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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Totally agree.. with Ooana and Mario..
  2. There is no SF even this weekend, just our own little one. Hope to meet a lot of you there
  3. JP!!! True dat.. No k-holes and I still love him Never heard either JV's (vicious and vasquez) live, but their mixes are good (especially vicious).. Also, does Hex count as a NY dj? If yes, then I LOVE him too
  4. AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh I'm gonna cry. I have a team meeting today for lunch.. Assholes Maybe I'll be able to stop by just to say hello, get one drink and leave coz it's right around the corner from me.. See ya guyzzzz
  5. gravity - if you end up going, come by our spot and say hi. I'm curious to see what you're all about in real life.
  6. I think this topic has been discussed about a million times. I'll say what I always said to statements like yours. It's not about drugs, it's about a person's ability to remain in control of their life and not lose focus. I, like many ppl on this board and in all these clubs, have a good job, a college education, a very solid life and a very clear goal. Even if I do drugs (no I'm not a heroin addict), that in no ways affects my daily life. Of course if I let it take over my life and decide to get fucked up every day, then it's a problem. But the majority of ppl only do it for pleasure on weekends when they go out.. So if you touch drugs, that doesn't automatically make you a loser in life.. You just have to be smart and careful about it.
  7. neydogs - contributing to the drama LOL? we all do it but you're right, too much of it lately..
  8. I can't believe it's finally Friday! This week was toooooo long. Bre, if you're going to SF this Sat, let me know coz a lot of ppl from the board are going We're hanging out at a lounge near SF first and then going to SF (if you haven't seen the other posts).. So PM me if you're going so we can finally at least say HI to each other face to face!
  9. Why are you IMing and calling him if he made it clear he doesn't want it. I wouldn't do that if I were you just out of respect for myself.. He doesn't want you, someone else will even more than he ever did.. The more you try to get yourself back into his life, the more he'll resent and ignore you. So just leave it as it is and move on.. I know easier said than done but we've all done it before...
  10. Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Wish ya all the best
  11. LLMAAAOOOOOO!! Are you serious? That's just toooo funny! I've never seen that!
  12. All the Brooklyn ppl, what are some good places on Thursday? Not too crowded, decent (not too loud) music, good drinks? Thanks
  13. Joey, whats gotten into you today? You're seriously cracking me up here.. I haven't laughed so hard in a while
  14. Mo.. Of course you are right, but nobody is blaming you for anything.. Every intelligent person knows that there are good/bad girls as well as good/bad guys.. We are all individuals and nobody else is responsible for our actions but ourselves. So of course it'd be unfair to "blame" everyone else for actions of a few or even a lot of "bad" ppl..
  15. Lucie.. Meetups never work in Factory.. Nobody keeps track of time So whoever wants to find us, they will at whatever time is more convenient for them. LikmyLipz - just come girl!!! You'll have fun with us, I promise
  16. Hahahahahha.. Joey, you want drama? I can give you drama Nah.. I think we had enough for a whole lifetime in the last few days.. Generalizations suck but a lot of times they are true.. There are a lot of shallow ppl in this world and there is nothing we can do about that. The only thing we can do is surround ourselves with ppl who have morals, values and respect..
  17. I got competition huh? Lets seee May the best nipple win!
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