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Everything posted by karch

  1. I personally had another great night at Roxy. Didn't see any CP peeps, only nychunk and DaVe. Same shit as usual, bangin girls, bangin beats, vibe was awesome like usual. They had this airbrush temporary tattoo table set up. Somehow I got talked into getting a butterfly on my shoulder. I didn't realize it was a butterfly until my friend said, "Dude why you got a butterfly on shoulder??" Anyways all in all it was a great night again.
  2. I'm probably gonna be down in Seaside the whole weekend. So I don't know if I'm gonna make it back up north to hear Vicious at Roxy. I'm so pissed that I might miss it. About the July 3rd night, I have no fucken clue. Its a toss up between Roxy, Exit and Webster Hall.
  3. I fucken can't stand that song...... I hated it when it first came out, and it hasn't grown on me since. I hate it!!!
  4. Hmm I'm wondering the same thing. I think Rizzo might go back on the turntables maybe??? I'm not too hot about hearing Dirty Vegas tonight. I'll be there anyways.
  5. Your right about the Johnny Vicious thing. That's the reason what started most of us going there. I would like it more if he was there more often then just once a month. About the International DJs thing, I could personally care less. I'm all for the local talent. I'm not that big on the whole international DJ thing. If I wanted to hear them though I would just go to Exit or whereever there DJing. Plus Vicious ripped it up the first week as he usually does, Tsettos was destroying it the 2nd week, and Ojeda did a great a job last night. So I think this whole local talent thing is workin for Roxy. I like it how it's going.
  6. That happens mostly everywhere. I think givin on any night at Exit. If you ask everyone who's the DJ that night...at least half wouldn't know, but I think that number is close to 70%. I remember one time at Roxy, I didn't have my contacts on, and they had the stage area closed off, so I couldn't really see who was DJing. Then I went to 3 people near there, "Do you know if Johnny Vicious is DJing right now?" And they looked at me and told me "Who's that?" "I don't know who that is"
  7. I got it 3 years ago. It didn't hurt at all when I got it...I didn't even know the piercer was piercing it until he told me he finished. . But about 5 hours later it started to hurt a lot, it got swollen and everything. Had to eat soft foods for about a week. It continued to hurt a lot for a week. But after that you'll love it.
  8. Tsettos riiiiipppppped it up last night. I was amazed. I really didn't know what to expect from him. He really tore it up. I didn't see any CP people there, except nychunk. Come to think of it, a few people that told me this morning that they went last night, I didn't see most of them either. It got packed later then usual. Jules or Julia whatever her name is on KTU was really hot too. It was funny cause I was having a convo with my friend before I was going there wondering if she was hot or not.
  9. slipping the bouncer checking your ID a 20 or something has worked for people that I know. I never tried personally.
  10. IT's all an image. It's funny me and my freind last week were like, "why does everyone have spiked up hair, sunglasses, fcuk or diesel tight shirts and faded jeans, and have fake tans????" And then we were like, "Wait a sec, that's how we are" lolol. It's just all an image. Like what's the "in" thing now. In a year or 2 it'll probably be something different.
  11. Why is Quoth in the hospital... what happened? Anyways I hope he gets better...
  12. Meetup was cool. But Roxy was offff the hook!!! There were mad hot girls there. Mike Rizzo was playing all those KTU songs... it was aight. I like hearing them and bugging out to them. Vicious came on, he tore it up. Nice seeing everyone, DaVe, nychunk, debbie, jess, larry, robin, bigpoppanils, zehra, codica, sexxyh, racheal1997, hitoroki... i think that's all.... Anyways Roxy was definately off the hook. Can't wait till next Friday for Denny Tsettos! About the phazon system, coudn't erally tell a difference. I'm not too into that technical shit.
  13. I run into the most often as of late... Roninmess bebby6919 legend38 Bigpoppanalis nychunk
  14. ARe there any TV's at Calle Nueve???? I wanan watch the Finals game 2...
  15. hrmmm this actually makes me wanna go and check the place out.
  16. yeah how much is it for guys to get in with guestlist? And what time can you use the guestlist till..... if there is a guestlist.
  17. Lakers are going down at the hands of the NJ Nets!!! LETS GO NETS!!!
  18. Dude I suggest not to do it. Your still a student, why fuck up your credit now? Just pay the minimum payment on your credit cards or whatever. 15,000+ that's a lot even for minimum payments. It also matters where you have that 15,000 dollars of debt. Maybe seek some kind of financial advisor first. Cause dude your still young. Your still in school. Your still yet to get a job. Just try to pull through college then once you graduate and have at the least a decent job. Then you start really paying off your debt. That's my advice. Nevertheless, good luck.
  19. Stop being a sore loser. Pierce was talking shit before the series even began, and now he got his mouth shut. Celtic fans should learn from that.
  20. Turkey - Brazil tomorrow morning at 5am!! Lets go Turkey!!!
  21. Are there a lot of people there? What's the price at the door? Me and my friends were thinkin about going last night. But didn't. The commercials on KTU make it seem like it's the greatest place in the world.
  22. I believe it's the drug use not really the clubbing, that makes you lose your memory.
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