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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by puck

  1. the picture fits perfect with what you say oh dear atomicapples
  2. CLUB PUCK presented my non other but the guys himself, the outstaning magician of all nighlife, the puck man himself has an international audience rated with 5 stars and so on and so forth
  3. no dont get me wrong number 7 is important............but im the phase where i havent gotten any and its dam frustating
  4. i got to admit that eggnog and peanut butter are the only foods that im addicted to since i lived in the states chunky is my favorite i hope he didnt eat it aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh what the fuck puck
  5. thank you now lets have some drinks............european beer
  6. heres a classic one my dog or rather bitch ate my dam homework and when i tried explaining it to the teacher sihe kicked me out and sent me to the principle.............while i was there i decided to go on a rampage and all went expected to plan.................i got suspended and drank for a 3 days the end
  7. dudes eating cereal with your fingers is like eating rice with does them chops sticks
  8. vikki, seetheart, im deffenely liking you check it i dont care about boston., no offense or anything. i used to live in the states in jersey and d.c. and just moved back to euope(romania) in sept. i ran across this website a while ago, and i used to post in the states but let it go after some time. now i have nothing better to do so i post in boston. simple as that musc: "ive been arund the world".............blah bah blah the song sucks anyway
  9. puck

    Cheer Up...

    dude i just took your advice about a couple of days ago
  10. not alt all my man, but the way i got the name is, i was reading shakesphere's "a midnight summer" and i came across the name and i liked it im nothing like puck from real world. too crazy even for me and plus the mother fucker didnt even know how to treat that beautiful girl, he could've got some.
  11. (i consider all of you women) so here they are 1 i want to taste that butterscotchness(from kids) 2 i want to tender it 3 i need some choclat(as the french would say) and whippy cream( as i say to whip cream) 4 i want to just eat that off 5 i need a flexible women for expiremeting some of that kama sutra thing 6 from time to time i need some ice cubes 7 and i deff need and want an understanding women, kind compassinate, soft, simple but yet intelegent, rasied up nicely, beutiful and deff some one that i kind give my love to
  12. did you just say drama. oh dude how in the world are you ever going to consider this board all about drama. dude whats up with the allegations. dude im not liking your tone welcome my man i'll give you an email, i wanna here that demo
  13. and romania forever.......all those who saw the fight or who are romanian give me a FUCKING HELL YEAH. and those who aren't or who didn't see it give me a another HELL YEAH. :hat:
  14. its not a bad place to be but theres to much coruption, and poverty. even the president is corupt as hell
  15. puck

    Eat me!

    i got one thiing to say..... all of you should shut up......cause club's pussy kat is mine iim licking baby kat......hmmm yum
  16. walking down the street and she looks at you and your looking at her? and what the hell am i suppose to say thiese circumstances, cause i never new what do. or maybe its just one of those moments and there isn't suppose to happen anything i dont know.............what the fuck.....it sounds crazy doesnt it
  17. yeah deff heard of him, his good. he shot a video with this romanian hip-hop group, video is beyond good to be honest \i might go to that but im not really sure, i have to talk to my friends see whats up with the idea
  18. lwts not all get excited yet.......we still have much to do unauthorized he says; blah blah blah blah
  19. puck

    weirdly funny

    one day i decided to look around for wicked wired porn and i ran into that stuff there was a picture of snow white sucking one of dorf's dick.....i deff dont get that stuff but whatever....everyone have there pleasures
  20. i will never be like my father weyes your deff right my man.....some how there is something positvie from them
  21. i was born in bucharest, romania......grew up there untill 8 &1/2 imigranted to the states......stayed there for 11 &1/2 years, then moved back to romania.......and now im getting totured in my native language at a college level and im starting college here in october. i lived in jersey for 10 years and d.c. 1 year(my first year of college was in d.c.)
  22. unless your father is a fucking bastard and the only respect you have is that he gave you life and as for the rest, it doesnt really matter cause he won't change for anything in the world anyway, not even for his son that he hasnt seen in 14 years
  23. i deff know how that feels, i unlike you weyes lived in a communist country and we didnt have the technology or the money so whenever my mom took pictures of me it would be at a very important time in my life but i still have very few pictures as a child
  24. i think he had some bad expiernece but serously what the fuck is up with this question
  25. puck

    weirdly funny

    you should see the cartoon sex the fucked up thing is that some people get off on that
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