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Everything posted by sgtfury

  1. dave's style has taken a beating on the board because this message board seems to be pro house and very anti trance...remember that in the grand scheme of things-this board honestly represents maybe 20-25 people....not really significant numbers when you consider the amount of people that go out in miami in the course of a weekend.
  2. i can see a 15 year old dan standing outside of the am/pm minimart in glenn's falls trying to get someone to buy him a 40 oz. of Old English 800..........
  3. The terms of Edgar V's dismissal from Space have left many with strong critisism for Mr. Puig....say whatever you want about that decision, however, it has been made and the clubbing world will move one....there is a empty slot at Space this friday...who will fill it??...who would be a suitable replacement??....everyone is entitled to thier opinions, however, base your opinion on fact....1)some have come to this board with rather personal references to Mr. Padilla...my question is...what the hell does that have to do with DJing???..2) David Padilla is a House DJ....he was spinning old skool house in NYC before most on this board were born..David was at the forefront of the trance introduction in Miami..and now he's taking his musical style to a higher level....
  4. sgtfury

    My Statement

    Let us all remember that it was Edgar V that came to the board to defend Club Space many times.....the true integrity of a person is not seen during times of happiness, but in times of trouble....and given that, Edgar has risen above the rest.
  5. Specifically, i believe it was the 5 foot long turd
  6. ive never heard L. Cakebread, however, i am refering to UK hard house....im transforming into the sgt. of hard house. ps..dan did you get my most recent email?
  7. I was just wondering if anyone on the board is into Hard House...way back in 92 i went to a Hard House club in London and it was out of control...no scene here in Miami...
  8. sgtfury

    The Eternal Debate

    although ive been dubbed by some as the sgt of trance..(dan) i do dig house musik also...in fact, ive been getting deep into house in my own personal DJing....the one thing i dont like is the "militant house-heads" that hate anything but thier chosen music, as sobeton said..if it moves your feet..dance your ass off.
  9. beyondo...check your PM's everyone else: dave is my good friend...on top of that i think hes one of the best DJ's there is...personally, ill always try and help my friends and professionally, i have great respect for him... dave got a lot of this started here in miami and in many ways, he doesnt get the respect he deserves...i appreciate your supportive words.
  10. Starting Dec. 29, David Padilla will take over the saturday residency at Stereo, in Ft. Lauderdale. In regards to being known as a "trance" DJ, David has said this in regards to his new saturday spot: " I began DJing almost 25 years ago in NY...my roots are with house music, I started with Dave Morales...I dont wish to be classified as just a trance DJ....my style will represent house, progressive, as well as trance..my goal is to take everyone to a higher level"...Dave is on tour in South America and Santa Domingo for the next 3 weeks, returning to the US for Dec. 29 at Stereo...
  11. you're number one on my list.....in fact your kiss is on my list
  12. im getting ready with my red hot poker
  13. i stand corrected!!!
  14. johnny is just upset because somehow his pert-plus shapmpoo bottle is stuck up his ass again...sideways......
  15. just for the record...dj scot project did not do "paranoid"...it was done by Hypertraxx..on the overdose label
  16. PM me if you want to be on the list......
  17. sgtfury

    hey board

    Rudy!!!! what up bro.....last time i saw you was at Rio....ive been kind of chilling out..however, i always seem to run into POD..give me a call dude....
  18. in that case, i guess xtc has already bought his tickets...(just kidding bro!!!!)
  19. thats just my standard internet response
  21. well as they say...opinions are like assholes...everyone has one and they usually stink.
  22. if anyone wants to come up to ft. lauderdale to see dave padilla at Stereo...pm me for complimentary guestlist for sat. dec. 8
  23. one of the things that ive always wanted to say at work is: "as soon as i shove this red hot poker up my ass, im going to chop my dick off".....i still havent had the chance to say it yet
  24. the website is out of control...some pretty big claims.....my prediction..closed in 2 months...another Fuel..
  25. Dan...i think im going to pay for a bottle at Rain one of these nights just so i can give her shit.....worst..stephan the asshole from Space..best...Brian & Kris..from Shadow/liquid...
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