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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Although I haven't met you in person, I wanna wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY You seem very sweet and 22 is NOT old!!!!!!!! LOL.. Have a great one
  2. Oh shit.. how does a truck fall of the BQE.. Scary shit.. I hope nobody was under it coz I imagine it'd hurt to have a truck fall on you LOL.. Insane.. Bratnik - nah, I didn't go to Float.. Some other time Let me guess, you didn't go either LOL? sosultan - hehe.. Mondays suck regardless of how the weekend was.. Unless it's a holiday!
  3. Hi Lolka Mondays suck LOL.. I'm still sick too! Bratnik - my weekend was relaxing.. Slept a lot (have the damn flu or whatever it is so I feel like shit).. Thinking of taking a couple of sick days.. And already thinking about next weekend
  4. Either of the days are fine, sounds like a good spot too See ya guys then!
  5. Rachel.. He does NY twice a year.. In 2000 it was July and then November or whenever that was LOL.. Don't even remember So my guess would be no earlier than this summer, if at all.. Rumors fly that he wants to retire from dj'ing and only produce.. But that's only rumors..
  6. Right here How was your weekend girlie? Did ya end up going anywhere on Friday?
  7. Yeah yeah .. You gotta PROVE your luv girl! Now where is my chicken soup BITCH? LMAO I'm going home in a few mins
  8. I'd rather believe a rumor than find out the hard way that the rumor was TRUE.. And e-tarded, for a moment I thought you were a dealer who had 2000 of those and got scared that nobody will buy them LOL..
  9. Oh shit.. Why would anyone put poison in pills??? Dammn.. Thanx for the lookout, I hope nobody else gets hurt from them..
  10. Mario - a little piece of advice. Do NOT leave for Vegas unless you have *me* with you You absolutely NEED *me* coz otherwise it just won't be fun!!!! Hehehehe JK.. Never been so I'm waiting for a detailed review when you come back You leaving Friday?
  11. Are you offering? LMAO Big AND long AND hot? OOOooooooh what can that be? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  12. Hehe.. Nah I'm just mad coz last summer I started my job and I only got to go to the beach like 5 times the whole summer!!!!!! I was whining every single day that I'm gonna quit and just become a beach bum I know what I'll do this summer. I'll quit my job in June, take 2 months off and then find another job in September! Yey!
  13. I love summer.. But it sucks if you have a job like mine, no room for the beach except on weekends! And on weekends beacher are always crowded.. I wish I was back in school and had summer off......... Being an adult sucks! And I hate winter too, these damn flu epidemias are annnnoying!
  14. Hehe.. I'm Russian and I only understood a couple of words.. That's why I asked her but of course she, being very proud of her European heritage, refused to tell me which country she's from.. Go figure..
  15. Biaaatch.. You know you wanna do it!
  16. I can honestly say that I LOVE PVD. He's amazing and I will NEVAR miss a PVD night unless I have a really seriously good reason! He's great!
  17. Haha.. Sorry, I think I threw everyone off topic or maybe ppl just dont' like the topic HUH!!! LMAO.. Anthony, I definitely need my Lola fix and Lola needs her Zoya fix. And I need the "fuzzy-man" fix too!!!! Lolka, I'm sick as a daaaawg.. Wanna come take care of me? Make me chicken soup? Pamper me? Hehe Ali, how are ya sweetie? Repeat after me - SF ROCKS!!!!
  18. Grrrr.. I agree that Twilo is a great club but I just HATE attitudes like yours.. If a person does not like Twilo, that means that they don't have a clue about music??????? I'm not trying to start drama, but I'm just sick of ppl saying that anyone who doesn't like Twilo is clueless! It's just simply not true. There is NO one club that's for EVERYBODY.. If it was, it would be the ONLY club in the city. I love Twilo for my own reasons, but still, it bothers me when ppl say that whoever doesn't like it (for whatever reasons) they are clueless and know nothing about music! It's all a matter of opinion.... Grrrrrrr you got me mad
  19. I know I don't like the Lopez song at all, but your topic says "My love.." and there are a bunch of songs that start out with those words, I wrote my fave one Sorry didn't mean to ignore the original purpose LOL..
  20. .. is stronger than your pain stronger than your fears sweet enough to wash the salt from your tears deeper than the waves that break against your heart you can't go on any longer... my love is STRONGER.. LOVE THIS SONG..
  21. Oh god... I'm the worst when it comes to sweets.. LOVE sour patch kids, gummy bears, skittles, mentos, m&m's, wherthers (sp?).. Oh god should I go on? Anything that doesn't have peanuts, peanut butter or coconut.. Ok now I gotta run get some sweeeets..
  22. True.. some vocals don't sound as clear as they should, the bass def overpowers them.. I've said it a lot of times myself The acapellas sound amazing, and some vocals sound good too. I think it depends on the actual vocal and what sounds it uses for the bass and the voice of the singer..
  23. March too? Kewl! I missed that one.. Although I'm still mad at him for doing a 2 hour set and probably won't even go next time!
  24. I'm not a big fan of either although Christina does have a nice voice and a couple of good songs out. Ricky I won't even talk about, I find his music very annoying He's not bad looking and she's def a cutie although she is soooooo tiny! I don't know where they find these little tiny girls with these HUGE voices?
  25. ???? Don't get offended!!! I didn't post this just to go against your point of view LOL!!!!! I just really didn't like it!
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