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Everything posted by nautilus60

  1. Who u callin' a fool, fool? See ya all tonight, people...
  2. nautilus60


    I was there too on the opening night. i even found a pic of me in the crowd on YTIC website... Can u see me?
  3. Whats that? look forward to meeting you.
  4. Its pathetic: i've never been to VIP room @ Buzz:( Someone take me there tomm, please...
  5. Yeah, i wore it off already...dont need it anymore. Prolly gonna get me some pants next time.
  6. This is fucking insane...and its so much easier to DJ whore at Trust.
  7. Yeah, i saw those pics, too...Wideskies looks a lot like my ex, which makes her a hottie...
  8. LOL. Millie, Were you THAT bored to post all of those posts? Anyway, thanks for the useful info:rolleyes:
  9. :laugh: B-boy takeover at Dream...
  10. it seems that its British national pasttime to run around naked the soccer field. Everytime i watch a game from Britain- it happens. I see a Scottish hat...Is that from Todays game in Glasgow?
  11. Or Bohagers...God, i used to go to all these places, including Pollyesthers...Its embarassing. Vic, they've got Have a Nice Day Cafe in Power Plant Live instead of Pollyesthers. Same shit though. Very hot girls there on wed. for a college night. Dont ask me how i know this.
  12. HOLY SHIT!!!!! Thursdays in Baltimore are gonna rock now... its a tough choice, though, between Hammerjacks and Trust:rolleyes:
  13. I am soooooo there...Been wanting to see Porter forever.
  14. Have a nice trip. Bring me a souvenire, please...Anything! Thx.
  15. Ahhh, Preakness...The insanity!!! Lots of BREASTASESS - as Vic says.
  16. So, is anyone gonna go to check out Picotto this sat? I really wanna go, but cant decide if i should endure the shitty vibe and asshole staff.
  17. Its from one of those emails going around...Fill it out if you have time to kill... 1. What is your name? Arthur > >2. Backstreet Boys or *N Sync? Britney Spears > >3. When was the last time u showered? This morning >4. What color pants do you have on? Blue >5. What song are you listening to right now? Well, its actually stuck in my mind for 3 days now:Depeche Mode "its no good" (club 69 Mix) > >6. Snow White or Cinderella? I'll do em both > >7. Who is right next to you? Darcy, She is cool. > >8. What are the last 4 digits in your phone number? 6820, call me, baby!!! >9. Formal or Casual? Casual > >10. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Green > >11. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? Ibiza, definetely...It could be both; romantic and a party place. >12. Do you have a lava lamp? no, but i have lots of black lights > >13. How many buddies do you have on your E-M list? 14 >14. How's the weather right now? Sunny > >15. Have you ever smoked pot? Yes > >16. What did you do last night? Watched K-PAX, stupid ass movie >17. How long have u known the people you're sending this to? for some time now >18. Do you like the person that sent this to you? Yes > >19. How are you today? Chilling > >20. How do you eat an oreo? Dont eat them >21. What makes you happy? A good night out, Happiness of people who are close to me >22. Favorite CD? Anthony Pappa's "choo-choo records" - blows my mind evrytime i listen to it. > >23. Do you have any Nicknames? Ummm, not that i know of...you tell me. > >24. Hair color? black > >25. Eye color? Green > >26. Height? 5' 7" > >27. Do you wear contacts? No > >28. Siblings and their age? Sister, 28 > >29. What school did you attend? Owings Mills > >30. Do you have a significant other? Not anymore > >31. What's the best advice ever given to you? Live you life like theres no tommorrow >32. Dream car? I am thinking of buying a Range Rover >33. Have you ever won any special awards? LOL. Yeah, right... >34. What do you want to be when you grow up? Porn Star. > >35. Favorite food? Northern Italian > >36. Who are the funniest people that you know? Yuri (my best friend) cracks me up like no other... > >37. Porn name (middle name and main street by your house) Michael Blake >38. Favorite movies? Most recently - i thought Traffic was good. > >39. Favorite month? May > >40. Favorite girls perfume? Whatever Olga(my friend) wears...I can never remember... what is it? > >41. Favorite guys cologne? Whatever Jenny(ex) would get me... > >42. Do you like to dance? FUCK, YEAH > >43. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Nah... Would you like to get together this weekend? Anybody? NO? OK. >44. If you could change your name, what would it be? I like my name > >45. Worst sickness that you ever had? I am a pretty healthy guy...a blown kneecap was the worst. > >46. What is the stupidest thing that you ever did? Not telling. > >47. What will you name your child if it's a boy/girl? Gabriel/Ariel...i like that "ariel" sound > >48. Favorite Drink? Long Islands...god, i wonder how many of them i had in all this time... > >49. Do you like scary or happy movies better? Stupid movies, most def. Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Norm McDonald... > >50. Night or day? Night > >51. Summer or winter? Summer > >52. Lust or Love? Love > >53. Do you have a crush? Nah > >54. Kisses or hugs? Kisses...Ohhh, i am so pretty, shower me with kisses, mwuah, mwuah...(its from Seinfeld, people...Dont worry, lol) > >55. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? i am too nice to people...Believeit or not. > >56. Do you consider Cheerleading a sport? Ummm, HELL YEAH #1 sport. Anything with a short skirt is a sport. > >57. Do you want your friends to write back? yeah, ok...i am bored at work... > >58. Elevator or stairs? Elevator, but no music, please > >59. Al Pacino or Robert De Niro? Al de Niro, lol...Seriously, i think both of them are kinda one dimensional actors. > >60. Thick skin or sensitive soul? Sen-si-tive > >61. Scubadiving or Skydiving? Skydiving - i wanna do it really bad >62. Long skirts or mini skirts? Or no skirt >63. Blond or Brunette? Def. BRUNETTE all the way. >64. Exotic or All-American? Exotic, accent would be hot too...not russian though >65. Diet soda or regular? Regular >66. Classic or funky? Funky >67. Snoopy or Garfield? Dont give a rat's ass >68. Star Wars or Star Trek? If you wanna torture me, make me watch either one... >69. Up At Dawn or Sleep Till Noon? Party 'til dawn, sleep til next party >70. Jetsons or Flintstones? Dont give a shit, either >71. Self-park or Valet? Self-park >72. Cream cheese or butter? Butter >73. Sesame Street or Mister Rogers? Christ, enough with these stupid characters >74. Batman or Superman? I guess Batman, but just because i like his car. >75. Low cut or turtleneck? Low cut >76. Wonderwoman or Catwoman? Catwoman, i once saw a porn flick about her...pretty hot. >77. Broadway or Hollywood? Hollywood >78. Lights on or Lights off? Lights on >79. Believer or skeptic? Skeptic >80. MTV or CNN? CNN >81. Tomato sauce or cream sauce? Cream sauce >82. Gold or silver? Silver >83. Tits or ass? Def. ASS...Tits - the shape is whats important.
  18. Tiny, There are no two ways about it - You are going...I already told you that, i think. Or would you rather hear us telling you how great it was and wait 'til the next year to go?
  19. Hmmm, Really? I did not know THAT. Very interesting. I am gonna do some research on that, too. Youy know any other interesting geographic or historic facts?
  20. I think San Marino is also land locked.
  21. S DNEM ROZHDENIYA I heard you speak a little Russian last night, so...there... Have a great one!!!!!
  22. 3 more weeks to go...Cant fucking wait!!!!
  23. If you DO miss them - B.L.I.M. is at Sonar this sunday (May 12th).
  24. I also would like to whish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! PARTY ON!!!!!!
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