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Everything posted by karch

  1. LMAO!!! :laugh: I was thinking about goign to Exit last night. But after the night I had there 2 weeks ago. I kinda vowed to myself I won't go back there for a while. I'm pissed though I missed Silence being played at Exit again. I miss hearing that at Exit, with all the blue lights and the snow, ahhh memories. I can't believe they didn't play final chapter. Was his first song after Draper does his "You are now listening to the soundz of DJ Tony DRaper", was it Blow it the speakers??? And what's this I hear, Cody went back to Exit???? :D
  2. I'm 75% sure I'm going this year. Fuck WMC Bigpop, you gotta come to Cancun. Forget that music and DJ stuff... It's all about drinking, girls, drinking, girls, drinking, girls, down at Cancun.
  3. Fuck Louie Devito. He gives KTU a bad name. It's all about the RIDDLER!!!!! Now he's the fucken man! RSL Friday nights!!! :eek:
  4. I hate that too, when something goes on sale I bought it. Even if it goes on sale like 3 months after I bought it, I still get pissed.
  5. I remember back when I bought NYC Underground vol 1, 2, and 3. I loved those CDs when I bought them. But back then I hardly knew anything about dance music. Then Vol 4 came out, which I thought was a joke, and then Dance FActory which was an even bigger joke. I still love the Vol 1,2,3 though. Wasn't Volume 3 the #1 selling dance CD of all-time?
  6. AGE: 21 TOWN: Ramsey, NJ. and New Brunswick, NJ for school SINGLE/RELATIONSHIP?: Single FAVORITE BARS/CLUBS: Roxy, Exit, SF, Joeys, Metro Lounge HAIR/EYE COLOR: Black hair, brown eyes HOBBIES: Music, dancing, working out, studying. COLLEGE/PROFESSION: Junior at Rutgers University, and I work at the Rutgers Gym part-time LOVES: Girls, Music, alcohol, and politics HATES: two-faced people, ignorant people and people that lie
  7. I think I heard a commercial for this place on KTU a few times the past month. Let me know how it is if you go. I still gotta check out Cyberia in LI...
  8. 50 bucks for PVD is wayy too much. I was about to buy the 40 dollar ticket online a day or 2 ago, cause I miss Roxy, and then i saw the 50.... i was like nooooooo wayyyyy. Give me Johnny Vicious at 25 dollars any day, I'll be satisfied. I guess Made Events or who ever is profiting from this event won't be getting ANY of my money.
  9. Thanks for the website by the way. Anyways I like the KTU dance factory. In particular Level 5. And I heard Skribble tear it up on a few occassions, but it's very very rare occassion that he does. But I shit you not, when Skribble tears it up, he really tears it up.
  10. fuck off danwilson's nuts already. As for the original topic of the thread, I think Johnny is still a montly resident. It's only been less then 2 weeks since he last DJed at Roxy. So I guess just be a lil more patient, he'll be there next month probably. Too bad though, it can't be back in the good ole days when he was there every Friday.
  11. It hit me a couple of weeks ago that summer was over. But fuck it, without the fall/winter, I don't think we'd appreciate the summer as much. My favorite is that first really hot day(s) right ater winter around March/April. I get all siked up for the summer. I hate coat check too, I don't start bringing my coat inside with me until liike December. And for some places I don't even bring it all year round cause their coat check is just too ridiculous.
  12. Bro..... I can't afford the 50 dollars for cover, and one of my freinds that's coming out tonight can't afford the 50 also. And I blew mad money last night at Joeys in Clifton on drinks. I didn't know turning 21 is this costly. But anyways sorry bro, it's gonna be Draper for me tonight.
  13. What was Woo's track selection like... what type of music did he play? I heard him at Roxy and I thought he was off the meter. I was gonna go Metro last night to hear Woo, but ended up at Joeys.
  14. For me Exit started on the downhill since beginning of summer 2001. I was going every single week from Summer 2000 all the way to December 2001 when Roxy opened up with there Sexy Friday party. I think the point where itjust totally went downhill was after the renovations. It just wasn't the Exit that I grew to love. Exit it totally not how it used to be for me now. I dunno what it is. I remember the balcony used to be a safe haven for me if the crowd on the mainfloor got to packed. But it's not even that anymore, there's no more room with all those stupid ass booths sticking out, and when i do wanna find a seat to sit down in, I go to each and everyone of those booths and I find people all drugged up and passed out with glowsticks waving in front of people's faces. It's just like WTF. Nevertheless, there's still a special place for Exit in me. I've been trying to hit it up once a month for the past few months. I had good times, but nothing like the times I had 2 years ago at Exit. The last really great night at Exit was on 4/26 this year for Draper's return. Might be even the best night of Exit for me ever. It was almost like old times that night.
  15. When I was 17, I was hangin out at the mall, movies, playing basketball at the local park. etc. But even back then I had this small little desire to see what clubbing was like. I just waited and knew my time will eventually come. Never went to a club until I was 18.
  16. Yeah, so what's the actual deal with this Crobar? I was thinking about it a few days ago when if ever they are gonna re-open.
  17. Damn everyone is ripping on this kid. He's still young, he probably was working at the mall or Pathmark or some shit. It's aight if he quits his job and just gets money from his parents. Now, maybe if someone is 30 and is still getting money from their parents, then there's a problem. As for j123, just wait till your 18, under 18 people shouldn't be clubbing every weekend. Once a month at teen nights is good enough.
  18. I'm going to Factory tonight. It's my 21st birthday, and i never really tried to do that go in after 4am thing if your under 21, so it's gonna be my first time there going to FActory on a Saturday night. I never heard JP before, I hope he's as good as everyone is saying he is. I'm gonna go in there with very very high expectations tonight.
  19. Yeah, I hate the winter too, bein all pale white and shit. I still have a few sessions at my tanning salon that I go to left.. about like 4-5 more. I go pretty much once a week. I think once there done though, I'm not gonna go anymore till spring starts. I try to give skin a break for the winter time. I never tried the spray booth at hollywood tans. But last winter I did use sunless tanning spray. It worked pretty good. I didn't get orange at all. I didn't get like a deep dark tan also like I would at a tanning salon or going to the beach, but it gave me some color so I don't look pale white. The only thing with that you gotta be careful to apply it evenly and give it time to dry or else it could streak. Also wash your hands immediately after you put it on cause the inside of my hands got orange once cause I didn't wash my hands right after I put the sunless tanning spray on.
  20. I don't neccesarily have "roomates"(someone I share a room with), but I got I guess you could call them "housemates"(people I share a house with.) And I like pretty much all 5 of em...
  21. $20 for Johnny Vicious at Roxy is all I need. I wouldn't pay $40-50 to hear Tiesto, PVD or any of those international dudes. But that's mostly because I don't really have that much money to spend on a cover. But for real, something gotta be done about these club admissions. $40-50 to enter club and hear a DJ? I don't care what club or what DJ it is. But hey, as long as it's packed (which it most definately will) and were paying $40-50 they'll charge $40-50+.
  22. Definately my favorite store. check out www.frenchconnection.com US customers could order there whole selection online now. Not just the "too busy to fcuk" or "cool as fcuk" shirts, like they used to only sell online.
  23. The official Exit website is www.exit2nightclub.com Any other Exit website is just a promoter site.
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