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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. I aim to please .... if I can be of any more assistance, then free to ask...ANYTIME >wink wink< xoxo kAt ------------------ [This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 05-09-2001).]
  2. Nope I would have remembered someone lookin like this guy~ Hes fuckin H.O.T.T. But uh anyway...back to work. I gotta calm down. Is the air on in this place?? xoxo kAt ------------------
  3. Umm since when??? ------------------
  4. say WHAT????? U mean, this visions guy is Andy's friend??? Well, he never introduced me...Im gonna kick his ass ... lmao xoxo kAt ------------------
  5. whatever. I hope it TAKES IT ALL OFF!! holy fuck me man. j/k lol ------------------
  6. Someone pass me a rag please. I just drooled all over my keyboard. kAt ------------------
  7. and ur all the way in Flordia >kicks the dirt in fury< lol Good post none the less~ xoxo kAt ------------------
  8. www.nightclubcity.com ------------------
  9. Sweet deal my friend. Thank you much for allowing me to do this. Ill be happy to repost my toy review...maybe Ill even do some with others I have... xoxo kAt ------------------
  10. The "misskittie" on your board happens to be me. I registered back when Corbett first started doing live web casts on there. We chatted a bit. ------------------
  11. I bet you do....but this is all child's play. You haven't experienced nuttin' yet~ xoxo kAt ------------------
  12. I'd be HONORED to work on your board Dmitry. Ive checked it out and read on somewhat of a regular basis but not much for the posting. How dirty can we get over there??? :and no I havent gotten intimate per se with anyone from here lol: xoxo kAt ------------------
  13. he's a voyeur girlz and boyz kAt ------------------
  14. A gram of coke and youre rarin to go....... ------------------
  15. Since nothing has happened as of yet, Id say youre lying. >sniffles galore< kAt ------------------
  16. Due to the fact it is Class A or 1 (whichever it may be), ecstacy will NEVER be legal. The reason is because, since its catergorized there, its even illegal for scientists in America to do research and testing on it. If they cant do the basic research to learn if it does or does not have bad, long term effects, then theres not way they can possibly prove to the government that its safe. Basically meaning...IT WILL NEVER BE LEGAL~ BTW.....They explained this same answer in that show. ------------------
  17. Actually hon, it's okay. Can't win them all now can ya?? I can easily admit that I have had many good...I mean REALLY good sex toys. I was just telling the board about one of the bad ones so they dont waste their money like I did. As for your choice, Ill be sure to go try it but Im interested in knowing. Are you a amale? You said it made you orgasm better. Im a lil confused about this. xoxo kAt ------------------
  18. BAHAHAHAHAH THATS FABULOUS~ Nice lil joke there buddy~ ------------------
  19. I do have a response yet at the time, due to being at work, I cannot put as much thought into it as I would like to. Theres no drama here blueguy808. Just merely a difference in opinions. Beautious1 has many good points yet I have some I would like to ellaborate on more so than I have. Ill get back to this later. xoxo kAt ------------------ [This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 05-08-2001).]
  20. beautious1 I don't see exactly where I myself am talking so much shit as you ever so eloquently stated. Maybe others on the board are but, personally, Im not. I dated a guy who is 22 years old, drives a brand new porche boxer convertible and has all the money in the world. He refused then, and still now to ever allow me to pay. I, myself, have a problem with that. I work hard everyday, put my all into my job and feel I should be able to buy what I want and treat as I choose. There is nothing wrong with being treated like a "princess" but it fits some and not others. I dont like being put on a golden pedistal. I too make my own money, buy my own things and dont REQUIRE a man to survive nor be happy. I prefer to enjoy the simpler things in life. Maybe you feel comfortable accepting dinners or fancy presents but I do not. Im not a materialistic person nor have I ever been. Im not saying you are a golddigger because of your practices by any means though so dont get me wrong. I just dont like using or accepting things...just me! You possibly feel comfortable with it but I was never raised to think that. My family did not want me to accept things from others because I did not earn them. To this day, at 21, maybe young and still naive, I still believe in that. I like my way of thinking as well. Anyway, I dont feel its right of you to say everyones talking shit. If you dont know the people posting on a personal basis, thats rather biased of you and unfair. You are allowed to have your own point of view but dont classify everyone here on a whole. kAt ------------------
  21. Yea I know what youre talking about. I always go to PPC. But Im giving up my sex toys. Im going to wait until I can get alid again.....(which is in about another 50 years if Im lucky) xoxo kAt ------------------
  22. Interestingly enough, there has not been a thread on this. But I sure can talk about a few all time favorites. It had to be my 12 Speeder that a friend purchaed for me on his trip to Japan. That vibrator was better then the real thing believe it or not. Needless to say, I wore the motor out. I can go into detail if you all like....but oh the memories.... kAt ------------------
  23. Hey Hey Hey~ No tellin people what I do....thats three lashes for you~ ------------------
  24. Gee, I prefer brunettes myself. I dont think that people are going astray from blondes though merely because of their haircolor. I do think people are trying to find more of a "natural look" in people they are dating. Not too much makeup, real hair color, fresh appearance. And I hate to sound stereotypical BUT, many people associate unintelligence with blondes. Maybe they are keeping away from them because mentqally, they have this in mind. Who knows what the reason is...but I dont think more are staying away from blondes b/c of their hair color. Thats just silly. ------------------
  25. You better know it~ ------------------
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