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Everything posted by xmike

  1. My all times favourite No.1 is Blade Runner from Ridley Scott. ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  2. So long Arthur and thanks for all the fish ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  3. Oh that is so nice honey. You lightened up my night. I love you too... ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  4. For me is one enough: ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  5. I love eyes too. My g/f has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. BTW what about eyes after taking E? Do you like it or do you find it scary? EVERYBODY likes the eyes, so drop the sunglasses!!! ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  6. I love Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Nine Inch Nails, Soungarden, Alice In Chains, Faith No More and Metallica (even after the whole Napster thing). BTW does anyone know if there is club (DJ) in NYC, where you can hear some house/trance remix of Nine Inch Nails? I have never heard it and I think it must be GREAT... ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  7. I was cheating on my g/f two years ago. Than we broke up and we are still friends, but few months ago I found out that my new g/f was cheating on me (how funny?). When I realized how bad I feel inside, I was so sorry about my former girlfriend and I promised to myself that I will never ever do it again. I know I made BIG mistake, but I paid for it. And I am sure it helped me to find out, how important is to be fair and honest to my g/f. I know it changed me completely and I am glad that it happened when I was young. I am sure that similar experience can help you to appreciate the truth (even if it's painful and bitter). So maybe it sounds funny but I think that you can never realize how bad is cheating and lying until somebody does it to you. ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  8. I have another hot TIP: Indian music hitparade. I don't remember which channel was it, but it was every Sunday around 10 a.m. We used to watch it with my g/f and it was sooooo funny. Anybody knows what am I talking about? ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  9. Sleeping. But unfortunately it is just because I am working nights. But good thing is that i am used to be awake during night and I am never sleepy in the club. Somebody here mentioned the panic button. I have just visited my favourite website www.dilbert.com and it has very good panic button. Check it out. Mike ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  10. HOMER SIMPSON is the MAN. HOMER SIMPSON FOR PRESIDENT..... ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  11. My favourites are: HOMER SIMPSON (d'ooh) Robert De Niro (actor) Jim Jarmush (director) Chris Cornell (singer) Patrick Rafter (tennis player) It would be funny to have them all together in one room. Just imagine the conversation ) ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  12. I was in VINYL for my first time and it was amazing!!! It was pure excitement. Great music, great people, great club. Unfortunately my girlfriend didn't like it at all, so I really don't know what to do. But one thing is for sure, I WILL NWVWR FORGET THIS PARTY. Thx DANNY ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  13. 1. If you think it is shit, you don't have to go there. I am sure I will be there to see it and if I wouldn't like it, I simply don't go there anymore. 2. If it becomes commercial "tourist trap"?So even better for other clubs. I guess every club has a specific crowd which is a little bit xenofobic. You can just be glad that World will attract most of tourists & people coming there just to see it, since your club remains the "old place for real clubbers". 3. Parking. I guess it really doesn't matter. Parking in Manhattan is one big nightmare and it couldn't be much worse there. Peace Mike ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  14. Yeahh, maybe it is the old one, but every time I hear this song, it starts me up ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  15. I am sorry, but I have to disagree. I have been working out for 7 years and met lot of guys who worked out really hard. And I can swear that it is impossible to get these results without taking some shit. I have couple of friends who are bodybuilders and they confessed that everybody is using it - even pretty young guys. They don't realize it can be really dangerous for them especially when they are so young. That is why I am glad that most of you girls showed them it is ridiculous to take this stuff, because nice and intelligent girls usually prefer normally looking guys not these who look like they carry two melons under their arms. Peace ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  16. Well I am 26. And my birtday is 12 of June. My email xmajkl@aol.com ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  17. Honey be carefull!!! ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  18. ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  19. ...once more... ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  20. I couldn't resist to try it too... ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  21. >They should just legalize the damn thing all over the world. Ezdreamer it was the good point. It would save us lot of troubles. I am tired to buy fakes from dealers who I cannot trust and be affraid what's gonna happen. I think it is better than alcohol and it has been already proved that it is not addictive. So what's the big deal? ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  22. Ms. Kittie, I just wanna ask. Did ya buy this bridge? It looked like an awesome deal ) ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  23. We are heading to Atlantic City this weekend and since we have never been there I want to ask for advice. Do you have idea which club plays a good trance music on Saturday? Thx for suggestions. ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  24. Yeah. I hate to say it, but it looks like it really matters if you are 20 or 29. Anyway I think it was big surprise and he totally deserved it. He was better in everything tonite. ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
  25. I am not sure about this cofee thing. Last week I didn't sleep for more than 50 hours and cofee just made me shaking. I would have killed for a bed. But I thing I know for sure, I am never driving my car in this situation. ------------------ We're in this together now none of them can stop us now we will make it through somehow...
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