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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. You heard right.. We got burried in all this snow. It took me a whooping 1.5 minutes to dig out my car from all the snow But it was slippery enough for it to fishtail a lil So be happy you're in sunny CA.. Or rainy CA LMAO!!! HA! Glad to hear you're doing good and enjoying that bike of yours. Trips to singleville suck but guys like you will not remain alone for long.. Especially in San Francisco since majority of guys there are not exactly interested in girls LMAOOOO.. Anyway, keep in touch sweetie, Hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  2. I thought Tiesto was good but trance puts me to sleep. There is nothing I can do about it. No matter how awesome it is, I can't dance to it all night long. It's just not dynamic enough for me Although a lot of stuff was very hard, much harder than I expected to hear that night. I liked the music, but it was TOO FUCKING HOT in that place. I got the worst headache towards the end of the night from the lack of oxygen at that place.. Plus it was so hot that even without dancing you were sweating like crazy. But that's no surprise. I expected that.. What AMAZED me was how the crowd received Tiesto. I thought they went nuts for PVD but that's nothing compared to the way the crowd just screamed for him. Looking around, it seemed like the people in there were there for 1 reason only - the music. None of the other bullshit.. I didn't see many people completely cracked out. Didn't see many people all dressed up to show off and acting like dicks. Overall, I was surprised by the crowd because I absolutely hated it at the last Gatecrasher I went to. But seeing all those smiling faces, screaming and chanting for Tiesto was great I love his work. Silence totally drove everyone crazy Sorry, I'm trying to make some sense but my brain is not working on this beautiful Monday morning.. So I appologize for my unorganized post
  3. Iz maaaaskvi LOL.. Love that accent NOT haha.. It's funny though...
  4. LMAO.. Son, kid, bro eto da I hear it all the time They say it funny too - BRRRO HAHHAHAH.. And I love semechki too And about the trip to El Greco - those Maximas can go pretty fast LOL..
  5. Yeah I was saying the same thing.. That guy complained a LOT and bitched and moaned about every single thing.. I can't imagine putting up with him.. I really liked his gf though, she seemed like a really great person..
  6. I absolutely LOVED the last episode. It was all so unexpected! And even if it was all staged and fake, I think they did an awesome job with this show. The episode before last was boring to me, partially because I thought that I had all of them figured out and it was clear on what each of the guys and girls would do. But my jaw literally dropped a few times when they were saying of the things they said. Unbelievable. Again, even if it was fake, imagining myself in that situation was incredible. But if it was real which I honestly believe it was, for the most part at least, the emotions were so strong and those people will remember this experience for the rest of their lives. I know I would. One of them said that the show changed their life and I'd honestly believe that. It just puts everything in such a perspective that makes you think about things on such a different level. One thing I noticed which kinda made me suspicious but I'm not sure.. Did anyone notice that every one of those 8 ppl (4 couples) were VERY eloquent? The way they put their feelings into words seemed a little more sophisticated than the couples appeared. Maybe it was one of the most important criterias when they were auditioning couples for the show but I dunno.. It WOULD be boring if they couldn't articulate what they were going through and would just say "oh i love him" without going into all the details of what they went through. So I dunno.... I thought the show was excellent. And the island is absolutely beautiful!
  7. LOL.. Yeah I agree. BUT, it doesn't give you a feeling of being fucked up. That's what I love about it. You just feel really AWAKE. A lot of ppl like the feeling of being all cracked out so it depends on what feeling you're looking for
  8. LOL.. I don't even know where Austin st is.... I used to go to either playboy or boardwalk Or the place on Ave U and W12th is nice too.. Haven't played pool in a while
  9. Question.. How do you make hard copies of the pictures? Do you have to bring the disk somewhere or can you get some special printer/paper to be able to print them yourself?
  10. They forgot another favorite word - PIZDETS LMAO...
  11. Like all stereotypes, most of these are so true LOL.. I make a crappy russian though coz most don't apply to me 20. On the weekends your place of residence is the pool hall, and every 10 mins the tolstii pon'chik tells you to pick up line 3. I don't get that one? tolstiy ponchik?
  12. perfecto.. tvoya kartinka mena smyshaet.. na rabote klassno takie otkrivat LOL.. vse srazy tak koso smotrat
  13. MUAAAHAHAHAHAH.. krasivaya siska.. Ya shas ymry so smexy LOL.. cuteboobie, sorry hun but i can't help laughing at his fine interpretation of your screen name
  14. OMG Lola.. I can't stop sweating you! I'm trying not to think about you! But I can't You're just too irresistable LMAO Def shopping Yey! Please please remind me to take your presents coz I know I'll forget AGAIN..
  15. Hmm.. I don't see how that's bashing.. That's just not knowing something which is totally different from saying shit about a place.. PS: hi! we met on the line for PVD remember?
  16. What do you mean ewww? You do'nt like my ass now? That's not what you were saying the other day.......
  17. Haha.. it's impossible to get sick of you.. My stomach will hurt a lot though coz you crack me up I'm not going this weekend coz I wanna go to Tiesto.. And none of my friends are going to SF.. But we'll see
  18. Lemme bend over so you can KISS MY ASS LMAO I still have yours too! I'll try not to forget this weekend...
  19. Plz plz plz plz take me with you!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I so wanna go Grr another month till SB but cancun is still better!
  20. Wow.. All I gotta say is that clubs are for everyone.. "Older" ppl, as you referred to them, have as much right to be there as anyone else. And it sure doesn't mean that they are losers or wierdos AT ALL. Whatever reason they have for being at a club, it's their business and I don't see how you are bothered when you see someone who's 25? 30? 35? If they are having fun and not being a dick to you, there's no reason for you to worry about them being there. Personally, I usually see a very strong connection between age and maturity (in most cases, not all of course). Overall, from what I noticed, younger clubbers seem to have more nasty attitude, more bullshit when they go partying.. The so-called "older" crowd is definitely there because they WANNA be there, not because it's a COOL thing to do.. I've hung out with a few ppl from the board who are older than me (I'm 22) and trust me, it's NOT about the age at all.. Some of them would outdance all the younger kids any day, without any drugs and they tend to complain less about stupid shit.. [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 02-27-2001).]
  21. Oi rebata oktabrata LMAO.. Ya bila pionerkoi i eto tak kryto!!!!!! jk
  22. YOU are talking about respect? From what you just posted you have no idea WHAT respect means.. Look at the first thing you said.. You were being FUCKING RUDE.. So dont' come to us saying that we are being rude speaking anohter language which you don't understand. That's YOUR problem. We were not talking to you obviously and YES, all of us do speak english. But does that mean that every person in America who speaks languages other than English and Spanish should not use any of them? SHUT THE FUCK UP ok? We'll speak any language we want and if you don't understand it and it bothers you, go fucking kill yourself. Not like we were sitting in the same room with you, pointing fingers and laughing at you while saying something in a different language. So get over it and learn to give respect before you can ask for some..
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