again for your help! Kathy who are you???? these are NOT added to the list since proper info was not sent. Sorry guys. Ill try and send an email to you but if this may be you , please contact me... Adam - ? Anthony – CP Anthony W - ? Beverly - ? + 2 friends Patrick - ? Robbipromoter - ?
  4. americas rsvp list Well, here we have it. This is the list of those of you who have EMAILED me to confirm you will be attending the America meetup on October 19, 2001, starting at 6pm. If you are listed and no longer plan on attending, please let me know so I may remove your name. If you are still interested in attending and have not yet told me, then I suggest emailing me as soon as possible..lol. These are ONLY the people who responded. EMAIL: k.rac@verizon.net Adam - ? Adam – Spragga25 on CP, VIP Afrodite – Dakota / Afrodite on JP, NCC Alexandra – xxlea on CP, VIP Ali – abstract on CP, VIP + friend Andrew – Andrew on NCC / CaptiveSoul other boards Andy – Az-tec / Andy Zee on CP, EZ, VIP, NB Anna – Nikki on NCC Anthony – CP Anthony W - ? Aramis - ErM on VIP, flippin_e on CP Beverly - ? + 2 friends Brenna – SK13 on CP, VIP, EZ Charlie - EZ Chris – ichi_gami on VIP,CP,NCC,EZ,NB Christian – crobra on CP, VIP, EZ Christian – rfkfreak on VIP Christine – paristexas on CP Claire – cmb1975 on CP, VIP Claudio - myrlin on EZ Dan – wallflower / dw / danwang on CP noname on NB Danielle – littled on CP, VIP, EZ Deanne – Buttacup Dmitry – Dmitry NCC, VIP, CP Doris / Dee – Clubkat on CP, VIP Dyanna - on CP= TastyT on VIP and NCC= Ms Tasty 13 Eric – petrol on CP, VIP Fahad – SonicInfusion on CP Frankie – shadowchaser – CP, EZ Gaafar – Raven on EZ Gautham – CTWarrior on CP James – Notforkids on CP Jamie – Jwags on NCC Jennifer – jerseyprincess on NCC John - JohnyRevs – VIP, CP Julie – Jewekzee/NB Jewel/EZ Jewel144317/CP Kat - (me) on CP - miss kittie / kAt on VIP, EZ, NCC, NB Keith – kkeot on EZ, CP Kevin F – NCC Kfir - KingInk Kim - Synderella420 on CP Kristy M. – Snoozi8 on CP, NB,VIP, SF Kurt –elektronik on NB, EZ, CP Lexi – Lextacy on VIP, CP Lizz – LizzSpano on NCC Mark M. – blowflyii on CP BlissProd, Brklyn Undergrnd Maudy – Mugz on VIP, CP, EZ, NB Max – MJR/MJR203 on CP, VIP, NB, EZ Melissa - Meli ChaCha on VIP, CP, EZ, NB Michelle – OneHotBlondeNYC on NCC Mike – mikeyg3k on JPE, NCC w/ itstoolate & givemebaci Mike – noiseboy on CP, VIP, EZ, NB Mike –lubahead on VIP, NB, EZ Mitch – redblur on VIP, EZ, ST Morgan – Morganp657 + friend, Brooke NightGroover – CP + Wind on CP Nikki – uknj on CP, VIP, EZ Nitro449 on CP Patrick - ? Pauly – phoenixdj + 2 friends Pete – Gabo on CP, VIP Rachel – Koofya on CP Robbipromoter - ? Robert – Berto on NCC Ronald – hoojtoons on VIP, EZ Ronit – msmercury on NCC, EZ, NB, VIP Rosie – CP Ruben - translucent + Olga (dont know her psoting name) EZ San – San on EZ Scotty - ScottyscribZ on CP, VIP Shannon – LavenderMenace on CP, NB, EZ Shannon – shugabooga on EZ, CP, VIP, NB Sheldon R - ? Simon - Malaka Joe on NCC Stacey – Srtawberry angel + friend Steve – CrystalMethodNYC – CP, VIP Steve – GoatCrappon NCC T - Tbass on EZ Trancend on CP, EZ, NB Ursula - Missincognito - EZ Vip Donny Vip Tina WaiKin – Xi Yarin – teklord on VIP, CP Yvette – jammy on CP, VIP, EZ, NB Yvonne – beautious1 on CP Zehra – FieryDesire on VIP, CP Also, if I made a mistake with ur name or boards, please let me know. Thanks! I appreciate everyones enthusiasm in regards to this meetup but please, if you have emailed me already, dont do so again. The list is getting messed up now b/c Im getting double emails and dont know. Also, if you email me to come and havent done so already, PLEASE tell me your real name, board name and posting boards. I cant even tell you how many people aren't including this information and I wont be adding the names unless I have that info. Thanks again for your help! Kathy
  5. hmm....is there a train station or Path there?? How far is it from the City?? *lookin good lookin good*
  6. Im contemplating moving into a house there that some friends already live in. Can anyone tell me a lil about the area..bars...yada yada? thankies! ~kAt~
  7. well looky who it is...... hiya toots! ~kAt~ *i wont be seeing u thursday - lol*
  8. well then heres what I gotta say to you: fuck off! have a good day now sir~ ~kAt~
  9. We currently have 71 people reserved for the meetup! Dont forget to email me if you will stil be coming to assure your spot! thanks kathy k.rac@verizon.net
  10. We currently have 71 people reserved for the meetup! Dont forget to email me if you will stil be coming to assure your spot! thanks kathy k.rac@verizon.net
  11. Donny can explain it to you Bobby. Im sorry, but I just dont feel like sitting here and writing a long drawn out email. But I meant no more twirl for me in the way that I dont plan on going there...even if for just a little while. I dont see anything wrong with me saying that either! And at this point, I dont even care anymore. The boards, the clubs, the scene, it can all go to hell. Ill write you later with something to fill you in but honestly, it aint worth my time. kathy
  12. You dont want to make this a public brawl now do you? Considering Im not even allowed to explain myself, you should not want to even go there Bob!
  13. just for those who know me to know~ Im avoiding NYC...no more Twirl for me either.... So Emitt, Cigs, Trickdaddy....if ya'll are bored, come donw and hang with ur kittie kAt for a lil bit~ Otherwise, we'll meet up in the weeks to come! XOXO ~kAt~
  14. Sorry fellas, Im keepin him and sharin him with miss claire over there~ *mmmhmmmm* Dont be jealous...maybe your time will come someday and, uhh, someone wanna tell me whats with this joker character? do i know him or what? ~kAt~
  15. umm can I help you??? I have no clue who you are there sparky so whaddya want? And Javi...Im tryin tocut all boards down. I gave up moderator rights on one board and Im pretty much done after the meetup - - which you BETTER be at~ XOXO ~kAt~
  16. i heard he's hiding under *someones* bed >continues with her whistling<
  17. Umm I know I was @ Twirl but Claire didnt show me any damn leg kicks!!!!! see if i hug u next time missy~ ~kAt~
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