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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Haha.. Marcellita it was definitely an interesting site LOL.. And Lola, you sooo got it LMAO.. But hopefully there won't be a next time.. No more threesomes with Tina PLEASE LOL
  2. Marcellita - of course LOL.. I'm very predictable when it comes to SF It was such an incredible night!!! Lola..... You were right there next to me trying to fall asleep and couldn't! I think we should've done each other a favor and knocked each other out LMAOOO.
  3. ravermania - music at SF is usually hard house and hard trance.. and it's always the same dj so ppl don't feel the need to even bother saying what type of music it is.. It's JP, that usually gives ppl enough info about what kind of music was played that night.. He played all the songs that were HUGE at SF within the last few years.. Mostly the stuff ppl LOVE but didn't get to hear very often lately.. A lot of new tracks that ppl didn't know.. A LOT of really hard tracks, some new vocals, can't tell you the names coz nobody even knows yet Some tech house which personally I hate If you wanna know what specific tracks he played last night, I'll try to make a list....... In no particular order Corrupt (LOVE that song) Never knew I wonder 6 8 12 dub tone king secret of the sea my love acapella (of course closed with it) the room silence sweet surrender innocente lunatic (!!!!!! including a nice big piece of the original PF version!!!!!!!) a little piece of paradise dub deep down below you're a dream to me HAD TO ADD THESE LOL.. how could i forget deep kemical TEMPERMENTAL!!!!!!!!!!!! arrival also, i don't know a lot of the older stuff so i only wrote what i knew and remember and the moment I don't know a lot of the names of non-vocal tracks so this list obviously includes mostly vocals.. I don't know if you know these songs but SF heads will know All of these tracks were played after 2-3pm I think.. I didn't have a watch so I can't really tell ya.... All the "classics" came on after that time, but before that he was playing some tech house for a good couple of hours when we first got there.. I purposely didn't wanna post a list but since you asked......... [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 04-02-2001).]
  4. - [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 04-02-2001).]
  5. I'm here girlie.. Sorry I'm actually working... Got into a lot of trouble at work for slacking so much so I need to work a little.. Plus I moved to a diff floor so my work # changed again.. Call me laterz ok? Gotta run
  6. I'm there on Saturday!!! A nice lounge will be a great change from crazy clubs for the next weekend See ya then!
  7. Def lemme know when you'll be in the city and we'll go together! The more the merrier!!! On one condition though - I can call you krasivaya siska LOL... jk
  8. Actually yeah the dance floor was pretty packed at closing.. All regulars though going crazy to the music they love It was definitely a night worth staying for because the looks on people's faces, on Jonathan's face and the music was soooo worth it! It was funny because after the music stopped, ppl started leaving and then some song came on and everyone ran back in from the street LOL.. And then the bouncer started telling everyone to go home Poor staff had to stay so late! I still can't believe how incredible it was and I keep on telling everyone about it.. Can't get over it so bare with me while I'm so excited LOL.. Other clubplanet SF troopers who stuck it out till the end and were still DANCING their asses off till the very LAST song -> Marty (offshoot) and Kerry (DryChappedLipz) LMAOOOOOOOO.. Love ya guys Had a blast with you! [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 04-02-2001).]
  9. Andy!!! I want pictures too!!!!!! Clevelander was THE BEST I had an amazing time and couldn't sit still!!!!!! Or even stand still for that matter!
  10. There are SOOOO many things in this world that are bad for you.. Most of the things you can't even be sure about.. One day the doctors say it's good, the other day they say it's bad.. But even when it's clearly bad, like with drugs, I don't think you shouldn't do them at all.. Just be careful and not abuse it.. I can't imagine taking a pill every now and then doing that much damage to you. If you take 5 every week then it's a diff story. I'm not really worried coz I know that when I do take something, I'm really careful with it. But like everyone said, sooo many things are known to cause problems.. Cell phones, computers, junk food, etc etc etc.. Moderation is the whole point.
  11. OMG you just cracked me up LOL.. My thoughts exactly HAHAHAHA..
  12. THE WALL - I don't think a more brilliant movie was ever made... American beauty The professional Dogma Titanic Just to name a couple
  13. Girlie, it's all psychological. A lot of ppl think that cigs releave anxiety but in reality it's just your way of dealing with anxiety.. I think that cigarettes are more mentally addictive than physically.. I know that when I don't smoke, I don't NEED to smoke.. Yes, I want it but if I don't, I won't be totally breaking down like ppl who are addicted to drugs.. Quitting is hard but when you're ready, you'll do it easily and be very happy you did.. To answer the post, I smoked my first cigarette when I was 11 or 12, can't even remember. It was always a social thing and I never really got hooked on it. Only smoked at parties and when drinking or chilling with friends.. Then dated a guy for a few years who wasn't a smoker, and none of my friends were at that point. So I didn't touch a cigarette for like 5 years.. Didn't want it either.. But then started dating a guy who was a smoker and I totally got into it again.. It's a very contageous habbit.. I think it's one of the nastiest habbits ever, but I don't really smoke unless I'm in a club or drinking or smth like that.. I try to limit myself and only smoke when I really want to but I know that if I really wanted to stop, I would be able to.. So to all the ppl who wanna quit, make a decision and stick to it. And don't use cigarettes are a solution to anxiety.. Nobody wants lung cancer so take care of yourselves
  14. Oh don't even remind me LOL.. Next time remind me not to get carried away It feels good to be able to sleep right? And eat? And my tongue still hurts LMAO.. I had a sick time too! You're one crazy chick LOL.. Always fun
  15. - People who bum everything off of others.. Ppl ALWAYS ask me for cigarettes.. I always give them cigs but goddamn, they sell them everywhere!!!!!! Stop asking for water, cigarettes, anything! Get your own goddamn it LOL... - Marcella, agree with you on that one.. EAT QUIETLY.. No need for everyone to hear you eat or drink.. Totally disgusting when ppl can't keep their mouths closed while chewing - People who like to repeat themselves a 10000 times saying something negative. We got it the first time, just brings too much negativity when it's not necessary.. - Bad drivers! Hate it when ppl can't drive like freakin human beings.. They need to be abnoxious and get UPSET when someone god forbid cuts them off.. Acting like it's worse than a slap in the face.. - People who are full of themselves and think they are better than everyone else.. You're not.. You just think that LOL.. Nothing more annoying than arrogance.. Blah I can go on and on But I'll stop LOL..
  16. Oooooh yeah I know I can always count on you for the ropes LMAO..
  17. Usually I meet up with ppl I already know coz it's kinda hard to find ppl you don't know there.. But I'm always down to meet up new ppl just make it easy to find where you are PM me coz I'm def going (no earlier than 8 or 9)
  18. Fuel was awesome, but I didn't stay till closing. Sooooooo wanted to close but just couldn't. My body couldn't take anymore dancing and music, I just had to get away as much as I HATED leaving early And CLOSING is the BEST time at SF.. Just the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Dinner was the best! Exactly what we needed after a few days of exhaustion and starvation That Bob Marley collection was great too!!!!! We just needed a big fat blunt to go with that. Unfortunately it wasn't on the menu Are you doing Avalon also?
  20. Mario... You're not American that's why you have a diff point of view... Personally, I don't give a shit if it is or it's not. I don't believe that it's "cleaner" if it's circumsized.. If a guy WASHES it with SOAP, it'll be clean circumsized or not LOL... Plus I'm not a huge fan of unnecessary surgeries.. And in this case, I think it IS unnecessary.. There's nothing wrong with it so why bother cutting it???????? Just take a shower goddamn it LOL...
  21. I totally agree... If I get caught doing something illegal, it's MY own goddamn fault... Of course I'll bitch and moan but I will KNOW that it's my own responsibility and every time I do something, I'm aware of the risks and know that there's always a chance of getting caught... Of course it sucks when YOU are the one getting caught when another 100000 ppl are doing the same thing but they can't catch everyone... Like Cathy said, they are doing their job at trying to stop ppl from using/selling drugs. So no surprise if they raid a club or search ppl..
  22. Yep it's all true.. I heard this Mundy guy is good too LOL..
  23. I'm usually not a cracker, but after this trip to Miami I think I crossed that line I'm officially a cracker now....
  24. It's really really hard to close if you go early coz you get sooo tired.. The only thing that works for me is getting at least 5 hours of sleep before going and then going at like 6 or 7. You won't need ANYTHING to keep you up coz those few hours of sleep will give you enough energy to dance your butt off and not be tired! No drugs needed, no alcohol or even red bulls! Just music and dancing till the club closes
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