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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Ahhhh I'm still thinking......... I don't know if I can handle another hardcore night..... I'm so fucking exhausted. And deaf too
  2. Selfish aren't we? Nicki - I agree.. We gotta hit a strip club or smth and get some love there LMAO..
  3. Guys, you gotta go early for PVD.. The line is always to the end of the block but in the beginning of the night it moves very fast. We got in within like 20 minutes tops without a problem. The later you go, the longer the line takes.. So next time come early and don't get discouraged by the line, it moves fast. PVD ROCKS
  4. Pink Floyd - the Wall Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd - Division Bell U2 - Achtung Baby DM - Songs of Faith and Devotion DM - Ultra DM - Violator Scorpions - all of it Robert Miles - Children Enigma - all of it Sandra - all of her stuff The Cure - Bloodflowers Ozzy - No More Tears I can go on forever........... And of course PYKU BBEPX LMAO
  5. Hehe.. Ok Exit it is.. I promised Anthony I'll go listen to my favorite new DJ LOL.. And SF sucks only when you go HAHAHAHAHAHA I gave you the right number btw, you just wrote it down wrong! Anyway, I'll give you a call tonight.. I need to know if we're going in March.........
  6. Def track selection.. If the song sucks, no matter how well you mix it, it still sucks.. If a dj plays a good song, even if he barely touches it, ppl will enjoy it.. Plus not everyone even pays attention to the mixing..
  7. I'll be in the same spot where everyone was last time.. I like that seating thing coz I can dance on top of it without anyone bumping into me But I'm sure I'll see you all anyway!!!!!! yey! Tomorrow
  8. Lola - poor baby I'm in jersey today so I'm not sure when I'll have the time to call and chat... I'll try to call you during the day and if not, I'll call you in the evening.. Ally - PVD is the best right??? She doesn't believe me Poor Genie without Internet access? That blows... You're like his personal secretary now right LOL? I'm surprised you are not fluent in Russian yet
  9. Then come to PVD.. He's the best, seriously! Btw, did you go to the dentist yesterday? Did you talk to Dana?
  10. 1/2 the time his posts are funny, the other 1/2 they are plain offensive.. He's just seeking attention and loves being the center of it, regardless of whether it's positive or negative.. Ignoring sounds like the best idea.....
  11. Haha.. I know YOU don't stink! And neither does Dee.. Ignore the ignorance.. I cannot believe he wrote all that shit yesterday and now is trying to back out of it saying he didn't mean it.. Why say things you don't mean unless it's a joke?
  12. Hey Ally Yeah Lola's right there (above) hehe.. And YES I'm going to PVD!!!!!!!!! I'm sooo excited LOL.. And I'm trying to drag "HER" too but she's toooo lazy! Hope to bump into you guys at Twilo Tell Gene I said "privet" LOL
  13. Hi Marcella How are ya??? Tell me you'll be at Twilo tomorrow??????????
  14. LOL.. Yes? This is funny..
  15. Haha.. Somehow I knew I'd either hear from you or Brian LOL.. I think we talked a little last time So save it!!!! LMAO
  16. Hmmm.. What is your fascination with celebrities.. I've noticed a lot of posts from you asking about celebrities at clubs etc etc.. Just find it wierd.. And I was wondering who keeps those tabloids alive LOL..
  17. Why do you care if you never go there? Just looking for another reason to bash SF? As for the system, they are doing it piece by piece.. I heard it's almost done. You can definitely tell the difference, it's much clearer now. A little too loud I think but they'll adjust it hopefully. Other than the volume, it sounds great.
  18. Haha.. I love the sound it makes when you floor it.. POWER.. All 265 ponies of it
  19. Personally, I don't like short hair on girls.. Very few look good with very short hair (Nicki for example, can't imagine her with long hair).. But personally I LOVE long hair Although guys with long hair totally turn me off...
  20. Iowa, wow.. Did you hear this song "I Turn To You"? It's the shit! LOL..
  21. Yeah that's it!!! I had sex with you in my dreams a couple of weeks ago LMAO Nah, probably saw you at SF at some point or some other club..
  22. Awww.. I'm getting emotional already LOL.. Congratulations 9 years is a LOOOOONG time! Hope you guys are happy together for the rest of your lives
  23. WOW... Fucking amazing!!!! I want one of those on the bottom!!!
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