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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. V nosy koviraus? A gde ti koviraeshsa krasavitsa? Yj lychshe v nosy LMAO.. I know, I'm counting days till the next weekend.. And yes they are actually making me work here.. But I get out early now so that keeps me happy And we're definitely invading the mall this weekend although this spring line seems to have all the nasty colors and wierd styles.. Oh well
  2. Whaaat? Where did I get all bitchy? Disregarding the fact that obviously this post was made in reference to another post, that sentence alone has been used about a 1000 times already.. I wasn't being rude or called anyone a dick or a bitch.. And you don't need to tell me that I don't own SF but thank you for reminding me.. Anyway, back to work.. This is boring and if you wanna start bickering with someone, it won't be me.. Ciao..
  3. I'm here.. Haven't checked out the board in a while They are fucking killing me at work here.. This dickhead is always lecturing me on spending too much time on non-work related stuff so I had to cut down on IMs and posting and e-mails and even phone.. What's going on girlie?
  4. I usually get there around 6-7.. If I go earlier, it's tough to stay till 2-3.. And yes, the best thing to do is to take a nap for 4-5 hours and you'll be as good as new. Drinking or going somewhere before SF AND closing is pretty crazy if you ask me. If people are capable of doing that, I don't know how because I'd drop dead by about 10am And as tough as it is to get your ass out of your soft bed in the middle of the night, I have no problem with that anymore (at first you could not drag me out of bed at 4am LOL).. But honestly, I wake up and if I'm in the mood to go, I have no problem getting up coz I'm all excited about going I'm not gonna go for the next couple of weeks (miami), but let me know next time you're going coz I wanna see you get devirginized LMAO..
  5. Hey girlie! I remember meeting you waaaaaay back when Glad to see you're doing good and didn't forget about us!
  6. IMO, closing is the best part of the night.. Although I love the really good stuff he plays around 4-7.. But seriously, if you never stayed until closing, DO IT. Just go a little later and you'll be fine. Unless 13 hour marathons don't bother you The music at closing is actually very different from the rest of the night. He usually gets into more mellow stuff, loves playing oldies or pulling out some stuff that otherwise he'd never play (DM remixes, old originals of songs he remixed (he played a PF original of Brain Damage!!!!!!!), club "classics", or songs all SF-heads love but haven't heard in a while). 11 to closing is a great time and it's usually better because the crowds are gone, and the people who are there are the regulars and they are normally much friendlier and happier than the crowd in the middle of the night. They are there for the music and it's funny to watch people go nuts to songs you would never hear during the night. Closing is usually around 2-3, sometimes earlier but that's rare. He usually brings it down very slowly, mellowing down a little bit but sometimes goes back up with a crazy hard beat track. And then goes back to the happy mellow stuff, sometimes throwing in just an acapella.. It's great. You can always see Vivacious doing her thing on the dancefloor with glittery stuff and you can see people watching and smiling Usually in a circle, all happy and dancing and singing Steve usually gets a little funky with the lights and slowly the main lights come on.. Around 12 or so most of the lights are already on and I love that.. The music is not as loud, sometimes very low and again, it makes it so different from what you see during the night.. It's not very packed but there is always quite a large group of people on the dancefloor. You will barely find anyone in any other areas of the club, everyone gathers on the main floor and dances their butts off So my advice to you, if you never closed, definitely go. It'll be a totally different experience than what you see before 11am and you will be shocked And hopefully you will have a great time too!
  7. b2b - sorry, I didn't read the board much lately and didn't read that post that you were talking about... no hard feelings... misskittie - did you address that to me? junglekittn - if people are referencing another post, they should say so right away. not everyone reads every single goddamn post on the board all the time. rally - hi sweetie good seeing ya too.. thanx for the CD although I didn't get to listen to it yet.. Rachel stole it I thought we were troopers showing up early at Vinyl but you beat us
  8. I'm getting some for lunch.. Can't take it anymore Hooters sounds good!
  9. I was trying to make out what kind of music was playing in the background but couldn't hear anything but noise.. The place seemed cool though Those bouncing things seemed like fun LMAO.. But yeah, can we say CHEEZY? I think all the accomplished with this episode is the complete opposite of what they intended to accomplish. This kinda stuff glamorizes drugs because they have these kids want it soooo bad. If I never tried e and saw that episode, I'd think "whooaaa, I wanna get it coz it feels sooooo good based on what they say".. Yes, it warns people from mixing it with medicine but the way they showed it, I'd think e feels about a 1000000 times better than it actually does.
  10. What's even funnier is when people repeat a joke that's been told a 1000 times to the same group of people.. And the joke is not even that funny.. Oh well...
  11. Thank you Rich! Sounds like a great idea.. This Friday is a very easy day at work so I'll be there! No licking this time LMAO..
  12. Sad how ppl have nothing better to do but bash Factory day in and day out....
  13. Kerry.. I LOVE hot wings But the best I've had are in Syracuse.. I swear I've never had such good wings anywhere else.. When one of my friends came to visit me in school, we went there and when I used to come back to NY, he'd ask me to bring back some wings So right before we left, I'd stop by the place, get like 3 dozen wings and 4 hours later we'd eat them in NY Awwwwesome yummy stuff... If you know of a great wing place here, I'll go with you!!!!!!!!! Yummmm I'm already drooling..
  14. Both of those songs are unbelievable.. Dido is sooo beautiful but Pearls is just amazing.. Don't know which I like more
  15. I wouldn't advise using someone else's ID. Just go a little later (after 6) and dress really nice. If you use a fake or someone else's ID, the bouncers will know right away and trust me, they will get PISSED OFF if you give them a fake. They know what they are doing and they absolutely hate when people insult their intelligence. So just be upfront. Most of the time you will not have a problem getting in. A few months ago I went to SF really late (8am) with a friend of mine who was 19. He had his brother's ID (which turned out to be fake and he didn't even know it). He gave it to the bouncer and the guy flipped out. Said "what do you think, we're stupid? this is what we do here every week, so you think we won't be able to tell a fake and that it's not even you.. how stupid do you think we are?" Pretty much told him to go fuck himself. We turned around, went to the car and got his real license. Came back, showed it to the guy. He told my friend that if he ever catches him using a fake ID, he will call the cops who are standing right near the entrance and have them take care of him. After that little lecture, we went right in.. Lesson learned -> bouncers are not idiots. They are rarely assholes to you unless you do something to piss them off. Especially if you are trying to make them look dumb. Nobody likes that feeling, so if you want them to let you in, be nice and hopefully they will be cool about it too.
  16. Iliana.. Why do you think going to SF is classless in itself? I know plenty of people who go to SF and they respect themselves and their bodies and other people around them. They go for the music, or just to hang out with their friends, or just to go out on a Saturday night.. Whatever their reasons are, I don't think it takes away from their class at all. If they act with class, it doesn't matter where you go. A lot of people don't have respect for themselves or for others but still, there is a rather large group of people at SF who are not assholes and are not there for any other reason than to have a good time without any of the other bullshit.. I don't dress like a slut, sure as hell don't act like one.. I'm not rude to people and don't tolerate rudeness towards me either. SF is definitely not a 5-star Hollywood restaurant but it's a club.. And class does exist there even though maybe it's not so obvious to some people..
  17. Ooooooh.. I want some too! Plz plz plz.. Pretty please? I'll do anything for strawberry ice cream LOL.. So share goddamn it And you know strawberry ice cream does wonders for the soul..
  18. Oooohh.. roadtrip sounds like fun but it's only Philly LOL.. I don't care WHERE to go, as long as DM will be there Can't wait.. Does anyone know when tix go on sale? I'm too lazy to look
  19. I am a kind soul LOL.. I'll try to think of what music was played for the last month at SF.. Tamia - Stranger in my house Derb - Derbis SF97 - The room Rich Luzzi - Without you Blaze - My beat Maurice - Feline Deep down below (forgot who) You're a dream to me (forgot who) Pistolwhip (SUCKS ASS LOL some ppl like it though..) Blah.. my mind is drawing a blank.. Skipped a few weekends too so all I can think of is the older stuff...
  20. Thank you.. It's great to see some people having an attitude like this.. I don't like sweaty scratchy guys either but they are a part of SF and they are not going anywhere.. So don't let them ruin your fun.. I know they never ruin it for me..
  21. THANK YOU I'm soooooo there!!!!
  22. Haha.. Now that I've read this I'm surprised you recognized me and didn't go "what's your name again?" LOL.. Lil crackhead you are heheeheh..
  23. lowmazda.. so true LOL.. I make sure I step on some clothes, hands or feet, or kick those people really hard when I'm walking down the stairs.. Hopefully after they get kicked a few times they'll get up and go somewhere else But probably not..
  24. I think the song is great, I love the music and the lyrics but the guy's voice is too funny..
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