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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. Meetup? Well, Im hopin to be under the DJ booth around 3AM myself....lmao jk jk...I dunno if I can do a meetup. I normally forget all about them.
  2. To me it is. Especially since my bestest girlie wants to go for her Birthday! Id buy our tickets over and over again. But then again, I have money to blow so what do I care? Noone and nothing would keep me away from Sasha. You should know that by now Robbie. And to whoever asked, I dont think you can get tickets at the door. I was goign to do that but then people told me it wasnt possible so I ordered mine through TicketMaster and will pick them up at the door. Saturday is gonna be sick - and thats all I care about!
  3. I dont know - I was forced to drink fuckin heineken. yuck
  4. OMG I think i just pissed myself!!! *what wig you wearin* WHOLY SHIT!
  5. ha ha Claire - the place doesn't have a friggin sign saying "nativa". YOu have to know the number of the building to find it! what a crack....and I havent been there in over a year but Im sure theres a billion other places with more quality and comfort. If they didnt change the decour or add more drinks, then it is bad. Come to think of it, I swiped a menu when I was there last year. I think their prices were somewhat hefty too - but Im not too sure. Ill check tonight when I go home - lol.
  6. lmfao - cazz and alpha have not changed one bit! i love it!! thanks for the laugh you too! this was the best shit ive seen on CP in ages! Finally a post with substance - ha ha ha
  7. Now this is my kind of man! I think I love you!! lol XXLEA...No it hasnt been sold out. Theres also tons of places you can go to and buy the tickets there on the spot...but I gotta find that list. ~kAt~ *luvin alexander p coe*
  8. I think I am going to cry. Oh well, as Yarin said, more dance floor space for this boogie momma. Im not even thinking about the venue - Im thinking about the Gods that will make my feet move all night long into the weeeee morning hours. Its never *venue* to me. Its about the vibe Im going to bring to the area and the fun I know Im going to have. Especially since Im celebrating Nickis birthday. I had no problemo buying the tickets! Its SASHA DAMNIT! Thats all I care about....well, and Nicki too! Maybe Ill see ya'll at Sven later on. We might leave around 5 or so when the drinks stop...lol All per Birthday Bunny. ~kAt~ Yarin...tell Moms happy birthday for me!
  9. How come I dont see any posts?? Im in shock. Whats wrong with you people?!?! Dont ya'll love them? Ill be there from near start to finish! ~kAt~
  10. vbman15, you have *got* to be kidding me. Shelter could in no way handle such a superstar DJ as PvD. Factory couldnt do it and that place is larger in scale than Shelter is. And despite them having Twilo's old Phazon, the sound in there isnt all that fabu. The walls shake and it bounces because they crank it up too much. Roxy would be a key spot once their Phazon has been completed with the installation....that might even clear the kiddie crowd out for one evening a month. Exit, I wouldnt really care much for because of the barbaric crowd it draws....not as if PvD fans couldnt take over like we did on the 29th. Im not too sure of PvD needs such a large club though. Sure, SF was packed like a can of sardines but I heard there never was a line after the initial opening one. Im wondering if he would still draw his old Twilo crowd. Ahh fuck it, just build a whole new club and call Club PvD. It'll make life a shit load easier on all of us. ~misskittie~
  11. There are 2 floors to Nativa - though I have never personally been upstairs. Its small and kind of a "cold" atmosphere. It has some couches lined up along the left wall with tables and IMO, horrible music. The place makes me think its a Carpet Shop in the day turned bar at night. You can find so many lounges that are much nicer to chill or hang out at. Try Liquids over on 10th between 1st and Avenue A....i think thats correct. That place is sooo much better and their Red Devils kick fawkin ass. Oh yea, speaking of drinks, Nativa doesn thave that extensive of a collection so be prepeared to drink something you may not normally bargain for. ~misskittie~
  12. Okay someone pointed this out to me the other day... Why on Earth would they do Classics night at Roxy when that venue attracts the new clubber generation? (ie the 18 year youngs) It doesnt make much sense and just shows horrible marketing. Most of them wont recognize those tracks and wont have the memory in their mind of where they were at Tunnel when it was first dropped....yada yada. No offense, not as if any of you CP heads will take any, but I think the fact the crowd is so young and unknowing will deter many people from going that remember those days of old. But thats just my 2 cents. Hope ya'll have fun. ~misskittie~
  13. Im already there! Missed him over NYE cuz I was on the West Coast and the time before that, he was canceled because it was the Friday after the attacks! THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT! ~misskittie~
  14. CP has turned to Singles.com eh? Good to see the board keeps evolving!
  15. Shroomy, you are a GOD!!! I love you!! I dont mind any of the above mentioned part traits though. Thats what I love about Vic's parties! He has the livliest gay bois that I simply can not get enough of. $40 to me is WELL worth it! Were you by chance at Vinyl in December for his party?? I was the "last girl dancing"
  16. *IF* I cant get into Howells & Calderone, Ill be at PVD...Which I really didnt want to go to since Ill be seeing him in NYC when I return. But its mostly about Calderone for me! I fuckin love that man!!!
  17. Is it invite only??? Gimme the 411 PRONTO!!!
  18. Im there with some virgin friends! *virgin SF and virgin PVD is what I mean* Thats gonna be an insane evening following WMC! Can *not* wait!
  19. I'm there....and yes, on a Tuesday!! I've sooooooo been waiting Bukem's return after his last cancellation in September!!!
  20. ogmiami, I don't think they actually mean the whole tour will be canceled. I believe it's just poor wording on their part truethfully. The basically only pinpoint the Miami event which is merely the kick off show. It's their own fault for placing that event the same day as Ultra. Most people will be there partying from noon to 1AM and don't want to take the chance of early ticket purchases due to possibly being exhausted by night's end. If the entire tour does in fact get canceled, I see my love for Sasha dropping considerably.
  21. punk! u just wait till warm weather hits...i never leave the city. its all about, bring a bag of clothes and shower stuff, leave the city, go to work, shower there then head up to my desk. u will learn!
  22. 23 - 27th we got a phat lil condo type of place. joeg...i havent forgotten you! ill write back this week - promise! *been hell lately*
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