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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Sweetie, don't worry about my career.. I'll be way ahead of you in no time, I think I already am.. I don't care to know you either coz you seem like an asshole. I never said your posts were useless. I just said that this particular one about you owning apotheosis was repetitive. It doesn't matter how many ppl hate who on this board. I'm just trying to reduce the negativity on this board. I think a LOT of ppl said that personal attacks aren't cool, definitely more ppl than those who said that they dont' like apotheosis. Anyway, enough with this bullshit already. I don't wanna argue with you, all I did was tell you that your "owning" shit was getting old. You seemed to wanna get personal and start calling me a loser, oh well.. Who cares.. If you think I'm a loser, that will NOT change my life even one bit. So take care..
  2. I've heard ppl say that he's really good. Tanya in particular was raving about him And Twilo wouldn't bring anyone who sucks I'm sure.. But I still wanna go see for myself..
  3. I've never seen him live.. I've heard of him though. I'm relatively new to the scene so I haven't seen that many dj's yet.. Not to annoy anyone with questions, but what is he like? What kind of music, where does he spin, where is he from, etc?
  4. Ooana - you killed a lot of bitches in your lifetime huh? LOL.. Roommates are a fucking nightmare.. Every single person that I know who roomed with their friends ended up hating each other by the end of the year. Freshman year at Syracuse - had a roommate who was very cool but she would constantly smoke in the room. I asked a 10000 times not to smoke, but she'd always smoke and then open the windows (when it's 5F outside!!!!!!!).. Switched rooms with another girl on the floor and that roommate was very cool so I had a good time. Sophomore year - fucking nightmare. Was supposed to room with one of my closest friends, but her parents decided not to pay for her education anymore so she ended up transfering out at the last moment. I got some stupid bitch who'd constantly have ppl call in the middle of the night. I went off on her one day and she stopped.. Junior and senior year - LIVED ALONE in a 1bedroom apartment. It was actually the smartest move ever. A bunch of us decided that instead of renting a house all together, we'll rent apartments in the same building. We hung out all together all the time but we didn't have to deal with any of the roommate bullshit. SWEEEEET..
  5. Hmm, JP told you that he's tired of me being at SF? Hehe.. Yeah I know I need a break from that place too.. I told ya I'll go with you for Junior but like you said, it's hard to say whether he'll be there or not.. So I'll wait until he starts showing up every weekend and we'll go
  6. Hmm.. Your shirt wasn't pink.. It was all different colors I remember well.. And you didn't ruin my night, nobody did. I was in the best mood ever!
  7. Hmm, you wanna start shit with me too? Yeah, ok, you felt the need to "expose" someone.. That's iight, that's between you two.. To say that I don't have a life, that's stupid of YOU. You don't know me, you don't know anything ABOUT me. I post from work, because I'm bored at work and would rather bullshit on the board.. Does that make me a loser? Hmm.. No. Maybe in your eyes, but just like a lot of ppl on the board, I DO have a life even though I post a lot. I type fast and usually have a lot to say. If you don't like my posts, too bad, but don't call me a hypocrite because that's NOT what I am and even if I was, you wouldn't know anything about it because you don't know me. And I really don't think ANYONE's life revolves around this board. Ppl just like to talk to each other. And even if you consider 99% of our posts useless, oh well, as long as we enjoy it..
  8. Hmm same here.. I have a very sore throat after Sat night and I cough a lot too. I think it's something in the air at that damn place!
  9. Absolutely! You won a lot of these and you deserve them (especially the gym-addicted one LOL)..
  10. Take me with you Steve! I wanna go too! Cali must be sooooo nice Have a safe trip and a lot of fun there, but come back soon! *hugzz*
  11. Huh? What crackhead in the pink shirt? This was by far the worst night for me as far as the music was concerned.. But I'm surprised that everyone else liked it! Just doesn't seem right....... Whateva though, I still had fun with you guys
  12. Totally agree.. WTF is up with this kid "owning" anyone? Haha.. Ill house you - I dont' know what personal shit you have against apotheosis, that's none of my business, but you sound like an asshole telling everyone you'll own them.. it just makes you look like a dick.. And as far as "useless comments".. What's useful? Posting 1000 times on the board that you own apotheosis.. Please.. That makes you such a winner!
  13. Haha.. I hope you don't wait too long to find out what really happens.. Get some FAST
  14. I dont' get it.. This is so wierd. Usually ppl complain how the music wasn't good. This time everyone is saying that it was good, some ppl even said awesome. I FUCKING HATED IT. I have no idea why! I was in the best mood ever, really happy and dancing the whole time. But I hated the music the whole night except for like 3 songs!!!! I cannot for the life of me figure out how that can happen...... WTF is going on???
  15. To add to everything Mario said, I want to THANK EVERYONE who came out on Saturday! It was great seeing all of you guys and I hope you had fun Even though I thought the music SUCKED big time, I had a blast with everyone. *hugz & kissez* to you all.. On a much sadder topic, Lucie asked me to give a message to everyone from her. She didn't have a chance to even say bye to anyone in SF because she couldnt' find us and Michael wasn't feeling well so they had to leave. But she sent everyone her love and promised to be back Maaaalllliioo my dear How are ya.. Can we say, FUCKING TIRED? 13 hours af SF? Daaaaamn.. I did it before but even then I wasn't so exhausted. Shiiit.. I slept for SO long.. 15 hours. And my head hurts really bad today I don't know how you did Twilo before and B&S after. You're a real clubhead I'm so glad the last 2 hours was all vocals, at least that made you a lil more happy!!! Iight, thanx everyone Hope to see you all soon although right now I feel like I never wanna be inside a club again LOL.. But I will be
  16. Yes it's on the 27th and yes, it'll be packed.. A lot of ppl said that the music is very good on his birthday so I hope it'll be good. He hasn't spun until 5pm in the longest time.. The only time recently was for Halloween. Usually he closes between 2 and 3. So hopefully this year will be extra good and extra long
  17. A bunch of ppl from the board will be there around 4 also. We'll be hanging out to the right of the stage right under the dj booth, so come and say hi I'll be wearing a black top with "mysterious" written on it Come say bye to amalkav and wish me a happy bday! Hope to meet you guys! Let me include a pic.. That's (right to left) rachel, lucie and me(bad pic I know LOL..) [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 01-13-2001).]
  18. I can't believe you just wrote that.. I'm totally losing respect for a lot of ppl because of this mess...
  19. Call me tonight or tomorrow! Hope to see ya at SF.. Bring ear plugs LOL.. *hugzzzzz* girlie
  20. Smokee - I hear ya old man I gots 3 more years to party huh! Virginia!!!! HI! Thank you and I'll def LOOK for you Just don't change your hair again! LOL.. See you guys Sun morning! Can't wait!
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