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Everything posted by sgtfury

  1. ill post whatever i want to post:biggrin:
  2. i think that guy's tits were horrible!
  3. ...yeah but there never seems to be a lack of "happy cinco de mayo" posts.
  4. ok im freaked out...i didnt do that..
  5. Probably One Of The Most Important Days That Everyone Should Recognize. Take Some Time To Honor All Of Those Who Died In Defense Of This Great Country. For All Of Us That Were Born Here We Owe Our Freedom To Them...for Those That Have Come Here- It Was Because Of Them That America Is Free
  6. so, i guess ardis is working at studio A..lol.
  7. .......today i saw some guy pulled over getting a ticket and not much attention was given....yet, soooo much attention is given now that the INS is actually doing its job. its all the same shit folks... BREAKING THE LAW
  8. As Moussaoui was being led from court, he clapped his hands and said: "America, you lost. I won." which ever juror ruled for life in prison should be killed
  9. funk- even though you are a pain in the ass, you seem like you have half a brain in your head. that's why I can't understand why you keep missing the point. this has been made to be a "latin" issue and it is not. a country has to be in control of its borders....and if you support that, you are a racist? if you don't condone illegal immigration, you're anti- latin? I am a complete product of immigration. My grandparents were born in italy, ireland and puerto rico. they came here and helped build this country. they came. worked, paid taxes, and social security. If anyone wants to come to america the LEGAL way, I completely support it- that is the spirit of this great country. this whole thing has been swerved into some sort of racist thing and it is not.
  10. makes absolutely no sense. the issue has never been immigration....the subject is ILLEGAL immigration. how do you measure the illegal immigrants impact on the economy?...ill bet your ass they are going to work today. you are feeling wierd how the latin community is being treated?..why?...because the u.s is looking to enforce the law?. im feeling wierd on how americans are being treated lately
  11. koky's avatar gives new meaning to the song "TAINTed love":laugh:
  12. heres a thought- can you imagine how powerful the real national anthem, recorded in english by latin artists would have been? these fuck heads really missed the boat.
  13. the more and more i think about this it really pisses me off. president bush its it dead on the money ""I think the national anthem ought to be sung in English," and I think people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English, and they ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English." is anyone in today's age in disagreement that we dont have to toughen our border? The United States should not allow changing of our national symbols to suit others purposes. The real national anthem is a song of unification...if these shit heads had really been supportive of the message of the national anthem, they would have recorded it the way it is. A re-written national anthem that is sung in a foreign language demands that the United States embrace immigrants on their terms, rather than the other way around. Nope
  14. here is the english translation of the spanish version: Verse 1 The day is breaking, do you see it? In the light of the dawn? What we so acclaimed at nightfall? Its stars, its stripes, flew yesterday In the fierce battle in a sign of victory, The glow of battle, in step with liberty At night they said: "It's being defended!" Chorus: Oh say! The voice of your starry beauty is still unfolding Over the land of the free The sacred flag? Verse 2 Its stars, its stripes, Freedom, we are equal We are brothers, in our anthem. In the fierce combat in a sign of victory The glow of battle, in step with liberty My people keep fighting It's time to break the chains At night they said: "It's being defended!" Oh say! Your starry beauty is still unfolding.
  15. Verse 1 The day is breaking, do you see it? In the light of the dawn? What we so acclaimed at nightfall? Its stars, its stripes, flew yesterday In the fierce battle in a sign of victory, The glow of battle, in step with liberty At night they said: "It's being defended!" Chorus: Oh say! The voice of your starry beauty is still unfolding Over the land of the free The sacred flag? Verse 2 Its stars, its stripes, Freedom, we are equal We are brothers, in our anthem. In the fierce combat in a sign of victory The glow of battle, in step with liberty My people keep fighting It's time to break the chains At night they said: "It's being defended!" Oh say! Your starry beauty is still unfolding.
  16. the whole thing is such a fucking pile of shit..and i am sorry but if you are cuban.. i dont want to hear shit..cuz everyone knows that the cuban situation is really fair..i mean come on...my family has paid into social security for 70 years and someone can come here and after a month get SSI..omg..lol.....i would love to see how many cubans show up to work on monday...ha..... here is a revelation: there are IMMIGRATION LAWS in this country! the law is the law and it applies if you are mexican, german, or wherever the fuck you are from. if the current immigration laws had been better enforced, 9/11 never would have happened....the rationale is just ridiculous...record the national anthem in spanish to somehow justify breaking the law??..and what is this shit about "immigrant day" and not working...what a steaming pile of utter shit. if i had come here from a another country and waited in line and filed all my papers to do things the right way to work here i would be mutherfukin pissed at those that broke the fukin law. im not anti immigrant ... I AM ANTI ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT.
  17. 4/26/06: i officially give up.
  18. genesis is going to have to rerecord the song using the term "undocumented worker".... fuck it, they should record it in spanish.
  19. or italian, spanish and irish.?? thats where my family immigrated from. and the first fucking thing they did when they got here was assimilate and speak english. the key phrase in melting pot is "melt"
  20. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,192688,00.html
  21. http://www.theconservativevoice.com/article/14124.html
  22. javascript:cnnVideo('play','/video/us/2006/04/23/starzyk.ga.mckinney.walks.out.affl','2006/04/30');
  23. i believe there is a difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration. and thats what baffles me about all the protests and all the bullshit. i dont think anyone is against LEGAL immigration to the u.s. if you want to come here to make your life better and do it the right way, thats what this country was founded on. from about the 1700s to the 1950s many people came here from many different places.they came and literally built america. they came here to make AMERICA a better place. they came to assimilate, speak english, pay taxes and contribute to the system. jesus christ, when WWII broke out, immigrants were lined up around the block, volunteering to fight for the u.s because the country had been so good to them. my family forced everyone to speak english and even changed thier name because it was important to be an AMERICAN. can you imagine that happening today?....ha...the whole concept of immigration today is different.... most that come ILLEGALLY, dont contribute to the system. they dont pay tax, they dont assimilate, they bring crime and deplete social programming. they do provide a workforce for manual labor, however, that only provides a route for greedy employers to gain cheap labor without providing any legal benifits....and when an illegal gets hurt on the job or has a few kids..who pays??? ...the american taxpayer..... and because this issue has been such a hot topic with the latin community, everyone has failed to even recognize that one of the main reasons why immigration reform is being attempted is to protect this country from terrorists. had the borders been tighter, 9/11 never would have occured. and it doesnt take a genius to figure out that if a middle eastern terrorist wanted to come to the u.s without much trouble, the u.s/mexican border is the easiest route...thousands come every day...you think anyone will notice a guy with a turban with a nuke under his arm?.... prob not.
  24. ???? http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/04/12/moussaoui.trial/index.html
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