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Everything posted by ggfella4

  1. blaznny is a bitch!!!! jk bro...whats goin on?? peace out gianni
  2. hahahahaahha:laugh: we can do that...there has got to be aobut 39 McDonalds between freeport and lynbrook. peace out gianni
  3. OMG!!! you dont even understand how good the cookies that my mom makes!! she makes the tri color (rainbow) cookies better than a fuckin bakery...we should have a cookie meetup ill tell my mom to get crackin on teh cookies..haha peace out gianni
  4. hahahaha...its just when i sleep at school though, i dont know why...i never get dreams like that when im home. go figure. peace out gianni
  5. oh, ok, i know who they are now!! just needed to jog my memory. yea, i know, i miss him to.. such a shame. peace out gianni
  6. my defense to this is that, i was 16 when vicious was spinnin at tunnel and i didnt have id to get in..when i finally did get to hear him at tunnel was when i was 17 and got id... i heard him halloween night like 2 years ago i think..and he was way better at tunnel than at factory, i thought...and let me tell you.. i would have definatly been there all the time if i could have.. you know that,,you were like the first cp people that i met and i met u at tunnel when like me and you were the only ones on the dancefloor. peace out gianni
  8. you are now officially the coolest person that you know!! get it? congrats man!! peace out gianni
  9. since i have such a long break during classes at school, i go to the library and sleep... i put my walkman on and listen to like z100 or ktu or something...i fall asleep and then i get these really fucked up dreams... today i was dreaming that there was this alien dog that crashed behind my house and shit, and every time i fall alseep at school, i have these weird ass dreams....the funny part is , is that whatever song is playin on the radio is like the soundtrack to my dream.. i hear the song playin in my dream..and i cant get it off. Today it was Ushers, You got it bad..does this happen to anyone else??? peace out gianni
  10. they are trying to watch their figure....sheesh!! jkjk:D peace out gianni
  11. thats my boy you talkin about sexybaby!!!! you mess with him, you mess with me!!! peace out gianni
  12. alright, i have had enough of this crap...who is gonna stand outside McDonalds with me with pickett signs that say. "FILL MY BUNS, SALT MY FRIES" WHOS WITH ME????? jkjk peace out gianni
  13. i got tech 1200's and they are the fuckin best things man... i love them.. when i first started out i was on gemini's and tehn when i upgraded it was like night and day difference.. i would definatly tell you to get the techs if u dont mind spendin close to a grand for them.... gmc..i also got a kaoss pad.. i got it on my numakr em 260 mixer built in, and let me tell you...it is awesome!!! i play around with it all the time and im still finding new and sick shit to do with it. i just wanna get my pioneer efx machine and im good to go. hope i helped. peace out gianni
  14. look at my sig!! definatly homer. peace out gianni
  15. i know right...he comes up with the ill shit son peace out gianni
  16. school definatly gets on my damn nerves sometimes... but other times i like it....maybe if u leave it alone it will all go away. peace out gianni
  17. hahahaah..."my dog hasnt licked my man breasts!!" hahah, jk peace out gianni
  18. ggfella4


    congrats.. im almost there too!!! peace out gianni
  19. well... definatly the dj, cuz if u dont have a dj then thats a pretty shitty club..jk. stupid joke i know.. definatly a mix of both. peace out gianni
  20. ggfella4

    Blow Hard

    spragga..to funny man... peace out gianni
  21. hahahahahahah...make sure that u dont tell her that ur dog licks ur nuts too....jkjk..the moment just seemed rigth to say that. peace out gianni
  22. get the computer. peace out gianni
  23. sorry to hear it girl... you know who to come to if u need anyone to talk to...keep ur head up:) peace out gianni
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