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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Haha! The #1 cheerleader replies! I will def check him out some day *yyaaaawn* damn I'm sleeeepy..
  2. Yep, same here.. No clubbing at all..I'd do a lounge just for the hell of it..
  3. I agree, I'm totally not in clubbing mood tonight.. Mundy is iight I actually haven't heard him for more than 15 minutes..
  4. I'm tired too... and sleeeeeepy *yawn*... I wanna go somewhere but I need to be dragged out. Otherwise I'll just sleeeep for days
  5. Hehe.. Where is he working tonight? Exit???????????
  6. You are two mean bitches! Let him sleep You're just jealous coz you ain't sleeping!!!!!! HHAHAAHAHAHA!!!
  7. Haha.. Wierd.. This is how it's written in russian M bI M P A! He's gotta know it! Althought there is no english equivalent Anyway, whatcha doing tonight smokesman?
  8. Mo, I won't be there Unless we get snowed in and are unable to go to DC.. Have fun and say hi to all the juiceheads for me LOL..
  9. Haha.. I think I lost at least a few pounds this weekend.. Didn't eat for 2 days this weekend.. And danced my butt off at SF! Wouldnt' recommend doing it a lot though, very exhausting..
  10. LMAO this is too cute Tanya!!!!!!! How are you feeling btw?
  11. Morning sweetie Yes it's Russian.. I use it when I really need to say something funny and a word does not have an equivalent in the english language (Lola - translate "mimra" LMAO).. Smokee ask Gene, I wonder what he'll translate it as As far as tonight, no clue.. What's good tonight? Dunno if I wanna do clubs...... But we'll see What about you?
  12. Living alone is the best but a man right next door is a plus Especially if you need to get something from the top shelf, open a can, fix something or carry heavy stuff
  13. Hehe.. Ok I'm not scared anymore! Che vecherom delaesh? Ya zavtra ytrom yezjau esli snegom ne zavalit vse...
  14. Just keep yourself busy and surrounded by positive ppl who care about you and make you laugh.. Don't be alone coz that will lead to depression. Don't hate him either coz hating is just as strong of an emotion as loving, and you need to get rid of any emotions toward him all together. It'll all get easier with time..
  15. Vo jopik! Ladno ladno priedy kak-to LOL.. No ya serezno poteraus y vas tam Che na vixodnix delaesh?
  16. Nothing worse than a factory craving.. I get those a lot, especially towards the end of the week. I'm not going this Saturday coz I'm going to DC, unless that whole thing falls through because of the snow.. I'm def there on 27th for his birthday. Should be an INSANE time! Are you going next week? And BRE you gotta come too! I haven't even met the girl yet and we've been trying to meet forever!
  17. Hmm.. Midtown is kinda dead.. I thought there were so many ppl working in this area?
  18. Nah.. Not that mysteriousss anymore.. The mystery has been uncovered.. Oh well LOL..
  19. Haha!!! No, I've never had that guy whoever he is come up to me.. But that's hillarious!!! I recognize a lot of ppl at other clubs and some ppl recognize me too.. I love that coz SF has this family feel so whenever ppl see each other outside of it, they are really happy to bump into their fellow SFers And I LOVE PVD!!!!!!!
  20. LMAO!!!! You're one funny motherfucker
  21. Friday! Party party party!!!!!!!! No depressing thoughts! I think it might be the weather, it's so nasty!
  22. I'm pretty sure I'll be there Feb 4th I missed Fontaine, hope he's coming back soon coz I heard a lot of good reviews.. Not sure about S&D, it's next weekend right? We'll see.. Maybe.. I'm definitely at Twilo for PVD though No question about it! Zorros are yummmmmy..
  23. Sorry to hear that.. But the only thing that's important is that he's ok.. The car can be fixed or replaced so don't worry about that.. And this can happen any day at any time driving anywhere.. So doesn't matter whether he was driving to see you or going shopping or going clubbing..
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