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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. Now *thats* some funny ass shit! Claire, we know the deal mama! No need to make the children feel bad.
  2. No no dear, sweet, seXy little Gabo. We never retired. We just moved on to new sexual zones. Maybe if there was more flare, we would have remained true to our home. None the less, we *are* still the Queens. Now watch yourself of you'll be singing high notes when I see you again! ur such a cutie sometimes....
  3. I still luv u *he's my bestest bud in da whole wide world*
  4. Good! I'll be there with 2 of my ladies. Better get your rest dear friend.
  5. Awww ShiEt Claire!! We know ho to do it and do it right!!! Looks like some people gonna be gettin' skooled like old timeZ~ Let the games begin!! ~QUEEN SEX GODDESS NEXT TO CLAIRE & BUNNY~
  6. Wow! That was titilating!
  7. I miss...... NOONE! bahahah Umm no really, I cant think of anyone at the moment. "DONT LOOK BEHIND YOU - THE HOURS AHEAD"
  8. You just wanna see your favorite pussy! j/k Naw, CP is the Mother Boat for me. And it's fun comin over here and messin with the peeps that dont know me. Everyone knows who I am on the other boards so I cant really push buttons. lol I get bored.....I come to CP. Oh well....this board has the best sex chat anyway. Always has and always will.
  9. FINE!!!! You people wanna know what happened...I'll tell ya... Andy found out I was MissKittie one night at Twilo for PVD, had a friend introduce us...bought me a beer in the VIP and vanished. I was in shock...wanted him and went after him the very next day. Feel better Andy??? I wanted you. lol And now, I got me the bestest friend in the whole wide world...who happens to have an extensive "kittie kAt"panty collection. Now...youre the dork here...not I.
  10. Who got in touch with you?? Mr.Ed?? Yea she was diggin those hott blue eyes... And I bleieve she loved the way your leather smelt...
  11. misskittie


    I've had a few good kissers over the course of the last few months. I could go for another......... And the leg thing...In old movies, I think it had to do with the whole "I love Lucy sorta deal". If one person was in the bed, the other had to have at least one foot on the floor. Maybe it means the same thing... Or the guy got wood and it "poked" her leg up. Either way, Ill take one please!
  12. I'm in Belleville..... j/k:D
  13. You want me don't you? >giggle< j/k See, it's funny how things all come together isn't it. Sure you're not up for that drink offer?
  14. Yea...right after you buy the girl a beer and vanish for the rest of the night. Im still tarnished.
  15. No offense, but the bet is silly. If it means something to you, then you should be doing this by yourself, for yourself, with no strings attached. Good luck with it though. Mmy NYE resolution was to not munch pills for one year. By the time the year is up, Im sure I wont even go back. My brain is much more beautiful then the temporary euphoria that a substance can bring. ~kAt~
  16. Ex boyfriends are ex boyfriends for a reason. I have the same sort of scenario as you do....ex of over 3 years always trying to get back...blah blah blah. I always sit back and remind myself how much happier, mentally healthier, and better off I am without him. Our relationship was one of great pain and not something I could possibly endure again. Esepcially at this time in my life. It took me nearly 2 years to regain the strong woman I was before him. And, as much as that time of my life was a miserable one, Im glad it was one. It has made me see people in different lights and now know, I deserve the very best. Be true to yourself sweetheart. Don't let him "play on words". You're better then that and I'm sure there's a man out there who deserves the inner and outer beauty which you posess. Okay, Im done rambling. Good luck and keep your heart strong. luv, Kathy
  17. Poor choice of words on my behalf then... It's not that it "pisses me off" per se, but it surely does annoy me. It's funny how guys all blame the poor oral performances on the girls when half the time, they can remedy it. Real simple.
  18. Freshly 22....birthday is december 22nd.
  19. Completely shaved. I'm considerate to my visitors. And honestly, it's all for me. I'm not a fan of pubic hair....at ALL!
  20. Actually,its very possible. Humans base attraction largely on appearance but the other attraction comes from smell. The partner that we pick usually has the same immune system as we do hence us being sexually attracted to them. So yea, Im sure your cum can begin to taste and smell as your partners does as some point.Why not?!
  21. Yea, I was just bored last night. And Ive been man hating the last two days. They use and abuse. Fuckin pricks. --- Okay, sorry I dont mean to generalize. There are sweethearts out there. Just none that have found my door-step.
  22. Who said anything aboutbeing pissed off?
  23. Actually, I have dated fat, hairy, pimple faced, ugly guys. And I have because they posessed a true innner beauty and made me smile and have fun. I dont base anything on a person's appearance, car, or the size of their wallet. I base friendships as well as relationships on the true face that a person reveals to me when we meet. Im friendly and open armed with everyone I encounter. Why? Because I was raised in the sense that Im not any better then any other person to walk the earth. Congradulations on feeling macho and driving a sports car to make up for your bedroom inadequacies. You dont know me and honestly dont know a thing about me. And that is more then obvious. Im surely no Mother Theresa but I know how to be equal with my fellow man or woman. I know how to look beyond an exterior. You know never, the love of your life could actually be hiding under a 200lb body and it will be your loss that you let her walk away because of her physical attributes. So Mr Model, enjoy your day. And I wish for you the best the world has to bring and maybe an outlook with wider eyes. Kathy
  24. Aww, smart lad you are. I like that.
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