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Everything posted by karch

  1. damn if this is true. wowowow. That night is my 21st birthday also. shiiiiiiiiit
  2. Happy Birthday Debbie, I dunno if I'm gonna be at Roxy this Friday to see you take your 21 shots. But I just wanna wish you good luck.
  3. neverminds.....I was thinking of PartyGras, the annual KTU part at Exit held in March not Mardigras the party Exit is having next week.
  4. karch


    A&F ain't that bad. I got like 4-5 things from there... there good for certain things.
  5. On a serious note, to answer your question. There's not really a place where it's easier to get women then another place. It's all pretty much level ground. Either you gotta have good game or lower your standards. Good luck out there.
  6. I started using Rogaine about 3-4 months ago... It definately stops/really slows down the process of your hair falling out. It's a little bit of a pain to put it on and wait for it to dry up, also causes some irritation on your scalp with it. My dermatologist said Rogaine more or less is great for stopping hair loss, not really effective for regrowing hair. I just started using Propecia about a month ago. There's a lot of rave reviews about Propecia. There's a new drug that is coming out for hair loss, some what of a stronger Propecia, it's called Dutasteride. It's been approved by the FDA last year I read. It's due to come out sometime in the very near future. At first I thought my hair was falling out cause of all the gel and styling products I put in my hair, but my dermatologist told me, hair loss only happens for hereditary hair loss. That it didn't matter how much gel or anything you put. He says it's a common myth.
  7. My obsession changes all the time, something new all the time. Right now it's bandana's, jeans, sunglasses, and fcuk and diesel shirts.
  8. karch


    Yes, it's really pronounced BEEEEEEE-BEEEEEEE
  9. Aight!! Vicious this Friday is gonna be sick. The only open date in October is the 11th. So does that mean Vicious is gonna be there on that date in the month of October?
  10. I had a pair of faded jeans, and my stupid ass washed them in warm water a few times and the fade pretty much faded away. The dark blue dye blended into the part that was supposed to be faded. And they say they "Bleech Blast" it...so..... I first tried bleaching it, with a scrubber thing and some clorox to where the fade was orginally was. It didn't help very much, just made it a little lighter. Then ofcourse I remember hearing some jeans are "Sand Blasted." So I took some sand paper and rubbed the part that was supposed to be faded. And I gotta say it worked really well.. So I say try to use the sand paper. It takes about 5-10 minutes, make sure you rub hard though.
  11. I think it's really unattractive if anyone does any kind of drug that often. For example I know this one girl. She's really hot and everything you could imagine. But she smokes weed almost every single day. And when you try to have a convo with her even when she's not high, she just seems so dumb and out of it. No one should do drugs that much, it fucks up your head and a fucked up head isn't attractive.
  12. I got mine last Friday. When you show your card at the table, he takes your old card and gives you a new one. I don't think they are gonna mail it out.
  13. Is Johnny Vicious gonna be there? ON his website it says "Every third Friday of the month" And this coming Friday will be the 3rd Friday of the month. Can anyone confirm he's gonna be there?
  14. damn, i turn 21, exactly a month from today. My 21st falls on a Saturday, so it'll be Factory for me that night. Have fun on Monday night....LOLOLOL
  15. I'm gonna probably hit it up this Friday. I haven't been there since May.... I heard good and bad things about it lately.
  16. lololol... :laugh: in a way that's true. Roxy is the shit. But it's been getting a lil off track from what it used to be earlier. There trying to be like other clubs in the city too much in my opinion. I liked the way it was before, with a lot of vocals being played.. and blah blah...and bringing in Tsettos, Ojeda and Vicious. Those days were great. It's still a great club. Definately worth checking it out and seeing for yourself.
  17. Damn that's a really great article. Really really sad:( :(
  18. DAMNNN!!! I dunno if I'm gonna make it Friday night. I'm having a party at my house at Rutgers. But I'm gonna see if I can, I could just go a lil later, but I dunno if I'll be sober enough to drive to the city. Anyways, Bugout, If I'm no there, I wish you the best of luck tomorrow night. If I miss it, I know I'll be missing a sick set. Karch
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