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Everything posted by jeffkaos

  1. I just heard from an even more reliable source, one of the general managers, that it is definetly not closed down. not yet anyway ,several people did get stabbed there the other night (sunday night-Monday morning) ------------------ "A fool and his money are soon partying." "Drugs may lead to nowhere, but at least it's the scenic route."
  2. Like I said B4 i think something happened Sunday Night. i'm pretty sure I read that in the paper. 2 people got stabbed ------------------ "A fool and his money are soon partying." "Drugs may lead to nowhere, but at least it's the scenic route."
  3. From one fo the greatest movies of all time: MR. Pink: I don't tip because society says I gotta. I tip when somebody deserves a tip. When somebody really puts forth an effort, they deserve a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, that shit's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned, they're just doin their job. MR. BLUE Our girl was nice. MR. PInk Our girl was okay. She didn't do anything special. MR. BLONDE What's something special, take ya in the kitchen and suck your dick? They all laugh. NICE GUY EDDIE I'd go over twelve percent for that. MR. Pink Look, I ordered coffee. Now we've been here a long fuckin time, and she's only filled my cup three times. When I order coffee, I want it filled six times. MR. BLONDE What if she's too busy? MR. Pink The words "too busy" shouldn't be in a waitress's vocabulary. NICE GUY EDDIE Excuse me, Mr. Pink but the last thing you need is another cup of coffee. . MR. pink These ladies aren't starvin to death. They make minimum wage. When I worked for minimum wage, I wasn't lucky enough to have a job that society deemed tipworthy. NICE GUY EDDIE Ahh, now we're getting down to it. It's not just that he's a cheap bastard-- MR. ORANGE --It is that too-- NICE GUY EDDIE --It is that too. But it's also he couldn't get a waiter job. You talk like a pissed off dishwasher: "Fuck those cunts and their fucking tips." MR. BLONDE So you don't care that they're counting on your tip to live? Mr. pink rubs two of his fingers together. MR. pink Do you know what this is? It's the world's smallest violin, playing just for the waitresses. MR. BLONDE You don't have any idea what you're talking about. These people bust their ass. This is a hard job. MR. Pink So's working at McDonald's, but you don't feel the need to tip them. They're servin ya food, you should tip em. But no, society says tip these guys over here, but not those guys over there. That's bullshit. MR. ORANGE They work harder than the kids at McDonald's. MR. WHITE Oh yeah, I don't see them cleaning fryers. MR. BROWN These people are taxed on the tips they make. When you stiff 'em, you cost them money. MR. BLONDE Waitressing is the number one occupation for female non-college graduates in this country. It's the one jab basically any woman can get, and make a living on. The reason is because of tips. MR. Pink Fuck all that. They all laugh. MR. PINK Hey, I'm very sorry that the government taxes their tips. That's fucked up. But that ain't my fault. it would appear that waitresses are just one of the many groups the government fucks in the ass on a regular basis. You show me a paper says the government shouldn't do that, I'll sign it. Put it to a vote, I'll vote for it. But what I won't do is play ball. And this non- college bullshit you're telling me, I got two words for that: "Learn to fuckin type." Cause if you're expecting me to help out with the rent, you're in for a big fuckin surprise. MR. ORANGE He's convinced me. Give me my dollar back. Everybody laughs. Joe's comes back to the table. JOE Okay ramblers, let's get to rambling. Wait a minute, who didn't throw in? MR. ORANGE Mr. PINK JOE (to Mr. Orange) Mr. PINK? (to Mr. PINK) Why? MR. ORANGE He don't tip. JOE (to Mr. Orange) He don't tip? (to Mr. PINK) You don't tip? Why? MR. ORANGE He don't believe in it. JOE (to Mr. Orange) He don't believe in it? (to Mr. PINK) You don't believe in it? MR. ORANGE Nope. JOE (to Mr. Orange) Shut up! (to Mr. PINK) Cough up the buck, ya cheap bastard, I paid for your goddamn breakfast. MR. PINK Because you paid for the breakfast, I'm gonna tip. Normally I wouldn't. JOE Whatever. Just throw in your dollar, and let's move. (to Mr. Blonde) See what I'm dealing with here. Infants. I'm fuckin dealin with infants.
  4. Everywhere I go I see a tip cup. I overtip everyone but its funny how I have to give a $1 to a bartender unscrewing my beer cap and placing the bottle in front of me but not for a gasoline attendant coming out in the dead of winter and pumping my gas.
  5. I think I read somewhere that on Sunday (Funk MAster Flex's night, which I might add from experience is like partying in Rikers Island) 2 people were stabbed at TUNNeL That might be why they are shut down
  6. Time is precious & priceless and should never be "killed" Time is money! You shouldn't waste either of them
  7. I also forgot to mention----> JANE"S ADDICTION (also porno 4 pyros)
  8. the world did not get shut down at 2:30 I stayed till 3:45 and left i assume they closed at 4:00
  9. I was bashing the world b4 it opened and did not want to go. I was at the restaurant last week. i was dragged there and I somehow got in (by cutting the line) I have to say i was impressed once inside. There were really no signs that it is the restaurant during the day. I thought it was quite good. Of coure it was opening night so there was sort of a buzz or good energy inside, but i don't know if it will have any longetivity. the line to get in was absolutely ridiculous ! but i don't know if there is anything you can do when 5000 people show up to a place that holds 2500. At this point of course the doormen are gonna be as selective as they want and let in the best looking croud possible and only guys w/girls etc.. Not that i am defending stuffy stuck up clubs (i hate em') Lucky 4 me i have alot of friends who always reserve tables in VIP areas so they can feel like Big Willys (not my style) but i do enjoy the elbow room you get from hanging out with those sort of people. i thoght it was really nice inside. there are 100's & 100's of tv screeens with cool visuals. The music was pretty decent. and the croud was good looking! (many hot girls) my $.02
  10. I thought it was great once you got in. getting in was a bitch! it was absolute Chaos. the bouncers were yelling at everyone. i was ready to say fuck it and go elsewhere (glad i didn't) There was like 5000 people trying to get in. the line was around the block by 10PM. i got there at 11 and cut the line right in the front luckily. i got to meet Executress & Mariah (lucky me) the music was OK! i thought the croud was cool but thats because i had like 30 or 40 friends all hanging out together in one corner. I'm sure people here will have negative things to say [This message has been edited by jeffkaos (edited 09-24-2000).]
  11. My brother is goog friends with the guy who played the lil' kid in "the Toy" with richard pryor. his name is scotty, he's a sleazy porn star right now ------------------ "last night i had a dream that a hamburger was eating me"
  12. wise words from the mouth of Homer Simpson Homer and work ethics: "If something is hard to do, then it’s not worth doing". Lisa, if you don’t like your job you don’t strike. You just go in everyday and do it really half assed. That’s the American way. ( Life advice: ) I want to share something with you- the three little sentences that will get you through life. Number one: 'cover for me!' Number two: 'Oh, good idea boss.' Number three: ' it was like that when I got here!' ( Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen. ( ) Hey, if you’re going to get mad at me every time I do something stupid, then I guess I’ll just have to stop doing stupid things! Just squeeze your rage into a bitter little ball and release it at an appropriate time. Like that day I hit that referee with a whiskey bottle. ‘Member that? ( Marge, don’t discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It’s what separates us from the animals. (Pause) . Except from the weasel. ( Come here Apu. If it’ll make you feel better, I’ve learned that life is one crushing defeat after another until you wish Flanders was dead. ) I’m a white male. Aged 18-49. Everyone listens to me. No matter how dumb my suggestions are. Don’t let Krusty’s death get you down, boy. People die all the time. Just like that. Why, you could wake up dead tomorrow. Well, goodnight. Son, there’s only one thing punks like that understand; squealing. You got to squeal to every teacher and every grown up you can find. Coming to me was a good start. ( Oh well of course, everything looks bad if you remember it Homer on God: It’s OK Marge. I’ve learned my lesson. A mountain of sugar is too much for one man. It’s clear now why God portions it out in those tiny packets, and why he lives on a plantation in Hawaii. Homer on Money: A hundred bucks!? For a comic book? Who drew it, Micha- ma -langelo? Once upon a time, there was a big, mean lion who got a thorn in his paw and all the village people tried to pull it out, but nobody was strong enough. So, they got Hercules and Hercules used his mighty strength and bing! Anyway, the moral of the story is: the lion was so happy, he gave Hercules this big thing of riches. Homer and TV: See Marge, you knock TV and then it helps you out. I think you owe someone an apology. Homer on Food: See these? American donuts. Glazed, powdered and raspberry-filled. Now how's that for freedom of choice? Donuts. Is there anything they can’t do? "The way I figure it, if the candy stays in the machine for more than a year, it’s up for grabs." Homer to Lisa when she comes to his work. Homer on Old People Aw, Dad, you’ve done a lot of great things, but you’re a very old man, and old people are useless. Marge, please, old people don’t need companionship. They need to be isolated and studied, so it can be determined what nutrients they have that might be extracted for our personal use. ( Second Class? What about Social Security, bus discounts, Medic-Alert jewellery, Gold Bond powder, pants all the way up to your armpits, and all those other senior perks? Oh, if you ask me, old folks have it pretty sweet. Homer on Sports: Son, when you participate in sporting events. It’s not whether you win or lose; it’s how drunk you get! ( Lisa, if the Bible has taught us nothing else- and it hasn’t- it’s that girls should stick to girls’ sports, such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing and such and such. ( If horse racing is the sport of kings, then surely bowling is a …very good sport as well. Homer on Kids: Kids, kids, kids. As far as Daddy’s concerned, you’re both potential murderers. ( "You know, my kids think you’re the greatest. And thanks to your gloomy music, they’ve finally stopped dreaming of a future I can’t possibly provide." To Billy Lorgan of Smashing Pumpkins. () Homer and Justice for all: Stealing?! How could you?! Haven’t you learned anything from that guy who gives those sermons at church? Captain What’s his name? We live in a society of laws. Why do you think I took you to all those Police Academy movies? For fun? Well, I didn’t hear anybody laughin’. Did you? Homer on Homer: Alone! I’m alone! I’m a lonely insignificant speck on a has been planet orbited by a cold, indifferent sun! . Homer on Beer: I’ve figured an alternative to giving up my beer. Basically, we become a family of travelling acrobats. Now son, you don’t want to drink beer. That’s for Daddy’s and kids with fake I.D.’s. () To alcohol! The cause of – and solution to- all of life’s problems. (
  13. A good friend of mine has found out luckily that his company is gonna give a surprise drug test next week. He asked me to go online and find out some info for him. dOEs anyone KNOW FOR SURE how long K, E, and Angel Dust stays in your system? Over the many years i've heard many people talk shit, usually just repeating something they heard from someone else. Please only post your info if you know it to be true. Me personally, I don't think they will test him for 'k', nor 'e' although that might show up as an amphetamine. Angel Dust, I think should take 7 days to get out of his system from what i read. Please post any useful information. Thanks
  14. I like MAdball, Murphy's Law, & Black Flag also like Warzone, I used to know Ray Beez before he passed away Let him rest in peace. he was a Great Guy! I met him believe it or not at Storm Raves back in 91 and he used to come to the limelight with me to chill.
  15. I LOVE the Peppers Saw them live last month at the garden State Arts Center. Awesme show and in the rain no less but it was a good spiritual rain. Sorry I left them out "If you see me getting high knock me down"! well actually please don't knock me down if you see me getting high
  16. just got back from Neouvea or how ever you spell it? not bad! what do you guys look like i was there all night. i had on a black turtle neck and i have a shaved head that place isn't that big so i must've seen you there
  17. heres how it supposed to go.... 70 bottles of beer on the wall, 70 bottles of beer if one of those bottles should happen to fall 69 bottles of beer on the wall!! woo hoo '69' mmmmmmmmmm , beer
  18. A good friend of mine has found out luckily that his company is gonna give a surprise drug test next week. He asked me to go online and find out some info for him. dOEs anyone KNOW FOR SURE how long K, E, and Angel Dust stays in your system? Over the many years i've heard many people talk shit, usually just repeating something they heard from someone else. Please only post your info if you know it to be true. Me personally, I don't think they will test him for 'k', nor 'e' although that might show up as an amphetamine. Angel Dust, I think should take 7 days to get out of his system from what i read. Please post any useful information. Thanks Jeff Kaos 3000
  19. i refuse to be in any place that featrures "evilness" especially limelight their address is 660 6th ave "666 "
  20. Jew right here i was supposed to be going to my uncles house in l.i. for the holiday but i didn;t realize that i bought a ticket to see one of my fave bands (clutch) play on a cruise arounf Manhattan.
  21. I agree that hip hop sux these days and I grew up on hip hop since 1983 For all of you who miss the glory days with tribe called quest go out and but "Black on Both Sides" by Mos Def its the phattest shit or Down Load the song "Ms Fat Booty" to here a sample of Mos Def You won't be dissapointed!
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