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Everything posted by karch

  1. Last night was sick. I though Roxy was gonna be dead empty cause of PVD at SF. But there was a good amount of people there. I wanted to go to PVD. But with it being packed that you can't move it makes the whole night suck. I learned that on many occasions in the past. I bought a couple of my Exit friends. Finally convinced them to go to Roxy and they loved it. Nero was great. And Johnny Vicious once again was insane. But more insane tonight then usual. He was working almost every track he put down. Also he threw down a lot of tracks I haven't heard before. Also played some of that Vicious trance. Then a little later on, he played the usual tracks he plays. But he was working a lot of the tracks, which made it better. He played this one song last night that I heard it like one time before though and I just realized how sick it was last night. But I can't really remember exactly how it went now. It was around like 4am. And last but not least a lot of the girls were bangin last night. There usually is a lot of bangin girls there, but last night I felt as if there were a lot a lot of bangin girls.
  2. ask Tunnelbandit he usually sets up the meet up every week there. I can't make it this week to Webster hall. It's getting too crazy for me over there
  3. Aight I get to hear Nero again. With Nero and VIcoius it's gonna be a sick night of music again.
  4. Aight... that's great NEro is gonna be opening. He was probably the best opener for JV at Roxy so far.
  5. Don't do it Roxanne. Get your eyebrow pierced, it looks better. But I think your boss wouldn't like either or.
  6. There is no level 6... it only goes as high as level 5
  7. THis was posted and e-mailed to me 3 months ago about 300 times
  8. I don't think there is a track out yet that will be the "summer anthem" I think we'll know in about a month.
  9. Friday nights: Johnny Vicious Saturday nights: Eddie Baez; afterhours: Jonathan Peters
  10. I just don't like that club at all. It doesn't even feel like a club in there.
  11. I think I had a dream about a board member once. But I forget who, what, where and when.
  12. I'll probably definately be there this time. It don't really matter for me when the meet-up is. I got class unti 9pm on Thursdays, so I'll head over there straight from class probably.
  13. THat's what I'm talking about!!! Forget the music down there. I could get that in NYC anyday. It's all about the eye candy, getting drunk off your ass all week and getting laid.
  14. No I think any way you kill innocent civilians weather it be "armies" or "terrorists." But those "armies" to me are terrorists. Armies are supposed to kill soldiers not innocent civilians. Bombs that drop out of the sky and hit someones home and murders a whole family. Is just as unexpected and devestating as a suicide bomber in the middle of the street blowing up a family. They have different ways of getting there, but they both have the same result.
  15. The problem with that. You are saying the truth but not the WHOLE truth. ANd I think that's where most of the misconceptions of the muslim religon comes in. But I don't think they was anything about the "wholesale slaughter of his enemies." Yes they did believe in holy war and killing the enemy(the non-believers). But keep in mind. That's just one little part of it. You gotta explain everything not just one thing. Because in the Koran it also states, NOT to kill INNOCENT CIVILIANS. Killing soldiers in a holy war is alright. Cuase that's what a war is... soldiers killing attacking each other. But not one place int he Koran does it justify killing innocent civilians. It's sad that these "terrorist" think they are doing a holy cause. But they are not.
  16. I totally agree with you on that. They need to build there countries up. ANd they very well can. Many arab countries have all that oil wealth. But they need to have a thing where they could work together. Build a good education base for all there citizens, industrialize. They need new leadership. Most leaders in the arab world really mostly care only about themselves. If they stay in power and they themselves are rich. There all good. INstead of complaining about how bad the US and Israel is they should look at themselves. Especially the leaders. But then again you gotta look at it that they've been getting fucked up the ass by europe and western powers for a few hundred years. But I think instead of preaching hate about the west. They need to first help themselves.
  17. I agree with everything you say. THose people that crashed those planes into the buildings did think they were going to paradise. But ofcourse they were misled. And about the US having a hand in creating our situation today. Yeah I agree with that also. But that's a whole different subject. But even if that is true, those guys that crashed the plane into the WTC are still sick fucks. I don't really believe in eye for an eye.
  18. Damnnn if he does open a new place and it's anything close to how the Tunnel was. I'll be soooo happy.
  19. I got some too. Now I'm pissed though. I saw like 10 guys at Roxy last night with "too busy to fcuk" shirts.
  20. lolol I'm laughing at the fact that the kid sounded like he really believed in what he was saying. Although I like Draper myself, he's no where near Johnny Vicious.
  21. OH MY GOD!!! So fucken true. I cannot watch that shit. I get toooooo fucken jealous. I wish I was down there this week. I get so depressed when I watch the Cancun spring break stuff.
  22. Holy shit I can't believe you got that.
  23. They might be askign for too much money maybe?
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