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Everything posted by siceone

  1. Let's be honest people I have to agree with cynstam21 almost completely. but before I go into my screed about how shitty everything is I want to say some good things. The drinks Strong as hell so strong infact I only bought one cause by the time I finished it it was 4:40. God Bless you hot bar chick. The Security Much love they did an excellent job last night I have to say. the Crowd Was Friendlier than I expected Everyone was in a good mood for the most part and I didn't see any fights a very well behaved crowd. Now for the bad, Boris Boris Boring. I have never sweat so much in a place not Dancing. The place was way way way too packed WaY WAY to packed. the track selection sucked. As bad as boris's track selection was he has gotten much much better at mixing and his track selection was better than morillos Got there at 1 left at 7 BTW the Stage show around 6:30 was that green velvet?
  2. Im so glad we have all these military scholars that know how to fight wars and can expound on this glorious message board about the mindset and the capability and level of desperation and progress of the TERRORISTS in Iraq. because with out your exclusive network of intelligence assets and NYT Editorials I wouldn't know that it was proper to cheer for the ENEMY!!!
  3. yeah I was right next to you
  4. I just realized something from the pictures andy put up I was right next to you... or to who ever took that picture
  5. I thought I saw you there. I should have said hi.
  6. as much as I love and respect you Andy I have to completely disagree. I though nadia while not Horrible, was paltry. And you would forgive me if I had the time of my life last night being that this was the first good party I have been two in two years since Arc closed. and Waxman killed compared to the last two parties I'd been to. which were morillo and bad boy bill both of which were VERY disapointing. Im sorry I just didn't get to see you.
  7. you seriously live in a different dimension or something and manage to pop over to ours to spew your sophmoric bloviation. I read that article and no where does she say she hates John roberts. She plainly states that she's worried that robers is gonna be another Souter who had so called conservative Credentials but turned out to be an intentionalist judge rather than a textualist. And Im not Italian I was Born in the Bronx the son of immigrants from the west indies. Im a 3rd year law student and I have clerked for the Federal court and State Gov. I know more than you. Period. Now shut up feg.
  8. My GOD Waxman ripped it for sure he wassall over the place definately took me on a journey. The live vocals need to stop for real.
  9. Im not sayign you shouldn't be concerned Im concerned for sue but china isnt going to BE number one at anything except maybe having the most poluted country in the world in the next 10 years at the rate they are going. they have no Real Research and Development base for any product. They are turning thier country in to Desert at the rate of liek 5 feet per year. they have toxic water. they have health problems of epiemic proportions every season it seems like, nevermindthe fact that we dont' get all the imformation about things that go one there. If I had to make a prediction about China it would be that they willbe rattling the saber in 10 years over Taiwan so that the west buys them off with aid for their ailing populace and thier crashed economy.
  10. Do you Freakin research you moron how does John Q noone saying that Roberts is a refreshing nominee means anything? you're a MORON A MORON All the rest of those examples you gave were positions that he had to take because HE WAS WORKING FOR SOMEONE. When you're an advocate you don't get to take a postion you are given one by your Client and you Flesh his point of veiw out according to the law. You are just a big freaking moron. I mean you're just so stupid it hurts... ME!!! you're just a loony Zany ass liberal who knows nothing about the law and not uch of anything else to be honest and you just spout off what others tell you.
  11. why does someones religious preferences determine the capacity of a person to determine the application of the law?
  12. you people who think china is going to be ahead of us, can I ask in what way you think they are going to be ahead of us? you can't be AHEAD of anything if all you do is steal your technology. The US is still going to be number one as long as we don't piss away our freedoms.
  13. you people are idiots I sweat do you even know what a moderate Judge is? What exactly is a moderate judge someone who's politically moderate? don't you know anything about history? don't you know that the supreme court was supposed to be the branch FREE of politics? I mean cmon do you even know what the job of a justice is? it's not supposed to matter if decisions are unpopular the SCT is supposed to make sure all laws are in accordance with the constitution. That means if it's not lawful it not lawful it maybe the most popular thing in the world it doesn't matter. and it's not supposed to matter. Roberts is a Textualist that's the way judges are supposed to be. if you don't like something you're not supposed go to the courts you're supposed to go to the legislature and the executive. God Read a friggin book.
  14. The gov't doesn't do anything well. Not even space exploration I would agree with you but until the FAA goes Kaput then we kinda need this research. alot of technologies concerning materials and semiconductors power systems. also alot of insights in the physics and experiments with biotech and nano tech that only occur in zero-g not to mention sattelite technology. alot comes out of the space program that make lives easier for humans. oddly enough a new space plane isn't one of them Go figure.
  15. http://www.physorg.com/news5130.html They have reproduced fusion using sono luminesence technique one published by a proffessor from my school(plug plug), At perdue.
  16. I got a question who leaked too Novak and why does no one care about that that was the real leak if it was a leak at all. I think we need to find out all the facts before we start calling anyone a traitor. I would really like to find out who talked to novak. I just think there are a whole bunch of things surrounding this that don't smell right but from what I see right now I don't think Rove did anything illegal but he did kinda step in it. so I think he should Resign just to save the administration some face. But I gotta ask again who was the original leak that outed Valerie plame? and more importantly what was her status cause if she wasn't covert which I haven't seen any evidence that she was. I think this is just a witch hunt.
  17. Right now an Evidence book Atlas shrugged by Ayn Rand Wealth of nations by Adam Smith
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