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Everything posted by siceone

  1. Im suprised BMW got such a high rating I know they have been having Quality Control issues.
  2. http://www.gizmag.com/go/4076/
  3. I love how you don't appreciate the nature of the information. did you know that?
  4. dude you're a MORON women can't fight as well as men can and cloud the judgement of men whilst in battle women shouldn't be in front line combat. this has been shown over and over and over again that women just don't perform as well as men do in combat hell they don't even fair as well as men do in training. having mixed combat units are a bad Idea. Mixed units don't perform as well as all male units they just don't. This is another example of how you want our military to LOSE.
  5. Why can't you just condemn this action of the priest or pastor without trying to take a shit all over my faith? I think what she did is markedly un-christian and she should be ashamed. oh any Every teenager in germany at the time had to become part of the nazi youth you didn't have a choice. learn your history moron
  6. The head of one of the nation's oldest civil rights organizations is blasting Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid as a "Slave-ocrat" for fighting to preserve the Senate's right to filibuster against President Bush's judicial nominees, saying the maneuver has a long history of being used to oppress African Americans. Hours after the announcement of a Senate deal to save judicial filibusters, Congress of Racial Equality chief Roy Innis told WWRL Radio's Steve Malzberg and Karen Hunter: "The filibuster is bad and it's wrong and it's evil . . . Story Continues Below "People don't realize how bad the filibuster has been in terms of the rights of black people in this country. We were delayed from getting our rights for over a century because of the filibuster." The CORE chief then proceeded to give the New York radio audience a history lesson in the way the parliamentary maneuver has been exploited. "The filibuster started in 1841 with John Calhoun in the secessionist state of South Carolina," noted Innis. "And John Calhoun was a Slave-ocrat, a Democrat-Slave-ocrat. Calhoun was vice president of the United States under Andrew Jackson - another Slave-ocrat. Democrat, Slave-ocrat - the same thing." Innis noted that the Republican Party was started in 1856 "specifically for one purpose - to end slavery." The civil rights leader, who every year hosts the nation's largest Martin Luther King Day dinner, said that today's Democrats "are up to their old tricks" - upholding their "Slave-ocrat" tradition by filibustering African American judicial nominees like Janice Rogers Brown. Stunned by Innis's arguments, co-host Hunter - an African-American herself - asked the CORE chief: "What has happened to you?" Innis shot back: "I know what has happened to black people . . . I'm not going to sell out black people by going with Bobby Byrd, the Ku Klux Klan member in the U.S. Senate." "The NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus today, this morning, are in the bosom of Robert Byrd," Innis charged, before demanding: "Tell me, why did the Congressional Black Caucus join the Slave-ocrat, Harry Reid from Nevada, in trying to deny the rights of this black woman, Janice Rogers Brown?" Innis also chastised the Senate's lone black member, Barack Obama, for campaigning for Sen. Byrd. "Isn't that something," he told Malzberg. "He's is the bosom of Bobby Byrd, the former Ku Klux Klan member." Innis went on to say that Obama is a "good man - but he's young and he doesn't know the history of our people. He doesn't know the history of Bobby Byrd and the Democrats."
  7. Too bad those copious documents found in Iraq say otherwise
  8. IF you're a muslim why does it anger you more that so called infidels are flushing Korans down a toilet alledgedly. and not angry about mujahadden endangering mosques and copies of the Quran and in effect having them burned to ashes. This story was a bullsit story but the response is even more bullshit they are pissed about something else and they used this as an excuse.
  9. Saddam spies 'offered to help Chirac get re-elected' By Francis Harris in Washington, Henry Samuel in Paris and David Rennie in Brussels (Filed: 14/05/2005) Saddam Hussein's spies planned a wide-ranging scheme to bribe members of the French political elite in the run-up to the Anglo-American invasion, including an offer to help fund President Jacques Chirac's 2002 re-election campaign. That bid failed, according to Iraqi secret service papers seen by The Daily Telegraph, when Mr Chirac's aides allegedly said they did not need the cash. Former EC president Jacques Delors According to the series of Iraqi intelligence service memorandums uncovered by investigators working for the energy committee of the US House of Representatives, the Iraqis identified a group of politicians and businessmen close to Mr Chirac. A memo from the head of the 2nd Department of the Mukhabarat, the Iraqi intelligence service, purported to report on conversations between its representative in Paris and Roselyne Bachelot, then a member of the National Assembly and the spokesman for Mr Chirac's re-election campaign. The Mukhabarat described Mrs Bachelot as "a friend of Iraq". The spies claimed that Mrs Bachelot offered an assurance that France would veto any American proposal to invade Iraq at the UN Security Council and would work to have UN-approved sanctions against Saddam lifted. But the memo also claimed that Mr Chirac's team had turned down the cash. The Mukhabarat had conveyed the message that "Iraq is prepared to offer financial support to Chirac, for his election campaign. [Mrs Bachelot] replied joyfully that she will deliver this offer to the financial official of the election campaign." The Chirac campaign had expressed the "gratitude and appreciation of France" but turned the offer down because the money was not required, the document says. Mrs Bachelot, 58, who later became French environment minister and is now an MEP, said yesterday that she had not received such an offer. Though she had met many Iraqis in the course of her duties and was a campaigner against UN sanctions, she had not met any intelligence agents. The allegations in the files were "deplorable insinuations", she said. The documents state that the plot to buy influence in France began in early 2002 on the direct orders of Saddam Hussein, just as America was issuing ever more bellicose statements about Iraq's flouting of UN security council resolutions. A paper dated Feb 5, 2002, headed "Iraqi-French relations" and written by the assistant director of the Mukhabarat, suggested that Iraq should offer inducements to whoever seemed best placed to win the presidential race, which Mr Chirac ultimately won three months later. Iraq should "study the possibility to support one of the candidates in the French political elections, after it becomes clear who is going to win the elections, through the offer of oil contracts . . ." the paper says. As the plot developed, other sections of the Mukhabarat were drawn in. A memo from the head of department M4 dated March 11, 2002 identified politicians and businessmen with close ties to Mr Chirac. Among them was Mrs Bachelot. The planned campaign included a long list of potential targets that read like a who's who of the country's senior statesmen. It included former President Valery Giscard d'Estaing, former interior minister Charles Pasqua, former defence and interior minister Jean-Pierre Chevenement, former defence and interior minister Pierre Joxe and former European Commission president Jacques Delors. Mr Delors said yesterday: "I was at the [European] Commission at the time. I had a lot of contact with European heads of state, but none with Iraqi officials." Mr Joxe, former Socialist defence and interior minister, called any allegation that he had taken money "false and absurd". The new material does not state that any of those named were in fact approached or offered inducements. But it relates in great detail the planning behind the scheme and those who it should approach. The uncovering of the material by the House energy committee came during its inquiry into the misuse of the UN's $64 billion oil-for-food scheme.
  10. Free trade is good but you have to have Gov't policies of other governments to do so
  11. yeah that's the ticket don't have any belifes or morals YAY Im sorry you people don't like what she did and it was legal SUCK IT UP
  12. the plan B pill is not a traditional contraceptive.
  13. Who's says rap doesn't teach ehhh?
  14. This is a perfect example of you lucid stupidity. Im not trying to force anything on anyone. THe Constitution and the laws of the federal government have say nothing about a business have to sell people anything. YOU DON'T HAVE TO SELL ANYTHING TO ANYONE EVER!!! You don't take the damn plan b pill for any of those reasons you stated above. this is the reason we have the rule of law not the rule of your sissy emotions.... Sissy
  15. as crazy as this Ex KGB bastard is there's one thing that I kinda have to aree with is that the people of russia aren't welcoming a western style parliment likt I thought they were but I think it's because the peopel are so poor.
  16. yes I would defend the companies decision to fire the employee if he refused someone service. but they company didn't. and it's not nitpicking this is the whole point. the mayor of chicago is trying to force people to sell things which is Unconstitutional.
  17. find me a law that says you HAVE to sell things to people if you stock it
  18. you're kidding me right you know china is the reason we have 55 dollar a barrell oil
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