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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Haha.. You're too funny I have NO idea why I didn't like the music. I was in the best mood too! I remember hearing 5 seconds of I Wonder and thinking to myself "FINALLY HE"LL START PLAYING GOOD MUSIC".. And it was only a tease! How cruel was that??? You were hanging out by the dj booth? No way!!! I was there a lot, talked to Phil and Bush, then chilled there for about an hour with Eric and others.. Said hi to Gene and Ally.. But I did NOT see you! Oh man what the hell was wrong with me that night?
  2. Hehe.. could've just replied to my post LMAO Oh well I don't mind it this way either!
  3. Hey girl, Get on IM some time soon or check your PMs Gotts to ask you smth
  4. Awwwwww.. I'm just busting on ya! And you know you love SF so stop pretending to hate it! Smokee??? Where are ya?
  5. Good answer to a really annoying dumb question......
  6. Haha.. You remember how exhausted I was when we talked right after SF? I was DEAF! My legs were falling off from dancing ALL night.. Oh man that was insane. I slept for 15 hours afterwards LOL.. I had fun anyway because of the ppl I was with, but I wasn't happy with the music until he threw in 6,8,12 dub a couple of hours before closing. Other than that it sucked! He played a terrible version of Silence (Lucie, Rachel and I just stood there on the stage giving him a dirty look throughout the whole song!!!) He played stranger in my house, and then blood is pumping a few hours later. Nothing good in between at all! I was waiting and waiting.. Saw all the ppl having a good time and couldn't figure out why I wasn't enjoying the music! I still can't figure it out.. I even asked Jordan if it was me or was the music horrible and he said that he really liked the music. So I have no idea what the hell happened that night.. But I had a great time anyway! So stop lying you biiiiaaatch! Exit blows!
  7. Lola!!! I NEVER said that I had a bad time. I just said that I really hated the music the whole night but closing was amazing.. I don't know what happened, I was in the best mood, felt really good, not tripping or anything.. But I hated the music all night! Except for like 3 songs.. I still cannot figure out what happened coz EVERYONE loved the music!!!
  8. Lola - hehehehe.. Lets seduce him Smokee - I left at 3:30, closing was awesome.. So mellow and great with all those oldies.. I was exhausted though.. I threatened to kick Eric in the nuts and he said that you never asked him where I was! So who am I kicking in the nuts? You? Him? Both? LOL.. Oh and I was by/on the stage, on the 4th floor, on the catwalk near the dj booth, or on the main floor in the right corner.. I was all over, surprised I didn't just bump into you! [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 01-18-2001).]
  9. Heeeey wake up ppl! Marcela - Lola - if you're coming, I'll bring your stuff!
  10. Yeah, most ppl are only good at "******* sucks" comments..
  11. Haha.. Sorry Casey Just come to midtown! Or maybe we should meet 1/2 way?
  12. Hey sweetie.. We're having a lunch tomorrow.. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/019227.html You are welcome to join us!
  13. Hey guys.. I cannot wait for tomorrow already although I like Thursdays because they are almost Friday Who's up for lunch tomorrow in the midtown area? No idea where (suggestions are more than welcome), around 1 or so?
  14. Hehe You know you LOVE SF! I just need a lil break that's all! As much as I love Twilo, I'm beginning to hate it just because of these ppl who are so annoying with putting other clubs down. How's the apt search going? Any luck?
  15. Oh I'm sorry.. EXIT BLOWS! Just kidding I gotta go with you one of these days, I need a break from SF for sure.. Chego ne znaesh? Ya tebe po pochte vse otpravlu I swear.....
  16. I think they complement each other really well.. You don't get the whole night of the same DJ and I like it when music switches around once in a while...
  17. Namana.. Bezdelnichau Kogda v Brooklyne bydesh sled raz?
  18. ATT does that a lot too! A friend of mine just switched and I can never get through to him! Always that annoying "all circuits are busy" message! I have Bell Atlantic, had it for over a year and never had a problem.. No matter how good of a deal Voicestream/ATT will offer, I ain't taking it coz you are getting screwed if you sign up for them.
  19. I like your weekend plan Def sounds like a LOT of fun! Hang in there and let the girls come to YOU LOL..
  20. Totally agree with crossy.. You CANNOT sit and torture yourself with memories and regrets.. At first, the best thing to do is to distract yourself as much as possible from being lonely and sad. Go out as much as you can, be around a lot of ppl. With time it'll definitely get easier.. Not saying it'll go away completely, if it was anything meaningful it'll always hurt. But depression sucks and avoid it at all costs
  21. Just a clarification.. I think we were talking about DJ's that we've never heard before or never heard OF before.. Not the DJs that spin at our favorite clubs that we go to every weekend..
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