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Everything posted by ggfella4

  1. yes.. he is definatly going to be at exit on friday!! peace out gianni
  2. yea, i saw it live....absolutly amazing peace out giann
  3. i watched as much as i could....definatly not as good as being there that nigth!!!!! watching him live is like night and day difference. peace out gianni
  4. yea, hes gonna be there, he just emailed me saying he was... im gonna try my best to make it. peace out gianni
  5. ggfella4

    Alley McBeal...

    hahaha..yea i guess.... i watch sex in the city every onec and a while, and i think sarah jessica parker is nasty.. anyone agree?? peace out gianni
  6. for taht money i would suggest gettin one of those HDTV'S instead...you can get a mad big one for 1500, but its not gonna be flat. peace out gianni
  7. i dont know.. i think those things are still really expensive. i know they were mad loot when they came up but i dont think that they have went down that much.. how much u lookin to spend?? peace out gianni
  8. hahaha...very cute peace out gianni
  9. ggfella4

    True Love?

    definatly is... i havent found it yet, but it does exist!!! peace out gianni
  10. ggfella4


    hahahahaha.....im tellin u, its the same thing. ahhaahah:D peace out gianni
  11. ggfella4

    Alley McBeal...

    seen it once.. never got into it. I dont know how people say she is amazing, i dont think she is very good lookin at all peace out gianni
  12. were going to the moon?? .......then were going to URANUS!!! peaceout gianni
  13. yea...well if ur lookin for some hard "Eats" go out to a taco bell beforehand.......really stupid joke but u put hard eats instead of beats... sorry im really board:tongue: peace out gianni
  14. ggfella4


    its prob the same thing as those pills that makes girls boobies bigger... "up to 2 cup sizes in less than a month" its prob the same shit just in a different package. has anyone tried that stuff??? peace out gianni
  15. ggfella4


    hahahaha...very nice!! peace out gianni
  16. sorry to hear it good luck finding another job peace out gianni
  17. welcome aboard!!! TALK TALK TALK peace out gianni
  18. hahaha.. well, i dont have a girl, so that puts me out of that catagory... and i dont want to be in a boy band considering that i have no singing talent what so ever. so i guess that leaves me in the catagory that just likes all different types of music. am i right? oh yea.. somethign that i told my friends before... i mean shit loads of guys like 112 and boyz to men. how come they arent in the same group of people that like nsync and backstreet boys?? its the same thing,, just because they are black its totaly different?? its the same type of music.. peace out gianni
  19. ggfella4

    cum story

    hahahaahahahah.....thats halarious.. thank god u were playing with your penis and not a gun. peace out gianni
  20. hahaha... ill admit it.. i like nsync too. their music is really catchy and they put on a good show. very enjoyable!! not a break up song but "something like you" on their new cd is awesome.. i love it. its a real slow song talking about how they cant believe that a person like you could be with me...really good for anyone interested peace out gianni
  21. i agree...her face looks like she is from a trailer park or something... but ill let her swallow if she wants. peace out gianni
  22. i disagree... the taliban said "give us evidence that bin laden is responsible and we will turn him over" so if we have all this evidence then why wouldnt we turn it over so that we can get this asshole.. all bush says is... we know hes guilty , turn him over. Bush doesnt say "hes guilty because we have this , that and the other thing...just somethign to think about. peace out gianni
  23. i dont think she would have a prob gettin a date... not a real one just one with a blow job. peace out gianni
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