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Everything posted by ggfella4

  1. i am also home tonite...this weather makes me so tired and upset...i just wanna lay in bed. peace out gianni
  2. ONE MORE WEEK....AAAHHHHHHHH!!!! VICIOUS!!!! peace out gianni
  3. im not interested but just out of curiosity...how much would that cost?? peace out gianni
  4. you got me addicted to online scrabble...now me adn my friend are up till all hours of the night playing and i get no sleep!!!! peace out gianni
  5. HEY HEY HEY!!! welcome aboard!!! peace out gianni
  6. first off...this thread is insane. i definatly say go for that shit!! but i agree with everyone else and wait until your finished with classes...thats so cool..i could imagine that you go in the classroom, locks teh doors and you swipe your arm across the desk knockin everything onto the floor and then throwing her on the desk and fuckin her right there!!! this shit sounds like a porno or something. either way get ur freak on!! peace out gianni
  7. this thead is gettin a little bit too intense for me!!! peace out gianni
  8. hahah seriously....yea, that shit is fucked up...but a fight is supposed to be if go down and cant get up then u win...there is definatly no need to keep stompin on the guys head... thats why those fuckin people thta do that shit shoudl get hit by a fuckin bus just to get shown a lesson...and what sucks is that im sure this guy does this like every weekend to show that he is so big and strong...i say to him" go suck a dick asshole"!! peace out gianni
  9. after clubbin i usually got work the next afternoon so i listen to whatever they got on!! i would like to just sleep though. peace out gianni
  10. its aight, dont worry bout it....it happens to the best of us...come on, i'll buy you a drink!!! jkjk peace out gianni
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHA!!!! im 21 now too!! hehehe:tongue: peace out gianni
  12. im at vicious either way!!!! whos joinin me?? peace out gianni
  13. hahahhahahahahha...yo that shit is halarious!! :laugh: now let me ask you something...what where you doing in a strip club?? ....................WITHOUT ME!!!! hahha jkjkjk did the guy offer you a steady job djin?...that wold be pretty hot!! peace out gianni
  14. yes....people are certainly morons!! peace out gianni
  15. bitchass!!!! when do u want my mixer?? peace out gianni
  16. im turning 21 on the same day as msoprano , what a coincidence...considering that i jacked his old id, and we look so much alike that i can pass for him anywhere...so wish me happy birthday on the 9th aswell!! peace out gianni
  17. ggfella4

    Smurfs At Play!

    thats funny as hell and kinda cute in the same way peace out gianni
  18. really??? it looked funny on the commercial...oh well..ill just wait for it to come out on video.. i seen monsters inc. with my girlfriend the last night and that shit was fuckin halarious...i recommend you guys see that. peace out gianni
  19. aight, enough laughin at me!!! jkjk peace out gianni
  20. hahahaha, woops!! here it is ....http://www.atomic3d.com/jokeman/html/body_previous.html sorry, im an idiot peace out gianni
  21. this shit is fuckin halarious!!!! peace out gianni
  23. ggfella4

    Peggy Bundy

    how about take peggy and kelly at the same time?? there both hot, but there is definatly somethign about peggy...why the fuck doesnt al want to rail her?? peace out gianni
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