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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Hey sweetie.. You were a major pooper on Friday LMAO.. jk My weekend was the usual - Factory Sat, Sun - recovery Actually didn't get to recover coz I didn't go to sleep at all until 11pm on Sunday. Insanity. My brain is still not functioning even though I was totally sober the whole night (not even stackers, or red bulls or even weed.. NOTHING at all) blah it sucks LMAO.. How are you?
  2. O da on kolbasit! Tam rysskix bolshe i bolshe kajdie vixodnie!!! I vse bumpautsa kak symashedshie LMAO.. I love that work.. A eshe lychshe - K-HOLOVKA.. I was laughing at that one for hours
  3. Awww LOL.. Wierd though coz I thought the music wasn't the best I've ever heard. By far. It was a good night but for me it wasn't the best Glad you had an awesome time and as always, I have fun hanging out with ya.. Btw, I never went to sleep on Sunday and only slept 7 hours last night.. Crazzzzie shit I tell ya.
  4. Daje _____ spat lojitsa chtobi nochu vam prisnitsa.... Forgot that word... someone plz remind me before i go nuts trying to remember
  5. powerpuff - are you the girl I met at Hugh's party? or was it at the anti-valentine's day meetup.. I remember meeting you but cannot remember which day LOL..
  6. Ok.. it's only 2:10.. This is the longest day in history I swear to God.. They are killing me here! Lola - one word for you my dear - ABSOLUTE JUICE LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Marcella - tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow yey!!! I hope you come Steve - see ya tonight? ooooh baby
  7. Haha.. Marcella & Lola - I"M FIRST That apt is beautiful!!!!!!! Esp the magic couch LOL..
  8. Alex - LOL.. sugarmommy, sugardaddy.. same shit and btw, blah blah blah idisyda - da ny etix sladkix malchikov.. nety takix, vse kazli LOL.. i eshe ne bilo ni odnogo russian meetupa tak chto.....
  9. I was only joking.. Ti prav koneshno, no eto ne tolko rysskie.. Eto te kotorie sami ne xotat nichego delat i xotat na vsem gotovom jit.. That's the type I was making fun of in my post.. Esli kogda-to so mnoi poznakomishsa ti yvidish chto I'm soooo far from that [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 02-23-2001).]
  10. Since everyone is saying looks, I'll say $$$. My plan of action: - Marry a Billionaire - Make him a Millionaire - Divorce - Find a good looking sweet boy and spend all that $ from the ugly rich guy LMAO..
  11. FINALLY it's Friday.. Even though it was a 4-day week it seemed to drag on forever and ever!! Hope everyone has a good weekend
  12. Hmm.. I don't really agree with what nicki said above.. Of course in the ideal world it would be easy to tell someone that you wanna take time off, and then after a short time, when you realize that you wanna go back to that person, go back to them. Realistically, it's not that easy. Once you "break up" even for a short time, it will always stay in his head that this happened. It's impossible to forget that. You say that he was in the same situation about a month ago but he realized that it was you he wanted. That's great and all but how many times do you guys have to go through this before you realize that you wanna be together or you wanna see other ppl? I'm not trying to lecture you but I guess I'm just amazed at how lightly some ppl take relationships. It's all fun and games at first but make sure you don't end up losing someone important over some fling.. I guess what I'm saying is just think ahead a little bit, and don't do anything impulsive no matter how much you're attracted to the other guy..
  13. Oh god.. If you count all the different nicknames I got from friends/family, you'd probably have a LOOOONG list.. They are all Russian so I won't bother listing them but 1 is my AIM name - ZaiChik Zoya -> Zoyka -> Zayka -> Zaichik -> Zaichenok -> Zayats -> etc etc etc
  14. Casey shhhhh.. You are not supposed to tell her this now LOL.. I was trying to make her feel better and you are giving her a reality check LMAO.. Take it easy on the girl. She's still a baby HAHAHAHAHAHA..
  15. Look at it this way (and remember I KNOW what I'm talking about LMAO).. No more long boring teachers, no more homework, no more exams, no more late-night studying, no more labs, no more bullshit papers (that Arthur writes LOL), no more studying on weekends, no more having no money to go out, and about a million other things
  16. I'm sorry sweetie... If you need anything you know where to find me *huge hug*
  17. Blah I was still at work when it was on so I couldn't listen And no you're not the only early birds.. They are killing me here!!!! And I've never even heard Russ before
  18. Wow.. 70k on a 98? Daaaaaaamn that's a lot.. And yeah it's a chick magnet LOL.. I have a white 00 one and all girls LOVE it LMAO.. Mine has like 9k on it though.. It's so much fun to drive!
  19. I'm too lazy to retype the same thing so I'll just quote ya LOL..
  20. I couldn't see the 1st one but the 2nd one is a great picture!
  21. Not really.. He's not too ugly but definitely nowhere near HOT..
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