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Everything posted by resident

  1. Oh, the attempts at don't, but humor per se, i.e., the entertainment value of such, might reach levels so low where I am embarrassing myself. But that's nothing new... tttwwweeeaaakkkyyy !
  2. I got home from a lil' boozin' at 2am, decided to lay down and sober up for an hour, and then head on over. Next thing I know it's 4am and my stereo's been blasting Tall Paul for an hour - how my neighbors didn't break down my door is still beyond me. And I was sober and everything and... for some strange reason I turned off the alarm, rolled over and went to sleep again. Damn it, that's what real men do!
  3. That if f******g crazy! I know a girl (in fact, I totally fell in e-induced love with her briefly) that's from South Korea, and she is, hands down, absolutely stunningly beautiful (too bad she has a boyfriend). The only Western thing about her is that she is tall, but the rest of her features are unchanged and I hope she keeps them that way.
  4. Whoa! I am impressed, there have been some objective posts on this thread. I am against fanaticism, because people that scream "CLUB XYZ FOREVER!" remind me of Nazis and religious psychopaths, so I'm glad to see that some people posted "Sometimes SF and sometimes Twilo". For real, why the contest? I've had a great time at SF, I've had a lousy time at SF, and same can be said for Twilo. And Vinyl. And Centro-Fly. I am an Equal Opportunity Offender!
  5. Yeah! I'm with you bro! Well actually, I fully voluntarily abstained from going, and I'm not bitter about it either. But for real, every Monday the board fills up with "LAST FRIDAY/SATURDAY WAS THE BEST EVER!" If you keep track of them, it'll seem as if anything a month ago is automatically inferior to anything that happened last weekend. I'm sure that everyone had a blast at CC/DT, there's no way that they two have let you down. But let's be objective when we rate club nights - sometimes they're great and sometimes they suck.
  6. Wow, this makes sense! Guys play games and it's bad. Girls play games too but it's ok. Maybe I'm missing something. But wait, there's more! OK, let's see if I got this one: a guy calls you out of the blue, you interpret this as interest and get hung up on it, and just when you've gotten over it, he calls again and the cycle repeats. That's more adult-like than I've ever seen. I have news for you - if a call and some actions which can be interpreted as interest is all it takes to get you hung up on it, then maybe you should switch teams because, let's be realistic, this ain't the last time it occurs to some male acquaintance of yours, "Hey, dinner and drinks sounds nice, I wonder if Sarah would be up for it?" and gives you a call. Not constructive enough? Well then. You've spelled the solution yourself - guys play games, women play games too. Play your game and blow him off a couple of times. Two possible outcomes: A) he drops out, he becomes more interested. That's how it is...
  7. Well, true. I think that I have PMS about three-four times a month! Hey, I admit it...
  8. What's there not to understand? At least we guys have this advantage: ONE mood, ALL the time!
  9. Gee, let me think... gay men vs. hot sluts... damn, that's a tough call for a straight male! It's just that I haven't been partying on Saturday nights in about four weeks. I think that Rachel said it best - sometimes SF and sometimes Twilo.
  10. Maybe I am weird or have ADD, but I just cannot stay at a club for that long. No matter what the venue, who's playing, what kind of music, or what kind of drugs. I get bored no matter what. Three-four hours, five if it's exceptionally good, and after that I am jonesing to leave. Not to leave and go home and go to sleep, but to leave and party some more somewhere else. I don't particularly like this thing about myself - it ends up costing me a shitload in all the covers that I pay at all places. I'm South Beach-trained - go in, get stamped, than go some place else, come back, et cetera. So my respects for those that stayed till closing are even higher, but if anyone has a clue on what I can do to keep myself entertained in one place, send them my way!
  11. I'm totally with you. Recently I've been very lucky in that my last few club ventures were different, being Richie Hawtin (duh - techno, different), and Tenaglia (duh, enough said). Other than that, everything else seemed kind of anticlimactic, including (dare I say this...) Danny Howells and everything but the last two hours of Digweed. I can only attribute this to overdoing it. That's why I'm definitely looking to different places to go to - Vinyl, SF, maybe Centro-Fly some time. I'm sure that real Twiloheads will attack me next time they see me, but that's just me - I get bored easily and absolutely need change. Not just with clubs or music - everything. Including my job, which I'm working on changing right now... And yo - I live closer to Twilo than you do! 19 blocks - beat that!
  12. I don't know how the rooms are inside, but it's nice, classic Art Deco, and has a sweet bar with an outside area. I used to go there back in the day, and one time saw a girl accidentally set her hair on fire with a candle. No one was gravely injured.
  13. If there's going to be one objective answer in this entire thread, I will be very impressed.
  14. I'm down with that! Expect Cornholio to drop by!
  15. heh heh... he hhe heh hehhheeh heheheeehheheeh! yeah! this is cool! yeah! cool! this rules! Sorry people... In addition to my retarded sense of humor and daily 5-htp, I ate a bunch of smarties this morning, and I feel like Beavis.
  16. I heard Eddie play at Pump in South Beach a couple of times, and I must say that that's probably the only place in Miami to hear New York-like dark house. Have his "do you want it" cd and it rocks, too.
  17. What, you didn't know that there's such a thing as the American Dating Association? http://www.americandating.org
  18. http://www.adcritic.com/content/denver-film-please.html
  19. BUMP this even though I don't know who MAW is...
  20. More likely than not, they're going to peddle some Prozac-like drug for this, because those kinds of drugs alter serotonin levels as well. But at least mdma might get the credit for pointing researchers in that direction.
  21. Whatever y'all... I'm faithful to my lovely Tina...
  22. Speaking of Mel C, has anyone checked out the Tilt's Maverick remixes of that track? They're not bad, at least they're vastly different from that pop mix they play everywhere. But to answer your question - yes, I do hate that. But I limit my exposure to KTU only to situations where I'm not controlling the radio.
  23. Valentine's sparks India violence http://www.salon.com/sex/wire/2001/02/14/india_valentine/index.html
  24. Happy Birthday! No one remembers mine either, so it happens to the best of us.
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