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Everything posted by ichi_gami

  1. Attn! Objective gay opinion! No jealousy or desire plays a part in this... who's cuter?? Britney is pissing away her looks for that whole untouchable-slut, "I'm fucking the quarterback and there's nothing his girlfriend can do about it" look. Christina definitely gets this one. who sings better?? Britney is the Milli Vanilli of chicapop. Christina 2, Britney 0. who dances better?? Hmmmm. Britney is extremely well choreographed, but Christina has some better moves - though not as tight and controlled. I think this leans slightly to Christina's favor. i'm my opinion... Britney is pretty, but Christina is cuter. Christina sings better... i think the dance thing is a toss. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  2. Our resident queer expert, jaysea, is traveling abroad in gay paree at the moment, but check out this thread http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/003166.html in the meantime. Has some club info, but I don't know about promoters... Then again, I'm way up here in the armpit of New England. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  3. Yeah, it happened. The creep turned himself in and confessed (connections found out who he was, where he lived, where he worked...he got tired of dealing with that!), but then plead not guilty at the arraignment. So...now he's in The Bronx somewhere for drunk & disorderly, and aggravated assault. Hell, I only had him for assault and battery. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  4. At work at Foxwoods...on my boss's desk. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  5. At work at Foxwoods...on my boss's desk. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  6. when you get subpoenaed to go to court, you get there nice and early, spend an hour there only to find out that the trial date is postponed because the defendant is awaiting arraignment and bail for being arrested the previous night? I can't friggin believe some people. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  7. Welcome. A lot of us are new here, but this is a great way to pad the postings and make it look like we are gone bigtime on the board. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  8. Well, congrats. I can only hope that someday... ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  9. Webster Hall could/should be fabu. What a potentially super venue in the right hands. Palladium is gone and sorely missed, but ought to remain that way. Sometimes it's good to let nostalgia tell sweet lies. pax. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  10. If you don't like smoke, stay out of the Providence area...not like you are rushing up here anyhow. We're like Europe here, where everything but the fast food joints has a non-smoking "section" - i.e. a small portion of the restaurant is non-smoking. Fast food abides by their corporate policies of no smoking in the restaurant. Clubs and bars are FILLED with smokers, and the streets too. Maybe ot comes from being so many people, and so many colleges, stacked in one TINY city. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  11. Mmmmm, I like SBDs in a crowded situation, big noisy ones that stink in the car with other people (lock the windows UP!!) or at my fire department, noisy no stinkers in public where it's convenient to claim them. The worst? Farts before, during, or after sex. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  12. Is there really gay and straight anymore, or just shades of bent? Me, I fall into the extremely bent, or homosexual category (yes, I like guys, I love guys, I like to love guys) if you must categorize. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  13. From the first test, I guess I'm pretty much a 1/9 split. From dirtyslapper's test, well, hell I guess I'm just about everything there. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  14. Wow, scary. I just found my complete first series of Garbage Pail Kids last night! I feel so old. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  15. watch yo back in Cancun. Some friends just got back from a hell week there - cops busting Americans for just about anything and taking bigtime bribes to get out of it. Just like the 'old days' in Mexico. The judge told Gina to "not let her kids down to Mexico if they think they are going to get away with anything" for spring break... just a bit of the 411. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  16. a lot of schools and libraries still have them as they, too, fill out forms that require typewriters. Maybe try something like that. or an antique store/consignment store. Good luck finding one. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  17. yo dollabill, no problem smoking full flava KOOL at 2 packs/day for a couple of years until those lovely dark oysters I started coughing up in the morning. Now it's about 2 packs/week of lights. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  18. Like someone already said, B&J Half Baked - cookie dough and chocolate fudge brownie. Mos def the best. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  19. Newport Lights. And thanks for the link for discount cigs. We all gotta die of something. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  20. Voice, if you're trying to say "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything" . . . that just isn't the way the world works, doll. That leads to mediocrity in what is put out since - hey, you had the chance to say you didn't like it, so now you suffer. Without people, sometimes UNQUALIFIED people stating opinions, who the hell knows, we might still be living 18th century style. I might not be able to build better electronics in my basement, but I can say a sound system really sucks. I might not be able to build a better car, but I can say a '63 Valiant is a piece of shit. And I may not be a god on the decks, but I can say I don't like what the guy up there was putting out to the crowd. Deal with the fact that we all have opinions and all express them in our own way, or go hide your head in the sand. Your choice. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  21. ichi_gami


    peni alla vodka? OUCH! Have a good weekend all. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  22. Seafood. Today is a definite seafood day. Think I'll go have a dozen oysters. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  23. First up, fridaystwilo sounds like a narc, just jumping in on all this shit as an expert and yet only likes twilo's 18+ night...fuck me if I'm wrong. anyways, powdered nasal decongestant can be had in the upstate market for as low as 135 for an 8ball, good stuff too as the jerks up there get uncut from the city and have no idea how low to dose it. You can buy it, recut it, and make some decent profit just from added bulk. In the meantime, a gram works out to about $40 for good shit, and $35 for known crap. It's not worth buying by price if you want decent product. As for weed, that shit get gets me weird. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  24. ichi_gami


    I think it is penises, because to be peni, the root would have to be penus. But a college friend of mine swears it is peni. So...do you have, are you getting, or what? Either way, it's all good. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
  25. That's one cool thing about two guys - both willing to not let feelings get involved when it's just fuck buddies. Things don't get weird that way. ------------------ Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love. Woody Allen
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