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Everything posted by ggfella4

  2. im the high bidder...yippie!!!! too funny man peace out gianni
  3. that would be awesome....instead of going to a club on a friday night, we should go to a comedy club...that would be hot, im in for that. peace out gianni
  4. i wont be in attendance this friday...just couldnt make it happen with work this week....but next week is gonna be my last time for a little while since school starts in a week and a half....so i better make sure that i have a rediculous time next week!!! peace out gianni
  5. i agree 100%....we all begged for you to get a residency because we werent satisfied with hearing you once every 4-5 weeks...not to say that you have really disappointed me in these past few weeks but it is def not the old vicious that i first heard a while back......i remember reading interviews online about when u come out during a set , that you are the guy that hates to be introduced "and now,here he is johnny vicious!!!" and shit like that....when i heard them do that at roxy, i figured the first night was cool since it was opening night but then weeks after they still did it and im like, something has definatly changed and we want for u to change back to that guy that keeps us going till 8 in the morning like at factory and tunnel....doing sets like u used to do is what got you to where you are today and you deserve every bit of fame that has come to you and i say "if its not broke dont fix it" and it definatly by no means was it ever broke so please dont try changing anything!! much love vicious peace out gianni
  6. suggestions anyone?? im sick and tired of going out with these shitty ass disposable cvs cameras that take shitty ass pictures....i want somewhat decent one but it definatly has to have zoom on it...lookin to spend like $200..anyone , anyone?? peace out gianni
  7. although this topic gets me very heated and shit and im totaly against all the people that hate 18+ parties...i have to agree with you on this...because u are realistic...you said that you remember being young and how things are ..im only 19 and as i posted on another thread that im more mature than half the 21 year olds that i know...i got to school full time, i work part time, i started and run my own successful dj business, and i used to coach basketball and soccer...so i feel that i am a very responsible person and yet i know that its gonna be different in the future once i graduate college...but i just hate being put in a stereotype...well now im kinda rambling, the whole point of me posting this was to applaud you on ur response because you actually defend your arguements and do understand that you too were once 18+ , unlike half the other people on this board who just like to run their mouth cuz they are over 21. peace out gianni
  8. u know what..when someone posts a general statement like the one that was posted before.. i am gonna say something..and im gonna take it personal because for the next two years no matter what i do, i am going to be in that stereotype because of my age...so just because people are 21 they think that they are like this so mature know it all, that was never 18-19 and they think that all people under 21 are little kiddies....i just want people to understand that just because we are under 21 doesnt mean we are "little kiddies" peace out gianni
  9. walk around naked....just a though peace out gianni
  10. that has to be the best i ever seen of someone explaining how a song goes....cuz u follow it and its exact...nice job justin. peace out gianni
  11. ive seen bits and pieces of it...never all the way through..i really wanted to though. hopefully it will be on again. peace out gianni
  12. give me one good reason why i shouldnt get defensive about this..im not the one who brought it up in the first place. i hate being in a stereotype of immature kiddies just because i am 19..i know that i am more mature than half of the people i know that are over 21....and i forgot that there are never any problems at parties over 21...nobody is cracked out, there are no fights on 21+ nights because there is just that different mentality and vibe than there is on 18+ parties... peace out gianni
  13. i love behind the music...mc hammer and vanilla ice are the best.. peace out gianni
  14. oh my bad...im sorry that i was born after you...i should have told my parents to conceive me a few years earlier so that i wont be considered a kiddie and so that i can go to 21+ parties.... peace out gianni
  15. do u eat them with ur left hand?? heheheeh jkjk peace out gianni
  16. i definatly have to say BOTH...they both do totally different things and i love the equally the same amout...so i really cant choose. peace out gianni
  17. i didnt make the list :( peace out gianni
  18. i agree with you 100% bro...vicious made himself what he is today by playing what he played.....if its not broke, dont fix it...u know....we want that tunnel sound back! peace out gianni
  19. justin....seriously bro...i have never seen anyone that bad before...its all good though....i still havent figured out what the hell was on ur foot...hehehe...scott will know about that one. feel better bro peace out gianni
  20. hahaha...seriously.....ur gonna jinx us now...thanks gabo hahaha...jk bro peace out gianni
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