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Everything posted by sgtfury

  1. its 10 o'clock...do you know where your children are????
  2. well, ive been pretty tied up fighting the taliban....
  3. Just to let all the clubplanet members know that my good buddy Dave Padilla will be spinning Sat. Dec. 8 at Stereo in Ft. Lauderdale....If anyone is looking for a alternative to the miami scene for a weekend...you may want to drive north for the night....if you PM me..i can set up a guestlist...
  4. ha ha ha......im going into Space and I see vannessa coming out and i yell vanessa like 6 times and i swear to god...you looked up at the sky a couple of times like it was the voice of god coming down from the heavens....lol...when i stopped to say hi, the group of people that i was with was yelling at me to come into the club---we were getting in free, so i had to move my ass...by the way--does your cell phone still work--ive tried it a few times.
  5. Ive been to Liquid the last 2 weekends and I have to say that the remodeling of the old SL looks really great..the dance floor is opened up and the DJ booth is now on the ground....(i always hated the old booth up in the sky) the sound/light system is much improved....
  6. Once again, as ive said before.....big, tough words hid behind a internet username..its amazing how big some peoples balls get when they can remain anonymous.... by the way...GA2...that pic of DP is fucking hilarious!!!!
  7. mimi.....im soooooooo sorry!....remember the day you left me the voice mail about the party??...that day i got food poisoning...ive been really swamped....i will call you on your new number!
  8. Look, just because i was crawling into Space on my hands and knees does not mean i didnt look good....and speaking of being out of it----bear in mind that when vannessa was walking out of Space...i was like right next to her and had to yell her name like 6 times as she walked down the street with "that far away look in her eyes"....ha ha ha
  9. Sgt. of trance...i love it.......
  10. OMG....did i really sound that bad? the scary thing is that i was doing a whole lot better at that point than i had been doing earlier...it seems that when the hour is late...and my brain is functioning on limited capacity....i look up and there is pod..red shirt, camera, and helpful smile.....good to see you..my posse was bitching about leaving just when i met up wiht you....give me a buzz.
  11. Talked a little with Oscar G last night and then watched him spin in the booth...and let me tell you...he is bad ass..house music isnt my first choice in music..but Oscar is bad ass
  12. Im going to sing "happy birthday"...but to the melody of "Fire-Wire".......just kidding...happy b-day..
  13. Macfunk... i believe it is spelled horny not horney.
  14. Mr. Funk: i appreciate it...do you realize you gave me the same message 2 times now....and another thing!!...how come i see for like 5 min and then you disappear???
  15. this whole Taliban thing has gotten my dander up!!!!
  16. hey GA..happy b-day....(even thought im pissed because we never hung out after the first remix at Level...)..... give a brother a shout sometimes..
  17. one thing i can say about the Clubplanet/Miami boards is that there are many people who have strong opinions...and for the most part, everyone shares thier opinions, agrees, disagrees...but, its usually kept pretty civil.....i do find it interesting that some use the messageboards as a way to hide behind a computer name and insult people...its very easy to verbally attack someone when you are hiding behind a keyboard...i wonder if these same individuals would ever come close to having the balls to say the same things in person???? i think we all know the answer to that question.... this is my opinion: express your self, but leave the elementary school name calling and personal attacks at home...or maybe ill have to give you the ass kickin your stank ass mother never did...if the shoe fits...feel free to PM me.
  18. i appreciate trance and house...i even dig german trance..but, i'm not digging GA these days.....
  19. oh yea...well i just heard a 2live crew song on power 96 that had the line "i dont want no confrontation, i just want ejaculation" in a odd way, it does sum up my disatisfaction with my recent relationships.
  20. Rio had potential....it is a nice club on the inside. The thing about Rio is that it is kind of out of the way....you need a GPS indicator just to find the f'n place....i believe the Remix needs a bigger home, anyway..
  21. dont reveal my secret identity!!!!!
  22. sgtfury

    How was PVD???

    I heard that PVD was great, but Space was once again up to its old tricks with the front door......some people had received before 12 comp tickets and admission was reduced before 12............the answer....DONT LET ANYONE IN BEFORE 12 !!! ....was this true??
  23. Just to let everyone know that Padilla's Remix at Rio will be open for afterhours on saturday........the owner said he will close when everyone leaves....
  24. the sarge is going to be in full effect on saturday night...who else is with me??
  25. trance was never played at Level or Crobar......now Acosta is playing at Level and Crobar is playing trance also....that is what i meant....
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