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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Linka, I know where the Russian corner is although I've never hung out there since I don't know any of the ppl there But we need to stop by to check out this Twilo Brighton corner LMAO...
  2. ok ok... i'll take one no need to beg LOL.. I'm 99% I'll see you there!
  3. Haha.. I'll race you NOW And maybe I'll win if you don't change that slashed tire YEAH I RULE LMAO... Sorry to hear that.. Fucked up shit..
  4. LMAO.. I must be the only stang driver who doesn't speed ALL the time
  5. Wow, nice I'll definitely check it out when you're done..
  6. Personally, I'm not too crazy about LL.. Yes, I'm sure most of the SF regulars would move over to LL along with Jonathan simply because of him.. After all, for a lot of ppl, it's the music that gets them hooked, not the building itself.. But LL has a crappy sound system and SF's was just redone.. LL is much smaller and has all those different little rooms.. I dunno, to be honest with you I dont' really like the place that much (I like it from the outside though).. But I'm sure they'll remodel it or something after they buy it.. They have to and I'm sure they'll realize it.. And I'm not talking about the restaurant LMAO.. But I'd like that coz a lot of times I'm kinda hungry after hours of dancing
  7. Ali, that's exactly why I assumed right away that he'll be moving over from SF to LL.. But I guess it all depends on how much $ is involved.. Plus, if LL gets a resident who is completely different from JP, it won't really be taking away from SF.. I dunno.. SF has a lot of advantages over LL, and I cannot imagine JP leaving after all the things that he said, but then again, it's all business so I wouldn't be surprised at all if he decided to move over to LL.. I guess it all depends on his contract with SF and what he himself wants..
  8. I really hope not He did say plenty of times that SF is his home and he does not plan to go anywhere else, nor does he want to.... But we'll see.. Time will show.. But if he does do "Worship", I wonder what the new cracker-name for this place will be.. Factory=crack factory, etc.. worship=?
  9. Heeeeeeeeeeeeey... I always say jopa.. That word is MINE.... copyrighted Vse zaeblo zaeblo zaeblo pardon znaete pesenky?
  10. I'm confused.. I signed up for some card a few weeks ago and they gave me a little card with Twilo and smth else on it They took down all my info too.. Is this it or is it smth else??????
  11. Are you serious? HALLIFUCKINGLUYAHH....
  12. Nothing will happen to him.. Watch Johnny Cochran jump on this one......
  13. b2b.. but he can't be a resident at LL if he's still a resident at SF.. i hope he stays at SF
  14. Arthur.. You're right, I was listening to the interview too.. It didn't occur to me that owning a club doesn't mean that he'll be leaving SF.. DUH Hopefully he won't LOL.. LL is creepy..
  15. Haha.. I wouldn't go as far as actually Worshipping (nice name for the club though lol.. especially LOL), but I bet a lot of ppl will move over to LL with JP.. He has a very strong following and ppl dont' really care where he is as long as he spins the way he does
  16. Not sure Ali.. It usually starts on a Saturday and ends the next Friday.. A week long thing I'm pretty sure...
  17. Yeah I saw that.... This could turn out to be an awesome thing, or a really bad thing.... No other way to find out until it actually happens.... I'd hate to see JP leave SF though, that place is his home.. I like LL but it's totally different I'm not sure if it's rumors again but doesn't his contract expire in May at SF? Again, not sure so don't quote me on it but if he leaves SF in May to start at LL, I better start going every weekend LMAO...
  18. Baskin Robbins Rocky Road Jamoca Almond Fudge Strawberry Cookies and Cream YUMMMMMMMMM...
  19. I'm definitely going!!!! Did anyone see Arnold's Hummer? It'll be at the show Looked PHAT..
  20. LOL.. Rocking this song for sure! Along with a lot of other classics LMAO.. V lesy rodilas elochkaaaaaaa V trave sidel kyznechek Pyst begyt neykluje peshexodi po lyjam Aaaaaa aaaaa krokodili begemoti Aaaaaa aaaaa obezani kashaloti LMAOOOOOOOO...
  21. Oh god, I'm so sorry to hear this... My most sincere condolensces.. You're a sweetheart and we all love you..
  22. OMG how the hell did Cartman's mom get into this post??? HAHAHHAH.. One of my favorite movies The German sheitzer(sp?) video was tooooo funny!!!! But Mrs.Broflowski's explanation of a rim job was even funnier Damn you got me laughing with this one LOL..
  23. Opaaaaat? Ny ti daesh krasavitsa... Tomorrow is the day
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