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Everything posted by karch

  1. I only spike up my hair when I go out. I don't really do anything to my hair through out the week. I just wash it everyday and do nothing to it. Cause all that gel and hairspray or wax or whatever you use is really bad for your hair. What do you guys do??
  2. This collage sucks!!! I'm not even in there!!!!
  3. whaaa sorry man I guess it is you!
  4. I've been getting one a week since a few weeks ago... so i'm not craming that much. I've been doing my homework and readings when I had to so again I'm not craming that much. But still the stress is there for some reason
  5. America doesn't suck. I love the american culture. I was born and raised here. But the US Military and the US goverment... fuck them. I could write pages and pages supporting and explaining myself. But this is a stupid thread anyways. peace.
  6. My car maxed out at 120mph on 287 that's the fastest I ever went
  7. They played it tonight(Wednsday night)
  8. Tribal that's some pretty good shit. Nice story. Very sobering
  9. kitty19 is right though. I mean, I always see them bringing the asians to the side where they search. I don't think I've seen an asian not get searched at Exit. That is fucked up. I'll say 75% of the time I don't get searched at Exit. And when I do get searched, I barely get searched. I remember this one time, this Asian dude in front of me, holy shit the bouncer did the most thorough search on this guy. I was waiting for ever for him to finish searching him. And then when I came up... he just looked inside my hands and patted my pockets and off I was. And i was like, "Damn that's fucked up that the guy totally did a inside out search of him" But if your asian or anyone for that matter and you get searched and they DO find drugs on you, you can't complain. Cause that's like saying, a black man was driving a car that he stole. And then a cop pulled him over, and found out it was a stolen car. The black guy can't complain.
  10. I heard "Trippin" on the top 8 at 8 on The Beat of New York 103.5 the new KTU
  11. HAHA love this post. Truely a classic. Can't believe I read all of it too. Too bad Seaside lost:(
  12. I highly suggest going early for PVD. Line will be around a couple of corners, not just way down the block. I don't like Tiesto either, although I'm not really a PVD fan, I think he's better then Tiesto.
  13. Personally I just keep going. You said you go 3 days a week. So that shouldn't be a problem. If your burn just a little it should be alright. BUt remember to dump on the aloe vera, and do it through out the day, that's probably one of the most important things you can do. If you burn big time though... totally stop until your skin heals again.
  14. I never wore jeans to a club. But I also never been to Joeys
  15. 2 words.... Super Bed. Super beds work the best in my opinion. I go in there and get out ....I'm dark as hell. But ofcourse you gotta build up a good base tan. For that I like to go into the face beds, cause my face gets loses it's tan the first. Plus the face beds are much cheaper then the super beds. First like 2-3 days I go tanning I go in for 15 minutes. I peel out about the first week a littttle bit. Just gotta keep dumping on the moisturizer. I think some of that Aloe Vera shit works really good. Get the gel kind. But after the first few days, I just go the maximum time I could be in there for 20-25 minutes. How come every girl I see working at the tanning salon are hot as hell?
  16. He plays mostly commercial stuff or at least he remixes commercial stuff. Like "Stranger in my house" stuff like that. And he's a KTU DJ I think.
  17. idea sounds good... but I would like it more in the summer time. When it's warmer weather.
  18. What about the Rock N Roll room?? Tunnelbandit loves that room. Last week he tried to get me to go in there. But I didn't want to leave the main floor and miss even a minute of Ricky Corbo's set.
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