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Everything posted by ggfella4

  1. HHAHAHAHAAH :laugh:
  2. what the hell am i doing posting under quoths name???!!!! peace out quoth
  3. i had a bad experience one time......note to self: do not ever again try to dance while you are shaving......cut myself up one day. it wasnt pretty. peace out gianni
  4. i think i have a fairly decent sig peace out gianni
  5. ok , people go like this all the time :imgoingtogiveyouabeatingnexttimeiseeyou: shit like that and i know its a stupid example, i couldnt think of a good one peace out gianni
  6. since no one else posted it, i guess i will have to :laugh: :laugh: there u go peace out gianni
  7. when people post something then they put all the words without spaces inside a colon....what does that represent???? peace out gianni
  8. true....but i just hate going to sleep so late (early) and then waking up at like 2 in teh afternoon, cuz i waste my whole damn day away. peace out gianni
  9. i too am awake....for what reason i dont know peace out gianni
  10. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! GGFELLA.....WHATS UP MAN!!! ITS QUOTH peace out gianni
  11. this post got way out of control....if i could just offer some advice, although i dont want to step on anyones toes here. i have had technics for about 2 years now and i feel that i am fairly knowledgable aobut them and i also have friends that have had them for years aswell. 1200s and 1210s make no difference at all...just the 1210s are black...cuz my friends has 1210s and i have used them and they are exactly like mine. i do not use the rubber mats, i personally dont like them, but im not saying its better or worse, but i think the slipmats i have are fuckin awesome, i have no problems with them at all....i bought them at rock n soul in the city....they are numark slipmats and they feel like a wetsuit...i dont know how to describe them other than that...dont even feel anythign close to felt technics mats or anything....they are soft and u can pretty much fold them up and put them in ur pocket, thats how flexable they are...i just think they are great slipmats and i would recommend anyone to get them.... i think thats all i gotta say for now...if i think of anythign else ill let u know peace out gianni
  12. happens every day....in the car, shower, room...i dance everywhere, work, i dont give a fuck, i love to dance. peace out gianni
  13. 17....dont think that was too shabby peace out gianni
  14. good, i hope soo, cuz im so freakin pissed that i missed it peace out gianni
  15. yea seriously....i agree with everyone...definatly met some mad cool people through cp and i really look forward to friday nights to chill with you guys....too bad everyone lives so far away so that we cant chill outside of clubs... much love for everyone peace out gianni
  16. this is fuckin halarious....the funny part is, is that this person is still trying to get people into it meanwhile there has not been anything that even resembles somethign POSITIVE towards this stupid idea... peace out gianni
  17. yea, i definatly hear you on that...but i think if he sees shit like that, he would want to, even more so, to just have a set that is absolutly rediculous....because he said that he was playin for the crowd, and hopefully he realizes now that he should stay with his sound cuz thats what everyoen loves.. peace out gianni
  18. even if we do....whats the difference....im not gonna lose any sleep over wasting 10 seconds to make a post saying "i challenge johnny vicious" peace out gianni
  19. definatly garfield!!!! LASAGNA!!!!!! peace out gianni
  21. thats a phat pic!!! peace out gianni
  22. heres the deal....i missed last week and i heard that you were absolutly rediculous....what , my challenge is for u to do it again cuz im gonna be there this week.....please!!!!!! peace out gianni
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