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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Oh big deal.. So you'll be an alcoholic among all those other bad things that you already ARE!! HA!! Just kidding girlie You know I love ya!
  2. Ahh I can barely keep up with board and IM.. Got almost no work done today!!! Don't be mad
  3. Nikki - NO FUCKING WAY!! At 3??? Daaaaaaamn.. How is that possible????? Rachel - they said $2500..
  4. I know, it's been insanely slow today or would just not respond at all I'm feeling better thanx.. Just need to recover for the weekend! How are you
  5. Hmm how about tomorrow night? Or we'll just drink and eat at the meetup. Both of you are coming right? Lucie SF sat?
  6. I'm there REGARDLESS of how crowded it is.. No crowd will stop me from going! YEY!!!
  7. Whuuut? Oh that's it.. You got me MAD girlie!!! Pics.. Hah! Don't even come back without a man you hear me???? Hhahahaha Have a blast girlie
  8. Oh don't even come back without one!!! I'll hold you to that promise. Better yet bring 2 Now I'm all excited LOL
  9. I'm so sick of seeing this shit on TV every night!! Just let us be They keep going on and on about it.. My parents will see it!!! They already did.. Blah. They keep bashing these dancesafe.org ppl but in my mind, it's the same as having free condoms at HS's.. Kids will have sex anyway so they might as well be safe. Same principal here..
  10. I'm here.. I couldn't get on the board for some time and at other times it was maaad slow. Plus I had to work some this morning! How are you girlies? Wanna do sushi some time soon?
  11. Grr my reply didn't go through. Something's wrong with the board or my connection. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Sooo jealous that you're going to Miami! Next time gimme an earlier notice Have fun!!!! I'll call you tonight
  12. PS: so it was NOT my imagination! I kept saying that the music for the first 2 hours was NOT typical PVD style!!! I thought I was at SF or something, it was so hard and housy! I loved it.. Glad PVD changed it up a bit! He is amazing!
  13. Nice review! It was great meeting you Ally Lola mentioned that you and Gene are the cutest couple ever and you absolutely are!!! PVD is awesome isn't he??? I have no idea what everyone was complaining about, I had a great time. But I'm one of those ppl that completely ignores everything but the music.. Unless ppl get right in my face which they didn't. Hope to see you guys soon! *hugz* Zoya.
  14. Beeeyaatch my ass girl!!! I'm right here. Actually working if you can imagine that. Had to do "knowledge transfer" to stupid clients LOL.. How are you? Art (Artem, Arthur, Unbound koroche) - I'm not always at my desk, sometimes step away or on the phone.. Sowwwwy
  15. Haha, you seem "nice" judging by your signature LOL!
  16. Hmm, a little double standrad here? You can bash the clubs that I don't like, but do not bash the ones that I do like.. Something's wrong with the picture here..
  17. Is this a guys-only event? How come none of the ladies are invited? You guys suck! And I thought you loved us! *sob*!!!
  18. I don't go to Exit but QUIT BASHING it already.. Daaaamn ppl. Don't like -> Don't go! All this negativity is pissing me off! Stop bitching and have something positive to say for a change!
  19. Another one that I remember Your head is banged against the wall on a regular basis..
  20. mysteriousss


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