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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Hahahahahaha! No you don't And you forgot to say that you love ME! jk What a stupid topic........
  2. Yep, i was really good.. And yes it was his b-day for real Why would they have a fake b-day party for a dj?
  3. Lola - I learned from the best LOL.. Dana - HIIIII!!! You coming on Friday? njgural - Mariah Carey..
  4. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..
  5. Hahaha.. There is a lot you don't know about me dear! But keep on singing that beautiful song LOL..
  6. What? You don't love me? You wouldn't give YOUR ALL to spend just one more(???) night with me LMAO? I'm heartbroken!
  7. <-- gets all teary eyed.. I love you too Lola..
  8. Some fucked up stories LOL.. I was so tired that I didn't even have the strength to argue with the dickhead. In all fairness, he should've just given me a warning coz I was the most fucking polite "criminal" he'll ever encounter! Nor there were any signs there.. Since we got on the topic of rude cops, here's a story. My bf and I were driving to CT to visit a friend. Beautiful summer day, road is going up and down, speed limit 55.. We are driving, listening to music, talking.. He's not speeding for once, but since the road is constantly going up and down, the car speeds up and slows down a little bit. So we're going 65mph MAX, not more than that for sure. All of a sudden a state trooper pulls us over. The guy comes up to the window and starts yelling. "What the hell do you think you are doing? Why are you speeding when the signs clearly say 55mph? You think that if you have a sports car that gives you a right to speed? Blah blah blah blah.." He went on and on about how us, rich kids, get fast new cars from our parents and have no respect for the law. My bf had a red mustang, and that car pisses cops off. So he gave us a ticket on top of yelling at us for 1/2 hour for no good reason (c'mon 65mph in 55? a joke).. CT tickets are at least twice as much as the same ticket in NY.. I dunno, I met a few cops who were really cool. Some let you go even when they pull you over for speeding at 90.. But this one obviously felt like I was a threat to society and I must be punished.. I'm writing a big ass appeal letter which will get thrown out but at least I'll feel a lil better
  9. Yep, same here 105F, sunny and hot, I'm a happy person
  10. I wasn't rude to him at all.. When he came up to me and told me there was no smoking on the platform, I just put it out. I think he just needed to catch up on his quota.. I was probably the nicest summonee a cop can ask for, I wasn't even being a smartass even though I wanted to tell him to go chase the real criminals LOL.. Oh well, just wanted to share so nobody else gets a ticket.. And yeah, free country my ass.. Watch out for the new wave of seriously dangerous criminals! At least he didn't arrest me LOL...
  11. Guys, you are not gonna believe this ridiculous situation.. At least I still can't. I got a $50 summons for smoking on an OUTSIDE subway platform.. No "no smoking" signs, nothing.. This asshole comes up to me, asks for ID, does a WARRANT CHECK as if I'm the most dangerous criminal on this planet LMAO.. It's so ridiculous that I'm not even mad. Why don't they send these guys to go after real criminals.. I'm telling you though, I'm REAL DANGEOUS with that cigarette in my hand! Watch out.......
  12. Why??? I don't get it........ All clubs have a fountain.... And whazup with that signature? Traitor LOL
  13. I can't wait to meet that very special someone I can't believe she'll be there!!!!
  14. I'll be at the meetup on Friday and at Twilo for PVD Make sure you find me and get a big hug from me
  15. Hmm.. The meetups are very open and the ppl will be friendly if you show up and don't know a single soul. Trust me on that one Nobody will be rude and tell you that you don't belong here..
  16. Hhaha.. Ny izvini, most devushki are not exactly MACHO MEN LOL.. Mi bolshie plaksi, kak risa narisovala
  17. Kto tebe razreshal lomatsa? Jopa ti rizhaya Haha.. Check your PM's in a few mins, gotta ask you smth..
  18. Oi moya ti prelest.. Ne plach solnishko LOL.. Nothing more adorable than a sensitive guy huh I haven't seen the movie yet but I WILL
  19. Heeeeeey! Yeah you'll have to buy me a gift EVERY year damn it YOu going friday right?
  20. I didn't say you were wrong.. you just cracked me up with that saying LOL..
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