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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Mo.. We can pick up a male hooker on the way to your house on friday.. Would that work?
  2. mr.bumpy don't listen to her! come stay in our room LMAO i'm gonna get myself in trouble hahaha..
  3. Arthur is doing a very good job at teasing you LOL.. Is it working yet?????
  4. Hi guys!!!! I'm here, just not posting a lot today (woooow right? that's unusual LOL).. I'm waiting for Miami too!!!!!!!
  5. And what am I chopped liver????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  6. I'm not sure how it's possible to be in a REAL relationship with someone and not consider each other friends...... Friend = someone you love, you trust, you enjoy spending time with, love to talk to, share your happiness and sadness with, help them, offer help, can rely on completely, considerate to each other and RESPECT EACH OTHER.. Those are KEY to any relationship and I cannot imagine being with someone who does not offer ALL OF THE ABOVE. But that's just how my brain works. Maybe that's why I only had relationships with guys who I was first friends with (except for one).. In my mind, it's all based on friendship because that's how you learn about WHO the person actually is...
  7. Yep.. Agree with whoever said that open relationships are just plain dating.. Cheating is a WHOLE different story because a person being cheated on assumes that their partner is being exclusive.. If someone wants an "open" relationship, there IS NO relationship.. Maybe a friendship.. But no serious feelings, no committment. It's ok for ppl to wanna have "options" and not be committed to one person. But if you say that you are in a relationship with someone, that kind of implies that you are monogamous and not fucking around with other ppl.. Even if your partner says it's ok.. Personally, I'd NEVER want to be in an open relationship. I'm not a jealous person by nature, but if my bf wants to sleep with someone else, he won't be my bf for long..
  8. Hmmm................. Just snuggling LOL? That's no fun!
  9. Muaaaahahahahahaha.. Someone fill this sucker in on the joke.. I cannot stop laughing at that one Crack rulez!
  10. Oh my fucking god. I'm gonna die laughing from your signature.. And that song is so FUCKING ANNOYING...
  11. Hahaha.. You guys are too funny I have NO clue what kind of a theme this is.. Seems kinda cheezy but I don't care.. Hopefully it won't be too packed and the music will be good. Everything else don't matter
  12. From what I know, he CANNOT miss a Saturday because of the contract.. Not sure if he'll actually miss one this March..
  13. Same here I can't seem to get enough.. I'd die if I only heard JP once in 2 months. So I'm glad he's not European
  14. 1 - I don't really know you ALL that well so sometimes I cannot read your mind and see if you were joking or being serious. 2 - Weren't you the one telling me that you've never even been to SF? Maybe I'm confusing you with someone else, I'm not sure.. 3 - Where did I say that we all have to agree and listen to the same music and like the same djs/clubs????????????? All I said was it's great when ppl state opinions, and tell everyone what they like, what dj they are dying to hear, what clubs make them go nuts and lose their minds. It's a totally different story when ppl trash other places because in their opinion they are not as good as other places. Sorry, I'm repeating myself and going in circles but some people are still not getting the point.....
  15. Lola we were driving back too and listening to it.. He was playing all the latest hottest stuff and I was sort of mad to hear it on the radio but it was GOOD.. They said it was live from WH but never mentioned the name of the DJ.. Some really good shit though right? Did you get home ok that night?
  16. sleve - i replied to your other post.. i'm pretty sure that's it - SF97 - the room
  17. The Room.. I think he was playing it for like an hour!!!!! So energetic and awesome Love it...
  18. Shiit Lola.. Traveling in style huh? Smokster you're welcome to stay with us *wink wink* LOL.. Queen size bed will be enough LMAOOOOOO!!!! jk Damn I can't wait already.........
  19. Yeah Twilo doesn't search.. They let you in with your drugs and then throw you out after you pay the admission price.. LOL.. This is so pointless.. Why does it always have to be a competition???? Nobody's giving out an award for the BEST club in NYC.. It's not olympics where you can measure who's the fastest runner, or the strongest person.. It all depends on a person's taste.. It's useless and a complete waste of time to try to prove to someone that Twilo is better than SF and Centro Fly is better than LimeLight and etc etc.. It's like trying to prove to someone that chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla ice cream... To each their own.. No need to insult ppl and call them sluts or juiceheads if they go to SF.. No need to call ppl kids playing with glowsticks if they go to Twilo on Fridays.. No need to assume a person is gay if they go to Twilo Saturdays... Relax ppl.. Just find what you like best, ask for other ppl's opinions if you're curious and wanna do some "research" before checking out a certain venue.. But no need to talk trash about all these places. Because all of them do have something good to offer.. Even if you don't like it.
  20. Hahaha! You just sobered up huh? LMAO What a great fucking night!!!!! Vic was definitely good but too bad I'm not a huge trance head.. Jonathan was just amazing. I couldn't believe all the vocals he played!!!! Def a GREAT night.. I just wish I could've stayed till closing but I had to go coz my Mom would've gotten soooo pissed Oh boy LOL.. There's always next weekend! Thanks for everything sweetie! I said it a 100 times already, and I'll say it again - YOU"RE SO AWESOME Love ya girlie See ya soon!
  21. OH SHIT LOL.. I cannot believe who he is.. OH GOD I"M GONNA DIE LAUGHING And yes I'm scared of him if he's on the loose.. Lola, put a leash on him or smth.. That guy is WILD LMAO.... South beach here I come! Watch out Mr.Bumpy!!!!!!
  22. Hmm... If you read my post again you'll see that I was saying exactly the opposite of what you just said... I don't have a physical type, but yeah it helps if they are attractive But my whole thing is all about personality... And jammy agreed with what I wrote... I don't think either of us are shallow enough to go out with someone based purely on looks....
  23. OMG you're such a lucky girl! Everyone is so goddamn serious at my job.. I need someone to make me laugh once in a while! Share the man damn it!
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