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Everything posted by divvalicious

  1. ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  2. do u want me to go?? I'll try my hardest to make it there... ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  3. its probably a little of both!! plus it may also depend on how long its been since the last time u got laid??? ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  4. divvalicious

    what do i do??

    first of all i think 5 in one night is way too many guys for one girl!! i think u should calm down on your #'s first...b4 you start worrying aboout not being wet enough!! that alone should be telling you something!!! ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  5. yes one of the first and most important things that goes forst is SEX!!! the excuses start coming in like: im too tired, not in the mood, my stomach hurts, i dont feel good, etc...when i start having to use those lines i know its over!! Also pulling away emotionally is another sign, usually if ur intuition is making u feel like he doesnt want to be with u..then most likely its true.. try talking about it to him first and then if you still end up feeling miserable get yourself out of it quickly.... ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  6. jAlePeNo here..... ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  7. yes he has been bothering me too!!! GO AWAY!!! ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  8. well it depends how much i like him...if he's really hot and if i am very sexually attracted to him i will def want to atleast make out with him on the first date...no sex though...make him wait a little bit for that.. if he wont wait then he aint worth it..plus if u give it up right away then he'll lose interest, so either way ur literally FUCKED!!!! lmao ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  9. the best male lay has to be someone who knows how to move, and not just lay there and excpect the woman to do all the work..anotherwords no selfish lazy fucks wanted..u must know how to give in order to recieve..if u give me 100% i'll give you 200%..... So there ya have it...and people who can and cant fuck cum in all different nationalities..i dont think it would be fair to judge...unless proven differently... ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~ [This message has been edited by neptune (edited 10-23-2000).]
  10. you should change ur name then...LOL ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  11. yea go hook up with a nice greek girl...u WONT be dissapointed we have LOTS to offer..hehehe ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  12. SEX....its a beautiful thang what can i say...LOL ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  13. who here likes it...?? i'd give it a thumbs up from the facial expressions ive seen...LOLOLOLOL ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  14. divvalicious

    HoW MaNy????

    times have u been able to come in one session???? ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  15. yea there aint nothin like that first initial thrust in a dripping wet hole!!! damn..its been a while...LOL ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  16. Sooo...are u a greek gorgeous guy???? ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  17. Phat song.... ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  18. i cant say ive ever been cursed with that problem but i wouldnt let my man have a teenie weenie, cause if he did he'd be H-I-S-T-O-R-Y!!!LMAO ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~ [This message has been edited by neptune (edited 10-18-2000).]
  19. if im rolling i cant cum either...but yes i could fuck painlessly for hours.. but i gotta say my X b/f was able to cum while he was rolling, of course it took alot longer but at least he did... lucky him...... ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  20. try a greek next time... ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  21. i speak fluent greek.. ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  22. that is just disgusting!!! i have done my share of things but that is just SICK!!! ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  23. LMFAO!!!! that was too funny ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  24. divvalicious


    its both...but it hurt me like fuckin HELLLL ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
  25. maybe u are leading her on to think that u want a relationship..which doesnt seem to be the case..make sure u tell her before anything happens that ur not looking for anything serious..so then after u will be in the clear if she starts chasing u around u could just remind her that. ------------------ ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL PaRt tImE DeViL~~
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