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Everything posted by puck

  1. man all i wanna do is dive into that pussy and start swimming in it
  2. puck

    Spit or Swallow

    this is what my co worker says "I prefer to swallow. I'm good at it too. I think all girls should help each other out in this type of situation. It's really good to ask your partner. That way they will be pleased with your performance. The key to it is always the sucking. Utilize the tongue ladies...and men...if you go that way" i would agree with sheriece
  3. dam yo....why so hostile today............i feel perfect harmony coming over every one.....lets go out and make our own cult and ponder the good stuff in life and live in perfect existens fuck that shit.........what up jav, italia......lets fuck up some shit
  4. yo nabuc yeah i guess your write on that one but your forgot about poll pot who killed as many cambodians as stalin
  5. hey yo gogo scene aint that good man......but baltimore got some good shit going
  6. i fully agree man....whatever the fuck we're talking about
  7. i usually trim it very small but i've never shaved it do you girls think its sexier on a guy to have trimmed pubes or shaved?
  8. reasoning is thinking but not all thinking is reasoning
  9. aaahhhhhhhhh cant wait to go, ive never been to twilo and i missed a lot of shit that goes on there but i'll diffently hit that up when i go back up to jersey
  10. dudes we should email this to the academy awards
  11. nabuc, fuck fidel man...theres a longer lasting legacy about hitler then fidel....... im coming back again, akwakend from my age of sleep and nothing but agony has capuated me and kept me captive now iam have awakened to see what all have become, you can not destroy something created but only tame, not even that will hold me back from finding my peace of mind and my spiritualistic and intellectual side, i am not a barbarian but someone who can not be stopped...oh i know what your thinking is it possible to be a human with all thy human insticts or is it not...one must know thy self, spiritualism and intellectually.....crammed with the muddy swetlands of the amozons of the dry season i doomed to die but wait i found a hole in which i can swindle and swivle my through where fresh water lies and where i the preditor am no longer the pry but back with in my dominitions of this dimenision a 3rd dimension diffined but not well knowed how do we suppose to know the 4th dimension if we dont even know ones self and the criteria....i am facing the envitablity of not becoming another just person or a product....looking searching, on my long journey to what is so hard to describe to those who dont know is a long road and sufferable road but we can not be upset with this aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh so much confusion and frustation i cant explain but only within these abstract ways
  12. hell yeah italia, the craziest thing i've done when i was drunk was......aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh fuck i dont even remember most of the shit i did.....cant think of shit right now but i do remeber i broke into my house with a broken latter up on the 2 floor and i did get into a fight and one time i snuck into the local pool and went skiny dipping, another time i was so pissed i just started distroying all sort of shit outside, like christmas ornamets and those stupid rein deers mad out of fucking wood and garbage cans........man i was so pissed that day.........i have so many other stories that i dont even remember.
  13. hahaha you jersey got mad snow dc only got 2 inches
  14. fuck that man, his a commie bastard............long live (even thought his dead) hitler
  15. mother fucking hell yeah.......................................long live hitler
  16. oohhhhhhhhh cant wait to come over and take totes of the marijuanna smokes........................sucky day, i got 4 hrs of sleep last night i had an in class essay in english and a pop quiz in logic, on the top of tha im stuck at work looking like a fucking zombie
  17. right now im working at the univ that im attending but im going to take a ciggerate brake in a few seconds what are you doing?
  18. aaahhhhhhh never fucking thought of that but i think i overexceded my frustation..........im hitting everybaord and just distroying them
  19. puck

    What Gets You Off?

    man if you cant fucking get a fuckign girlie of then what da fuck is wrong with you.........you must understand women and yourself and know the methods........so "]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm23.gif
  20. heres what i gotta say fuck that caz i define all that to all those who undermine, 3 white people rapping about how much they hate the world, word up to fucking eminem and mother fucking kid rock and lets not fucking forget me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
  21. my favorite candy is butterscotch....to all those who saw KIDS know what im talking about champaign and cavviar to buuuuuttteeeerrrssscoooottttccchhhh
  22. oh i think im more evil today then you eviljav...............to all on this board who fucking hate and think im ignorant and not mature all that bullshit fuck off caz this isnt my fucking day so fuck off bitches blah blah blah blah
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