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Everything posted by ggfella4

  1. i think there both amazing... im not picky, ill take either one peace out giann
  2. oh, ok....just seemed like the easy thing to do. lol peace out gianni
  3. hahaha...way to be on top of that. peace out giani
  4. DAYYYYYYYYMMMMM!!! ARE THEY HOT!! peace out gianni
  5. that by far is the worst fucking thing i have ever seen in my life.... :puke: peace out gianni
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! mine is in 10 days..you guys better buy me somethign nice.. peaec out gianni
  7. hahaha...as soon as i saw this post, i was like, OH NO!! peace out giann
  8. i cought my friends fuckin in my other friends car... it was halaroius.. 5 of us went to the dinner to eat and then the two were like , na well just stay here. we knew what they were doing but oh well. so then we are walkin back to the car, and first of all they moved it to a spot behind this huge truck. then all the windos are fogged.. so we creep up and my friend bangs on teh windows and screams FUCKERS FUCKERS FUCKERS (like in american pie) and they were like oh no. and the worst part was that i had to sit in teh back with them on teh way home and it was all hot and shit.. still funny though peace out gianni
  9. i cought my friends fuckin in my other friends car... it was halaroius.. 5 of us went to the dinner to eat and then the two were like , na well just stay here. we knew what they were doing but oh well. so then we are walkin back to the car, and first of all they moved it to a spot behind this huge truck. then all the windos are fogged.. so we creep up and my friend bangs on teh windows and screams FUCKERS FUCKERS FUCKERS (like in american pie) and they were like oh no. and the worst part was that i had to sit in teh back with them on teh way home and it was all hot and shit.. still funny though peace out gianni
  10. ggfella4

    Booty calls

    hmmmm.....this seems like a case for sherlock holmes! i dont know.. i guess see how she reacts with everything.. if she tells people or not. but i dont think u would get fired from it since its outside of work unless you are doign it in the copy room or something! peace out gianni
  11. HAHAAHAHAHAH.... i dont think that leaving the pasifor in or out will really make a difference. peace out gianni
  12. some do!!!! peace out gianni
  13. i think i called someone once..but i dont remember. peace out gianni
  14. ggfella4

    Booty calls

    not if u keep it on the DL.. who will know?? peace out gianni
  15. thanks for clearing that up. peace out gianni
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAH..that was halarious... but i hear ya man.. I tip the if i got extra money. But like the other guy was sayin about upscale places. The old chef at my job said that there was this really fancy ass resturaunt or hotel (i cant remember) that he knew of and there was a waiting list to be a doorman...he said that the doorman would make close to 150k a year.. THATS REDICULOUS. and like if people asked what he did for a living and said that he was a doorman there that he was like well respected for having a good job. shits crazy!! peace out gianni
  17. 36% here...some of the questions were funny.. i liked it peace out gianni
  18. WELCOME ABOARD!!! dont you just love these warm welcomes!!! try not to get addicted. :laugh: peace out gianni
  19. thats cool though...how much did u make doing that? why did u leave? how do u go about gettin a job like that. Interviewer- WHat are ur qualifications? Princesslolita- well i did this when i was 18, and i talk dirty to my boyfriend and he likes it. Interviewer- your hired!! peace out gianni
  20. a tease dont really hurt though...blue balls does!!! peace out gianni
  21. hahhaha...that was us yesterday. i had shit to do but i totally forgot to do it because i was on this fuckin board all day. peace out gianni
  22. ggfella4


    you guys are crazy!!! peace out gianni
  23. ggfella4

    Gabo :)

    yea...good excuse .... like i havent heard that one before peace out gianni
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