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Everything posted by yuhwoo

  1. i'm the same way - i tend to lean toward "bad boys", the ones that are unavailable. the "good boys" tend not to spark my interest, unfortunately. how's that saying go? you always want what you can't have... it all comes down to chemistry. if the chemistry is there, then everything else falls into place. you accept the good and the bad. a person could seem "perfect" - good looks, good heart, etc. - but if there's no chemistry, no spark - then that person is just not right for you.
  2. this show is awesome. i went to see it last summer and it's a trip. very innovative and original. the best part about it is you have no idea what to expect next. and you're right - the energy is unbelievable! i second that recommendation.
  3. welcome, welcome! and if you start feeling yourself getting sucked in, just give into to it. there's really no fighting it...
  4. i was disappointed. kubrick's made better films, i think. i don't know. maybe it was all the hype before it was released, but i was expecting more. perhaps i need to see it again...
  5. i'm definitely voting. it'll be my first time and i wanna make it count!
  6. i think that's the hardest part about being in relationships - especially interracial relationships. no matter how you feel about one another, your family's involvement (if they're disapproving) is bound to put a strain on things. a friend of mine has been dating her boyfriend for over 5 years (she's korean, he's black) and she's tried numerous times to talk to her parents about it. basically they're in denial and refuse to believe that the two of them are serious and plan on staying together. it's a difficult situation, but in the end it's about them, not her parents. it's her choice and they can either learn to live with it or not. anyway, it sounds like you're really happy and i hope things continue to go well.
  7. what about other substances that are in the pill? a tab of e isn't 100% mdma so what about the other stuff? like, if there's speed or something mixed in with the pill - would that show up on the test?
  8. yeah, really...and how does that work anyway? i'm not talking about the procedure, but WHY does plugging make a difference? does it absorb into your system differently or more intensely? i hear that plugging e burns like hell, so i don't understand why this would give anyone a pleasant roll. i personally wouldn't want my ass to feel like flames were coming out of it while i'm rolling - that kinda defeats the purpose, dontcha think? i dunno...just wondering if it's worth it....
  9. whatever you do, DON'T do that. it'll just make you feel worse. you just need some time for the wounds to heal. it may not feel like it now, but i promise, it'll happen...
  10. well, i can't go tonight and i'd really like to check it out this weekend. but fridays are better - i'll keep that in mind for future reference, thanks.
  11. i was thinking of going on saturday - i've never been there. can anyone tell me what the best time to go is? i don't wanna be there when it's empty, but i don't wanna fight the crowd either. thanks
  12. yup, same with me. i felt so left out all day... ok, i think that's a sign of a problem...
  13. just curious as to how long the reagent is good for. i read something somewhere that said you should throw it out after you've opened and closed the bottle enough times. does anyone know if it actually stops working after awhile? thanks.
  14. same with me, but today i wasn't able to get on the site at all. i tried on and off all day and this is the first time i've been able to get on the site. i was forced to actually work today. haha. thought the site was down, but judging from all the posts, i guess i'm the only one that couldn't get on at all...
  15. now that was uncalled for. and anytime you preface anything by saying "i don't usually have a problem with..." sets you up for being labeled a racist. your last post was absolutely unnecessary.
  16. my vote's for the funky spunk. that shit was so funny - i was crying i was laughing so hard.
  17. i got mine too and it's phat! thank you!
  18. it's been years since i dropped acid, but the last time i did it i remember thinking that it would be a brilliant idea to write. it seemed like i was writing in thin air - the page was all 3D, and my pen seemed to have a life of its own. i wrote for pages and pages cuz i kept having these amazing epiphanies... the next day i took a look at what i wrote and it made no damn sense. i was like "what the fuck is this??" it gave me a good laugh though. i realized that everything seems like a good idea when you're all fucked up. then sobriety hits you.
  19. a friend of mine dropped for the first time and she didn't feel anything - she got all the side effects - jaw clenching, dilated pupils, but she didn't actually roll. we dropped the same one and i was definitely feeling it, so i know it wasn't the pill. just wondering if it's common among first-timers not to really feel anything, and will the second time be an improvement? she's wants to try it again to see what the hype is all about, but is afraid it will yield the same results. just curious if anyone else has experienced the same thing. i'd love some feedback. thanks!
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