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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by puck

  1. started to worship satan.......dam im stil recovering from that....what a fucking trip that is
  2. i smoked out of everthing, coke cans, water guns, gas mask, bongs, joints, blunts, ciggerates but my fav is bongs and joints
  3. i like light hazel almost a greenish hazel i had blue eyes for about a year but then they turned colors
  4. yo one time when i was really high, i was thinking about my next door neighbor, i was thinking so hard and i thought i figured him out, i thought he was a serial rapist, then i proceded to tell my friend who was somber was like are you fucked up again, i was like hell yeah, and then we he started laughing at me..............it's funny now since i think about this has nothing to do with the topic but i wanted to share that since that other dude brought it up
  5. puck

    Piercings? anyone..?

    am i the only dude with a tongue piercing on here. tongue
  6. 19, nothing but girls, i live in d.c. but i go to jersey once in a while
  7. maximum, stuff, national geographic
  8. my vote is deff for gladiator but i think crouching tiger and hidden dragon should best foregin pic
  9. thats pretty fucked up, whats funny but still fucked up is that he took your toilet paper. press some charges or something
  10. remember that song i like to move it move it.....that was the shit when i was in middle school like 7 years ago
  11. cha cha's in little italy they'll serve underage people drinks........nice place
  12. man, its all about the butterscotch pussy......."butterscotch the best" by casper, from the movie kids "im casper the friendly ghost and i just wanna fuck some bitches.....lalalallalalalalalalala"
  13. why would u say i made it up, it true, its almost weird that i saw almost all of theses except for 7, but i guess you probably think it fake i can see why but its not
  14. i was thinking about what to post and since nowadays everyone is listing in their posts i figured i would share this with u guys/gals 1) while running away be rational about the weather if your going somewhere, it's not wise to wear shorts and a t-shirt when its 35 degrees outside 2) if your going out of state boundries always have money with u, caz u dont wanna come back to the house and get your money 3) a 40 year old guy with a mustache doesnt look good as a transvestite 4) if there is an old man (80's) bumping his head and moving his arms around, it doesnt mean that there raving, it could be a medical problem 5) port authority in newark is always scary when your just 14, so be wise 6) if your gonna go over your a friend that is a girl house, make sure that her dad doesnt end up kicking you out of there house caz they think your fucking their only daughter 7) if you not to come home and you dont have anywhere to stay, dont decide to sleep in someones garage or in the park, caz you might get arrested, beat up or molsted(never pertained to me anyway, but i thought i might mention it) i think thats about it if i have anymore i'll add
  15. i gotta say one of my favorites is when homer has been contimplating about going to clown college and he was making a fun house out of his matched potates, and he was like " thats it this family held me back long enought, im going to clown college" then bart is like "uuuhhhhhhh i dont think any of us expected that"..........dam i love that scene always cracks me up i second ralphs nomination
  16. wow, that story brings me back to my highschool crackdays, i couldnt remember anything or how much money i spent, all to familiar but funny
  17. puck


    thats such a rip off of cocktails which was much much better, me and my friend wanted to thinking of doing that in the islands whats up star
  18. both and with mandy more in the middle!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. im working on something and i have to stay till 8 and it deff sucks.....so where are u all? i want to talk to someone about anything i dont care, something
  20. hey what the fuck are u we gonna start the club bashing on the dc board too
  21. puck

    Old Head

    give respects to all the older peeps on the board that still party and club ahh punk is still good as it always was....theres nothing like a punk party...lol a1wave
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