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Everything posted by cubano43

  1. New Job where ass kissing is not a requirement.
  2. It should never be about the $$$ but what makes you happy. There is a great amount of drugs in that field. Coke is the drug of preference. Stock Options that's where that green is at. Good Luck
  3. I disagree. Remember Bush is a coke head. XTC was first available over the counter at bars in TX. Bush will make XTC and Coke legal. He will also put us in a ressesion but that was expected. He can't be that stupid he sold that shitty Texas Team for 250 mil.
  4. strong & shapely It a fucking wharehouse. Awesome gym. Will blow any Golds or Powerhouse away. Right now I have 2 fuckup shoulder. May need surgery. So I'm using kiddy weight.
  5. strong & shapely It a fucking wharehouse. Awesome gym. Will blow any Golds or Powerhouse away. Right now I have 2 fuckup shoulder. May need surgery. So I'm using kiddy weight.
  6. Forest Pharmaceutical. I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do but usually I'm surfing.
  7. I ran - Flock of Seagull Boom, Boom, Boom let's go back to my room!! Cory something Metallica - One Pearl Jam - Alive Belinda Carlise- Circle in the Sand(Loved her) Run to you- Brian Adams Rock me like a Hurricane-Scorpoins
  8. hdpons350@aol.com Send them over.
  9. I say a 2001 Firehawk. That one bad bitch. I have 1995.
  10. Ephredrine 3 that too much. 2 will be enough. A mild E hit.
  11. Subject: The Mistress > > >A husband and wife were having dinner at a very fine restaurant when this >absolutely stunning young woman comes over to their table, gives the >husband >a big open-mouthed kiss, says she'll see him later and walks away. >His wife glares at him and says, "Who the hell was that??" >"Oh," replies the husband, "she's my mistress." "Well that's the last >straw," says the wife. "I've had ?enough, I want a divorce." >"I can understand that," replies her husband, "but ?remember, if we get a >divorce it will mean no more shopping trips to Paris, no more wintering in >Barbados, no more summers in Tuscany, no more Infiniti or Lexus in the >garage and no more yacht club.?But the decision is yours." >Just then, a mutual friend enters the restaurant with a gorgeous babe on >his >arm. >"Who's that woman with Jim? " asks the wife. >"That's his mistress," says her husband. >?"Ours is prettier," she replies
  12. Been there, done that. Not doing it again. Broken heart take too long to heal!!!! Now just more career oriented.
  13. Are you the same Blackhaus 1 as the Elite Boards?
  14. Balla Latinos in the House!! Bro I swing to everything. I'm no a fan of Bachata.
  15. There are assholes everywhere. Jersey, Brooklyn, NYC whatever. It seem that everyone get stupid after a few beers.
  16. I dance both. Copa Tuesay and Thursdays in the Summer. I'm actually trying to get a group together for a copa tuesday.
  17. Blackhaus for a shot and purple motherfucker for a drink. Red Death are also awesome.
  18. Got a digital picture. Here I'm at our company's day out in Commack, LI. I girl next to me work in my office. That the only pic I got.
  19. I have and didn't like it. I like ephridrine better. AST sell it. Supresses hunger and give you a jolt before a workout. But you have to cycle it.
  20. Shit I went back to the home land this August but not too many chickes left. hehe
  21. 1995 Pontiac Formula V8 6sp, Ttops, Leather bitch could fly.
  22. Looks like this MOFO got turned down by every girl at the Metro. Which explains his bitterness!!!
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