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Everything posted by karch

  1. damn..... the idea of S&D at HB was fun while it lasted.
  2. What are you talking about????? Tons of muslims around the world and especially the USA condemn suicide bombers. I have many many many muslim friends and not 1 of them agree with "suicide bombing" idea. And to me there's no difference between a muslim man blowing up a street by strapping a bomb on himself killing innocent civilians or a Israeli tank bulldozing down homes on a street and killing innocent civilians.
  3. Most muslims around the world DO NOT believe the sick fucks that blow themselves up and kill innocent human beings are going to heaven. The people that do these kinds of acts are extremist and radicals and a very small percentage of the worldwide muslim population. These "terrorists" pervert the religon. It is a very very big sin in Islam to commit suicide and/or to kill innocent human civilians. It's like saying about the Catholic Priests that are molesting little children and then saying that all catholics believe it's ok to molest little children. That's really stupid to think that way.
  4. Aight!!! An excuse to go to Hunka Bunka now.
  5. Yeah last night was bangin. The opening DJ played a little bit of Exit cheese, which I sorta like. When Vicious came on, he tore shit up once again. I thought last night was great. The thing that sucked was that I could barely walk at the end of the night last night. I wore my new shoes that I bought recently and wore for the first time last night. And I got blisters on my feet from dancing in them. I guess I still gotta break them in. Nice seeing everyone from CP, MSoprano, Ronimess, Quoth, fiery, and legend.
  6. Damn Bigpoppanalis I'm sorry to hear what happened, that was fucked up. Too bad I didn't get to see you. And Romy that's fucked up also about the 6 dollars each for your coat. I paid 3 dollars at Roxy last night, and every other night for that matter.
  7. Yeah seems like there is a new party at Exit Saturday every week. Hopefully this one will work out for them.
  8. :eek: That's sick right there. Now I'm mad I missed it. I wish it was at a different venue cause I really hate World.
  9. I think it's a good idea. And I think your complaining about it being a temporary memorial. And they should have a better permanant one. Well, your exactly right. It is temporary. And there gonna build a permanant one in the future. I think the lights are there to symbolize the 6 month anniversary or something. I think it's a good idea to have the lights up there as sort of a memorial. I can't think of anything better they could do right now.
  10. I caught it. I was driving down from Massachusettes Saturday night. And then as the NY radio stations were becoming clearer in Conneticut, it was 3am, I turned on KTU hoping Vicious will spin. And it was him. That was siiiiick last night on KTU. I was buggin out in my car. When Vicious throws down a set like he did last night on KTU, he proves to me again how he's my favorite DJ. Too bad I didn't get to record it. That was the only thing I was pissed about.
  11. I'm missing Draper's return tonight. I was up in Massachusetts tonight:(
  12. Better get there by 9pm. Your gonna miss all the fun.
  13. I think the FDNY tried to do everything in there power to help. Maybe as they and everyone else looks back at it, they might of wished they did some things differently. But you can't do that. There are a lot of things in life that you and everyone does everyday and wished they did things differently. At the time that was going on, I think they tried to do the right thing.
  14. I would like to see more info on DJ Tony Draper.
  15. Yeah I did see that. And I've seen tons of video and pictures of the angry palestinian mob that killed the 2 israeli soldeirs. But that's the thing. We see all that all the time in the US media. But the US media fails to show that it's both sides. And there are not really any "good guys" in this war. And this picture shows that it is both sides. And that the US media wouldn't ever show this picture or any like it. Because the US media constantly pushes this idea that "Israel is good, palestinians are bad" But that surely is not the case.
  16. Am I the only one that always hated iio - Rapture??? I always hated this song. I couldn't stand it from the beginning. And now that it's been getting played to death the past 4 months I can't stand it even more...
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