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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. *THE ORIGINAL PALADIUM* is still there huh?? THE PALADIUM originally owned by Peter Gatien which was then awarded to his ex-wife when they divorced who then sold it to NYU to build dorms??? THAT Paladium?? Umm, if so, no its not honey. I even quit my old job for a steel company because they were building the new dorms and I couldnt have my name under that company. It just hurt too much. So...wheres this place??
  2. OMFG! Insanity!! Sasha had me in tears..literally. I rushed in to get in - body checking people in line with my girl to get to the front. Then we got in and darted up to the stage! Sasha was a fawkin mess! I couldnt believe he dropped Xpander. Gawd he always loved that song! Did you notice he didnt even relize it was almost midnight?? And all the drip faces he was making. Boy must've been snortin' some goodie! Junkie XL was unreal. I never heard him before but he was hard from beginning to end. I MUST MUST MUST see him again!! PVD...WHOLY SHIT! That man in unreal. Simply a God of the turntables! That Fiesta song...I MUST KNOW IT! My friend kept singing it over and over! He played some old tunes...WOW! I cant get it out of my head!!!!! The crowd blew ass in the beginning. Slamming into me really hard and not being apologetic about it. As the night progressed, the pills must have kicked in b/c all you heard was "oh sorry sorry sorry about that" - lol Fawkin crackheads! Did you by chance fall victim to the alledged water and soade outage?? Gawd that killed me. I was soooo thirsty and it took forever for them to restock! All in all..it was a fabulous night. After my roll kicked in, I couldnt dance anymore. I tried to early evening but the crowd would not cooperate and give me my required space to bounce around properly. So, I geuss that killed a lot of my dancing momentum. I did get approached by an UnderCover. They always seem to flock to me for some reason. Like I look like a druggie or somthing?!?! Ehh who knows! Yes...VEGAS and LA were both incredible times!!!! Im soo happy I was able to experience that. It was much needed and DAMN its got me purrin' like hell!!!!!! Did you stay in Vegas too? We were at the Sahara Saturday night and the Mirage Sunday. WOW! I wanna go back!!! And Andy is right...I was havin a B.L.A.S.T!!!!! woohooo!!
  3. umm..."A.K.A. The Paladium"??? Whats that about?? That building has been gone for years now~
  4. I honestly don't care at all. I was just bored and needed to have some *end of the year fun* a la kittie style. Mugzy...whenever u want there killah~ luv, kAt
  5. Hmm. Really?? I honestly would not complain if I was kicked off Club Planet. I started here a long time ago. Even longer then it seems but I reregistered with this name and stuck with it. Anyhow, Im happy with other boards, their performance, as well as thei give and take. If Dave feels he needs to ban me because Im a risk factor to the success of his business, then so be it. I can't help the fact that I like to speak my mind and I do so freely. The purpose of these boards are to bring us together as a clubber community. And in my mind, that should mean all boards are one in the same and work in a sort of coalition. That doesn't seem to be the case here. But it's okay. This for one isn't my board and for two, I don't need to come post here. It's at my own will that I chose to do so. ~kAt~
  6. I didn't get the PM's until this morning. Why, I don't know but the window never popped up until I came on today. But I did just got back and review the dates and time and I apologize. You were right that one was sent. I'm well aware that YOU run this board DaVe but I can not believe what you are doing. Donny and other boards have worked hand in hand with you. He's sent people your way to use certain ticket links. That surely doesn't sound like competition to me. That sounds like working with one another and showing support. Working as a community...one which represents the clubs, music, DJs, and most importantly, the CLUBBERS! If you disagree with my placing of "www.vipguestlist.com" in my posts, then I honestly don't know what to tell you Dave. Your guest lists have never worked at any club that I have tried to use them at since day one. I remember getting laughed at and mocked when I said it at certain venues. What could possibly be more humiliating then that? I know you're trying to make money here but so is everyone else. At least with our fellow poster's lists, we are *guaranteed* entrance into clubs unlike yours! Maybe you should work more on your people skills and actually speak with the venues in which you claim you have lists at. Then you would pull more people in and not really have competition with little lists. btw - I put VIP in my sig for more then a point to Lainie. I did it because I love VIP. I love the treatment Donny and Tina extend to me. They have welcomed me into their beautiful home with open arms. They have comped me plenty of times and given me thanks. They have even gone to the extent of driving me in between venues. They give back to their posters. Thats why they are running a successful business. A strong and healthy business which continues to flourish. I don't see Club Planet really giving anything away. Maybe you do other then the lighters but in all honesty, I have never noticed it. Just like youre contest to win a walkman or other item...who has ever won that? I never see announcements so does it really happen?? ~kAt~ proud supporter of www.vipguestlist.com and www.ezdreamer.com Theyre not really lists...theyre links.
  7. Hey, Im not one for having a problem with regulating for business purposes but give me a break. He's the only one who does this. And by this, I mean, CP is the only board. I would have taken it down given a justifiable explanation. He can obviously see through my posts that I would like one. Until then, a big *F U* goes out. After all the time I have spent on this board over the past couple of years, this is the worst that I have seen it. And if I were DaVe, I'd be embarrased to say "I RUN THIS BOARD". ~kAt~ www.vipguestlist.com
  8. So, huh? what? how was it?? Like I even have to ask but gimme the REVIEWESSSSSSSSSSSS ~kAt~ www.vipguestlist.com
  9. LOL! Another corrupt mind!! I did that for my 21st birthday last year. I went to the Twilo Christmas Party with Sasha and Digweed behind the decks with mistle toe hanging from my chain link belt. In hopes Id get lucky, I even wore rhinestone thongs that said "naughty" No luck.....Theres a picture somewhere too come to think of it! ~kAt~ www.vipguestlist.com
  10. upon entering the boards this lovely Friday morning. The first PM asked me to remove WWW.VIPGUESTLIST.COM from my signature. Then, I got a follow up one saying it was done already. Not cool! Sorry DaVe, but as you said in your PM, that I would understand, well I don't and I won't until you give me an explanation. CP has definately lost it's glitz and glam. Im glad Im a member of good standing boards like WWW.VIPGUESTLIST.COM & WWW.EZDREAMER.COM & WWW.NIGHTCLUBCITY.COM Those boards don't feel threatened by little party kids and their guestlists. Guess we see who is really makin the money around here...and who isnt! ~kAt~ aka ~misskittie~ WWW.VIPGUESTLIST.COM WWW.EZDREAMER.COM I support my friends..is that soo bad??
  11. Why wouldn't you be??? He mixed 3 songs into 1 track...wholy shit! It's incredible and definately a must have!
  12. Wow it was so long ago yet feels as if it were yesterday. I first met Steve aka CrystalMethodNYC, Casey who we will all forever remember as Blue Angel, Brandie and Rob aka Pfloyd. It was up in the skybox at Limelight for Gatecrasher I think and I was with my ex-boyfriend. I may be wrong about the event though. Goodness, I even remember what I was wearing. ~misskittie~
  13. Ha ha according to my bank account, I should be staying home with the fam. But how could I possibly miss 2 of my favorite DJs that either very rarely or never grace NYC with their Godlike dj'ing skills?!?!? I just gotta be there! Hopefully you will too! If not, have a wonderful New Years! ~kAt~
  14. LOL It's easy to forget one when they don't come around no more! It's all good baby cakes! Have a slammin' new year~ I'll be sure to regulate on the West coast for all my East Coasters that couldn't partake in all the fun! Much Love! ~kAt~ x0x
  15. Awww, my second love to Sirdante! I've missed you too. I was wondering why I hadn't seen any posts with your name in them. I thought you too had left the board behind. I am living and living well at that. Glad to see you are too. I'm sure we shall meet one day in the future. When that may be....no one really knows! Take care and have a wonderful new year! I'm off to the West coast for this one! Much Love! x0x
  16. Thanks babe! Ill give it a peep now!
  17. >giggle< You better bet your bottom dollar I will/ And on the West coast...."I'm a crystal deviant"
  18. LMAOOOOO No it doesnt! And I live with my rents and they never her any sawing! haha or pop pop for that matter. ~kAt~
  19. I'll be heading over to the West Coast on Saturday morning. My frist party is PVD in Vegas on the 30th. Then the 31st at Giant for Sasha, Jimmy Van M, Lee Burridge, Sean Cusick, Derrick Carter, & Junkie XL. After hours party starts at 4am and goes until 5PM. Gonna be sIIIIIIIIIIIIIIck. ~kAt~
  20. I love the single life because of the freedom. No stings, no worries, no conflicts, no possible heartaches in the future. But I notice myself beginning to miss having someone to hug and kiss and snuggle with. Someone to confide in when I need a listener. Im a mushy person when I really care but its hard for me to let my walls down to the point that I can get involved. I guess its a no win situation for me.
  21. Well, my mistake then. At least I can admit when I'm wrong. ~kAt~
  22. Marth Stewart is involved with house decoarating and such. Not proper behavior. If you are going to try and attact me in some way with wit, get your facts straight before you launch your amo. It only blows back up in your own face.
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