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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. "i "WISH" i could "TWIRL" every saturday night "VIP" style! (oops!)" LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Kiddo, you and I need to chill. Maybe we'll meetup at Limelight using Trancend's or Lavendermeance's list. Or maybe Roxy using, umm, is it msoprano's?? lol We could go on forever here. ~kAt~ *ahhhhhhhh childish behavior at its best* I guess you can call us the instigators.
  2. LMAO! She told him to make sense when she can't even understand black and white text. Please Lainie, instead of telling me to "retract my claws cuz urs are bigger" (when its really ur ass thats bigger then mine) grow a friggin brain already. Its common sense. Take it as constructive criticism rather then a blatant attack. Opinions are opinions which you do not seem to be capable of comprehending. The conversation which took place between both you and I was a ridiculous waste of. You didn't stick to the point at hand. Moderators should moderate and be civil. You need to posess a businesslike state of mind and not that of a *bratty child*. You're fighting a battle all on your own here. It's obvious to see how many have already taken my side...which, I never asked for assistance. They chose to agree on their own with my "opinions". YOU may feel Im wrong, but thats all a matter of opinion as you continuously state. People can see for themselves what is going on. I need not defend myself to them/ But if you felt you were right here, you would know a rebutal on your behalf would not be neccessary. Try taking a business stand point rather then a sarcastic one. It does nothing for your image. ~kAt~ And, to clear things up honey, I was a moderator on more then one board. Removed from one for my posting on another and removed from the other by my own request. I know how to be one and know what it entails. You on the other hand, do not. Get a clue.
  3. I'm aware of that and never denied the fact. But CP makes $ when we merely open the site through pop up adds, links, posting and registering. Half the time, their list doesnt work so why would people use them? They would want one which would guarantee a reduced fee to a club. Just like CP needs to make money, so do others in this world. I know its a business and I do not dispute that. But come on....all is fair in love and advertising. Maybe they need to put a disclaimer in their bi-laws saying you can not promote your own party. Since there isn't one, I see no reason behind people not being allowed to. And if I had a par-tay, I'd do it everyday until they banned me. ~kAt~
  4. >bravo bravo< Those words sing to me. ~kAt~ *go ahead Lainie, keep on humoring me....* Sorry, had to edit...couple hundred as opposed to the couple thousand that are registered on CP? Maybe tens of thousands registered....doesn't seem like your numbers are too good there honey. Proof is in the pudding! Guess Im not so far removed after all now am I?! I'd love to see when you finally present a point that holds some weight. Thus far, it seems as though youre tossing a lot of crud my way.
  5. I'll let the conversation speak for itself. I'm not going to even give a rebutal to your last post. But, hmm I suppose this might count as one in some people's eyes. Oh well. I need to go to bed. Santa's on his way AureliaEnt: do we have a personal problem here? Madam KittE: Do you honestly believe I'd answer such a question without a formal introduction first taking place? AureliaEnt: Sorry I am COTONCANDYDREAM AureliaEnt: or Lainie AureliaEnt: and you are Katherine AureliaEnt: or Kat? Madam KittE: Okay...and as for the question...? Madam KittE: Kat is just fine AureliaEnt: do we have a personal problem here? Madam KittE: What could you possibly mean by "personal problem"? AureliaEnt: well seems that the word bitch is being thrown around alot AureliaEnt: on the board directed towards a certain female moderator that also AureliaEnt: happens to work at CP AureliaEnt: hmmmmmmmmmmm AureliaEnt: that is not a cool thing AureliaEnt: considering she is doing her job Madam KittE: First off, I never pinpointed CP's moderators solely. I directed it at all moderators on all boards. AureliaEnt: yes the bitches and assholes comment AureliaEnt: that was quite sweet Madam KittE: Secondly, I said both male and female. Madam KittE: Why thank you. I too thought it was a nice added touch myself. AureliaEnt: considering AureliaEnt: you said we shouldn't AureliaEnt: use profanity AureliaEnt: but continue Madam KittE: Right. You as moderators should not AureliaEnt: And where is that in the handbook? Madam KittE: Posters are a different story. We, unlike you, do not work for the board. There's a certain business persona which you are supposed to display. Madam KittE: I was merely stating my opinion. AureliaEnt: Ahhhhh see your opinion however is not fact Madam KittE: Who ever said it was written somewhere? I never knew I couldn't state what I felt. AureliaEnt: we are basically tehre to keep it real AureliaEnt: we are there to keep personal AureliaEnt: promotion off the boards Madam KittE: Right. "Keep it real" and be professional AureliaEnt: and make it about the parties Madam KittE: What do you think the word "moderator" means? AureliaEnt: Hun I truely restrain AureliaEnt: what we would like to say to some people Madam KittE: I wonder why AureliaEnt: on the boards AureliaEnt: until a certain point AureliaEnt: MODERATOR Madam KittE: You do not restrain AureliaEnt: as in to moderatoe survey and host AureliaEnt: a board Madam KittE: You behave like a barbarian on the boards AureliaEnt: Hmmmmmm AureliaEnt: well AureliaEnt: seems like you haven't been reading AureliaEnt: all the boards AureliaEnt: because AureliaEnt: we have a couple hundred AureliaEnt: people AureliaEnt: enjoying themselves AureliaEnt: at all these meet up AureliaEnt: and giveaways AureliaEnt: and sdoing in for AureliaEnt: OMG FREEEEEEEEEEEE AureliaEnt: so I just wanted to know exactly AureliaEnt: when you were gonna AureliaEnt: get to a fact around here somewhere Madam KittE: Honey, let me just tell you...a moderator is one who "mediates" and does not take sides. They keep neutral. And the neutrality is to remain on all levels. You are there to keep peace. Not run a muck. AureliaEnt: are you a moderator? Madam KittE: When "I" was going to get to a fact? AureliaEnt: Well hmmm AureliaEnt: when the owner of CP AureliaEnt: tell someone AureliaEnt: to do something AureliaEnt: and they don't AureliaEnt: and then Madam KittE: Listen, if you felt you were doing nothing wrong, then you would not be sitting here trying to condone your behavior on the boards to me. AureliaEnt: asks me to handle it AureliaEnt: i do it AureliaEnt: in whatever AureliaEnt: manner I please AureliaEnt: he knows how I am Madam KittE: As to many others. Madam KittE: do* AureliaEnt: yes AureliaEnt: and they seem to be fine with it Madam KittE: You're supposed to arbitrate. But again, that is my opinion. AureliaEnt: or did you miss our meet up pics? AureliaEnt: I do arbitrate AureliaEnt: to the point Madam KittE: Well then that's fabulous but I was saying what I felt it how it should be done. Im not saying it will be followed. AureliaEnt: I showed up AureliaEnt: to a party AureliaEnt: just to protect one of our members AureliaEnt: from another board member AureliaEnt: harrassing her Madam KittE: The meetups have no relevance to this conversation. It's quite simple to get a group of people together. Remember, I set up the largest one going as of yet. AureliaEnt: Ummmm AureliaEnt: kat AureliaEnt: you were cool with me that night AureliaEnt: and that is great AureliaEnt: understand something Madam KittE: Well its sad that internet boards are brought into the real world when they are meant solely as entertainment. AureliaEnt: for a long time cp AureliaEnt: has been off AureliaEnt: and now AureliaEnt: it's back in the street AureliaEnt: and on point AureliaEnt: hosting AureliaEnt: and doing great things AureliaEnt: I can not be mary poppins AureliaEnt: nor everywhere at once AureliaEnt: between the office AureliaEnt: boards AureliaEnt: meet ups Madam KittE: Lainie...are you reading what I type? AureliaEnt: and nye AureliaEnt: I am drained Madam KittE: Stop for a moment here. AureliaEnt: and Dave is in Michigan AureliaEnt: This site AureliaEnt: is not meant AureliaEnt: for pure entertainment AureliaEnt: it's that and more AureliaEnt: come january AureliaEnt: you'll see AureliaEnt: this is a business AureliaEnt: and a very good one right now Madam KittE: I know exactly what it is AureliaEnt: with a very small staff AureliaEnt: great AureliaEnt: you know so much Madam KittE: But from a business perspective, you make the company look bad with your commentaries throughout the board. AureliaEnt: like what Madam KittE: You needn't be sarcastic with me. AureliaEnt: FUCLUBBKID AureliaEnt: thing? AureliaEnt: or the BLOWFLYII thing Madam KittE: You know what, this conversation has concluded. AureliaEnt: yes and that is your opinion AureliaEnt: and not fact Madam KittE: I don't appreciate some girl I do not know IM'ing me in the middle of the night to harrass me about my POINT OF VIEW. AureliaEnt: I am not harrassing you AureliaEnt: I am explaining why AureliaEnt: things are the way they are AureliaEnt: and if you have a problem Madam KittE: No kidding its my opinion. I clearly stated it was in the post and throughout this convo AureliaEnt: with promoters AureliaEnt: not being able AureliaEnt: to promote AureliaEnt: their lists AureliaEnt: talk to dave AureliaEnt: and he'll tell you the same thing Madam KittE: I have a problem with moderators behaving like imbeciles. AureliaEnt: Again Madam KittE: Which is precisely what you are doing now. AureliaEnt: your opinion Madam KittE: Good night...and enjoy your holiday. AureliaEnt: And I think you are a hypocritic AureliaEnt: jealous AureliaEnt: woman AureliaEnt: Happy Holidays *this is MY entertainment and in no way affects my real life in the world in which I reside*
  6. I shall be boarding a flight set to take off for LA on the 29th. Then hopping on another plane to venture over to Las Vegas where I will be attending PVD on the 30th. The next day, Im going to be traveling back to LA via automobile with friends to hit Giant where PVD, Sasha, Jimmy Van M and Lee Burridge will be taking on the decks. Theeeeen, the following day, there is the afterhours par-tay with Sasha and Sander Kleinberg at Giant until 5pm. HOLY MOLY! My fabulous NYE will all come to an end when I board a flight back on the 2nd headed for JFK. I'm sooooo excited! This is going to be the best NYE party going on! I'll be sure to give ya'll some kick ass reviews~ ~misskittie~ =^..^=
  7. 1. I'm not bitching (you were the one who voluntarily took on that role in our instant message conversation this evening which I may feel obliged to post for all to read) 2. What could my presence at a meetup possibly prove to me in regards to a moderator's behavior via an internet board? 3. When was I complaining? (Again, you took on that role in the conversation by trying to condone your actions to me. If you came to me directly and took offense in any way, shape, or manner, then it looks like you were the whiner and not myself. I merely stated opinions which I happen to have.) 4. You sure you're customers are satisfied? I actually received some praise privately from complete strangers for posting this. That doesn't sound like they're very happy if in agreeance. Whatever you say to me Lainie, it will not change my pointof view. Nothing you can say will make me think otherwise. I feel moderators should behave in a certain way and I'm allowed to think that. Maybe if moderators did do exactly what their title exclaims, the boards would all be a bit more peaceful. Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. ~kAt~ =^..^= *still prrrr'ing*
  8. Why can't you post individual lists?? This is a club board, for clubbers, by clubbers. That's just ridiculous if you ask me. Hey DaVe, care to jump in here with an explanation? I'd prefer to hear it from you as opposed to another moderator. I'm sure you can supply with me a good reason. luv, ur fav lil pussah kAt
  9. I never said it was just on this board Spragga. I said it was evident through out many of the boards. There's only one board I never see any drama on and it shall remain nameless for the sake of not trying to call any out. I use to be a moderator and I too flawed at moment on certain boards where I shouldn't have. But now, as I see they behavior of many, I see that it should be a neutral position as it once was. Not some nagging bitch or asshole guy screaming at someone merely because of a "title". They're no better then everyone else. Please, I am capable of getting all the extra goodies that they do and Im simply a clubber. Oh well....its their own fault they get the aggrivation. I think they should be neutral and post on both sides of the coins. Both good and bad. Not call out people in sheer embarrassment. There's much more appriate means they can take in regards to handling certain situations. But I guess that being rude to people and speaking to them as children is a sign of how they were raised. Be arrogant to others and they shall return the favor. But as all of this may go unnoticed, its merely my opinion. And even if it's worth nothing to you or any other poster for that matter, it's worth millions to me. Enjoy the rest of your day as well as the Holidays. luv, kAt
  10. Un-written rule my ass. As Moderators, they represent Club Planet. They represent this board as a business. The reason they are moderators is because they are supposed to be professional, intelligent, non-judgemental, and decisive. I see a lack of those qualities in many moderators throughout the club boards. They get a little power and *boom*..."I'm the QUEEN / KING". Nope, not even close. An internet message board doesn't give you all the perks of the clubs and a good name. Especially with the written displays via the boards, certain mods are giving themselves a bad name. Whether drama board or not, they're supposed to be neutral posters as well mature minded in handling situations. And it doesn't just stay here in this forum. You are sadly mistaken. It gets carried through all of the forums. But hey, then again, its not my money. Its DaVe's. And its not my reputation, it's his and the appointed moderator's. Not mine. ~kAt~ *sorry Im bored today*
  11. be neutral and in a proper manner? I don't think they should have the authority to be bitchy when they please because they have a stinkin title under their name. Big whoop - youre a moderator. You should try to keep the peace throughout the board. In addition, you should also try to sound somewhat intelligent rather then making yourself sound like a fool with all the profanity you use in your text. I often wonder what board owners and operators are thinking when they give certain people the authority and power of a moderator. There should be a job description as to their own behavior amongst the board. If I ran a busines, I can asure you, the behavior of some mods on many of the boards would not be tolerated. Youre supposed to keep your *customers* happy. And when on these boards, *we*, the posters, are the customers. Bad mouthing us, cursing us out, and behaving like an ignorant 5 year old should not be tolerated. Some people just let the "authority" swell their heads too much. Just my thought for the day.... la la la Add and argue as you will. Im just sick of mods thinking they're the shit on the boards. Like they are the elitist and we are the cattle. ~kAt~
  12. Can *someone* explain what the hell is going on here with the no putting up of your lists???
  13. Yea no shit! ClubPlanet sure ain't what it use to be and the evidence is all right here in black and white. What the hell is going on around here? People promote parties...big whoop. Thats what this is A FUCKIN CLUB BOARD. No offense Clubplanet but WE pay YOUR bills! Thats right..we do! Every hit on the board, everytime we post, everything we do makes you money! If I had a party, fawk yea Id put it in my siggy. Why the hell not when Im filling their pockets up?? Anyone want me to put their guest list in my siggy, you send me the info and Ill be glad to! Ive been here so long and for CP to say people cant put their guestlist up is foul! CP is most likely doing this because they feel the money shortage b/c people aren't using their list. I wanna know what the deal is around here. This board is getting soft it seems...and overly greedy! ~kAt~
  14. I haven't seen anything up yet on the boards. Nothing to give a mental picture at least. I want details details details! Come on DC heads, do your job and get reviewin!!!
  15. I was told that he should be playing somewhere in Philly in the next few months. Anyone happen to know where and when? I've tried doing some searches for new gigs but came up with nothing. Thanks for your help! ~kAt~
  16. So Imheading out to the West Coast for the NYE bash at Giant. Can anyone tell me what the dress code will be like? Are sneakers and jeans okay or regular pants? Im not down for gettin' all schnazzy or anything...just comfort! Thanks in advance! ~kAt~
  17. I dont beg honey. And I never settle! I can get laid. Trust me. But Im just ultra picky so dunno what to tell you~ ~kAt~ *no sense in wasting good cum on a bad fuck*
  18. The pictures on that reversonly.com sit suck! It's nice to see pics of all the partiers but come on now. Where's the DJs? Where's the actual dancers? The stringers? The stage performers?? There was much more to that party then just people smiling and posing for a camera. Thats actually very disappointing. Guess Im glad to have been lucky enough to been there then! ~kAt~ *but i sure aint no raver*
  19. NJ is not my scene. Whether I may live here or not, I hate the scene that goes on here. As for Max Graham, he is one of my absolute favorite DJs but Im saddened to see his exceptional talent be wasted in a Jersey club on a Jersey crowd. No offense guys but I can not imagine why Graham is going to even waste his time on Hunka Bunkas. It's disappointing to hear a man if his stature will be doing this. Oh well....hope ya'll have fun and give this man the much deserved respect! ~kAt~
  20. I probably should have been more specific... *to get the BEST lay of my life* How do I know you will fulfill my desires? Im extremely difficult to please honey~ ~kAt~
  21. to get laid. But I dont see that guy I want underneath my Christmas tree. *sigh* ~kAt~
  22. Merry Christmas Steve!!!! I hear you got a new apartment in Astoria too huh?! Looks like you gave yourself a much deserved present! Happy New Year! *to health, happiness, and harmony* - and an occasional lay ~kAt~
  23. 10 for sure b/c thats Danny's usually set time. But you may actually get a treat to at least 12pm. It is NYE and all.
  24. ME!!! But I work for an Orthodox company so its not like it really matters its Christmas~ But I can guarantee you one thing, none of them will be here tomorrow...just like every f'n year. I got shopping to finish and family at home! I should be there not here!! :mad:
  25. Thanks babe!! I did run into LM with her friend Joe and Zehra over the course of the evening. I was in that same vicinity as you guys were....well, kinda-sorta yea. As the night progressed and the floor cleared up, I wound up boppin on every little inch I could gain control of. Glad to hear you also had a fabu time! When Follow Me came on, I was in the chill room and said "OMG - FOLLOW ME!!!!" Den had no idea what the song was. >giggle< Ill train him soon enough! What time did you leave?
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