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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Smoking doesn't kill anything! It makes everything better Love smoking and drinking, that shit hits you hard LOL.. As for smoking in clubs, I like it but I like it more at home while watching a silly movie or just chilling
  2. Valentine's Day sucks LOL.. Unless a sweet nice gorgeous guy brings you flowers, a bottle of champagne and stays over for a few hours
  3. Had a good time with ya guys again Didn't meet too many new peeps though, barely had time to say hi to all the ppl I already knew.. Oh well I loved the place though, perfect for a dinner like ours.. Thanks Casey
  4. I was really surprised at the music there. It was actually good. But we packed that place like sardines LOL..
  5. Hmmmm. Funny how you ignored Lina's and my posts..... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
  6. Oooooooooooooooooh YEAH Is it Friday yet???????????????????????
  7. All guys who wish to offer their services, PM me for AUDITIONS LMAO Only hard, smooth, sexy bodies allowed..
  8. Hmm.. I'm trying to remember who you are but can't quite put my finger on it.. Must be the weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed LMAO I need some more...............
  9. My up was waking up realizing it's Friday My down was getting up at 7 after going to sleep at 3:30
  10. LOL.. I wrote it to you in a PM.. call ya in a couple of mins..
  11. Yeah I've been discussing this with a couple of my friends.. Not a week, just 4 days I think.. It's still iffy though Ppl have such hard times making plans! Call me at work oki? [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 02-02-2001).]
  12. Hun.. In that case, if you really think that all he needs is some time to think about things, then give him that.. You don't have much choice, you either wanna give him a chance to do this, or you can move on. I dunno, some ppl can't realize and appreciate what they have until they lose it. So maybe he just wants to test his own feelings, to see how bad he really wants to be with you.. I dunno, just random thoughts..
  13. Thank you thank you thank you.. I was looking for this info all I gotta say is WOW.. AMAZING..
  14. Bingo! Exactly what I was thinking while reading all the other replies. Although a lot of them do have really good points and of course every situation is different.. But I cannot imagine "taking a break" from someone you wanna be with.. If you need to take a break from them, that means that there are a lot of issues. So unless you are both mature enough to sit down and discuss it like adults, in the case that it's just a break for ppl to figure out what they want, no reason to stay with someone who has doubts about being with you.
  15. Dana! I had a blast although I wish we would've stayed later! I heard it was AMAZING after 10.. Next time we're going LATE LOL.. Say hi to Jasmine (sp?) for me, she's such a sweetheart! And HELLZ YEAH I'm going to PVD. Wouldn't miss it for the world. He's amazing.. We'll def talk before that Friday
  16. - [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 02-01-2001).]
  17. Niki - that's exactly what I'm talkign about.. no signs at all.. but if they do put them up, they wouldn't make any $$ right? assholes idisyda - i'll def look at that. surprisingly enough i never got a ticket yet, but I'm sure I will some time soon thank you!
  18. I don't like the idea of ganging up on ppl but he's pushing it real real hard after a few ppl told him not to be so abnoxious.. Although I don't really have to do anything since I usually don't reply anyway..
  19. Hi Mario I already welcomed you back a loong ass time ago and I did tell you Rachel that he's back!!!!!!! Btw, did you ever get in touch with Tina? I miss the girl I swear.. And Rachel, his screenname is MarioNY, not MarioNYC
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