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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. Ya know what...a few friends went when we were there and said it was actually a pretty chill place. You may wanna contact translucent on the ezdreamer board to ask his opinion. I think the place stays open until around 10AM too which is one of the latest out there. oh and uhh like ichi said...take me with u! i loved vegas!
  2. BECAUSE ITS A FUCKIN MESSAGE BOARD!!!!!!! THATS HOW ITS HUMOR!!! Jesus...get off ur fuckin chair already and shut up for once.
  3. Yes, I'm full of surprises. I promise to keep ya posted. I really wanted to hit Howells that night then head over to JP but it doesn't look like a possibility....unless I really start busting my ass on private time for the campaign. Jersey...where abouts kiddo? Essex county here.
  4. haha this is good shit! this is humor! this is pure genius! this is...OLD SKOOL CP! bring it or leave...
  5. OMFG! This is too great! Too Too Great!! Gary, you are definately turning this place upside down. No idea what hit them!
  6. Oh he will alright. You can get ur biscuits on that one!
  7. Ehhh...none of that sounds appealing to me. I'll figure something out.
  8. The 26th? I might be there actually. It depends if I have to work on a political campaign the next day. Ill keep ya posted.
  9. Tack yes...but use of the colors still represents America to me. Not Club Planet. CP is orange blue and yellow. THIER colors run - hahahahahahaah
  10. Utopia is supposed to be the *bangin* spot but we passed it up. We walked outside of the place, heard some cheesy ass beats and turned right around. The crowd wasn't too delightful either. We also hit RAIN in the Palms Hotel...AWESOME venue but the crowd was more stuck on the beautiful people syndrome and who they wanted to shag that evening. I really dont know of any other clubs but hell, just wlaking around Vegas is insanity! You can walk down the strip with beer, margaritas orr other drinks and smoke ANYWHERE!! Be sure to go on top of the stratosphere and hit the free fall ride...WHOLY FUCK! I thought I wasx gonna lose my shit on that thing. INSANE!!!
  11. lol I know. Im just busting with ya. SOmetimes your honry and ya know it. But one night fuck feasts are different from friends with benefits...
  12. Where's everyone plannin on going? I have an urge to do the "go-go" scene. It's been a while. Any ideas...plans..?
  13. You mean, there's girl's out there that don't suck dick? I hope you don't eat them out then. FAWK THAT SHIT!
  14. How about this... WHO GIVES A FUCK??? I dont see you bitchin about the repetition of "who likes anal" "who gets titty fucked" and "who wants to suck my big hairy moose cock" on the sex board. So whats a few more Roxy posts?!?! Dont read them if ya dont like them.....its like a broken record around here.
  15. LOL I bet but Im not feelin' like bustin jokes right now. Im in chill mode today....
  16. Looks like only the smart ones get it! *doh* B&T = Bridge and Tunnel which includes OTHER areas other then JUST JERSEY! Get a clue kids...tie your shoe..... ---- if jersey's so bad, why all the manhatanites tryin to hit up our shore every fawkin summer? lol You guys make me laugh.
  17. Truthfully, Im pretty lucky to have really good sexual energy with the man or woman I lay down with. So, I basically don't need to tell them what I want or the other way around. And with a guy, I always head to oral pleasure immediately. I want to get them before layin back myself. Just really depends on who you're doinkin.
  18. It's extremely easy to turn down free sex. And yes, I have, can, and will turn down blow. I have no problem with that. I'm a strong woman. It's called "having will power" my dead. Would you turn down sex with a chick who weighs 300lbs??? Now that was easy wasn't it?!
  19. Zehra, multiple posts like that happen on every board for every party every week. It just happens. Kids dont want to *scroll down* to see if there was a post previously written. Its called *lazy*...and who said it was ironic???
  20. Umm, its the *only* party CP has going for them. Of course they are going to advertise. They need to make money right? This is their way of advertising right? Well, ya gotta deal.... CP knows how to drag shit out....blah~
  21. No, Im not into Roxy really for my own reasons. Unless its a Saturday of course. Those lovely gay boys know how to par-tay~ We'll bump into each other at some point. I finally met someone who I have been chatting with through the boards after 2 years. Actually, a couple someones. Oh well..... Enjoy ur day~
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